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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Rare: Our future products will "surprise" people

Sounds interesting heres the piece.


Rare's studio manager, Mark Betteriedge, has told that some of the company's future products will "surprise a lot of people, both in terms of what they are and the different styles".

Talking in an interview, the first part of which will be published tomorrow, he explained that one of the studio's roles as a first party developer was to change the perception of the Xbox 360 from just being a "shooter box, or a hardcore box," and "change the conventional thinking of games and entertainment".

Answering a question on the future of Rare as part of Microsoft Game Studios, following the closure of Ensemble earlier this year, he explained his confidence: "In terms of the Xbox 360 or Xbox as a brand it's really now coming into what people would see as our forte in terms of product, in terms of where the price point would be.

"It's been somewhat of a struggle at times - we did Kameo and Viva Pinata, and people often ask me if VP was a success, and I point out that it sold a million units for a game in which you're gardening, hunting and attracting animals on a box that people would see - if you ask the general public, they'll see it as a shooter box, or a hardcore box.

"It's about changing that perception, and Microsoft is very committed to doing that, because that's a great market to have. The core market is finite, and it's probably reaching saturation point with a lot of those customers, so I'd see our future within Microsoft as very much about helping to expand that, as we've been doing in the past, but the advantage we've got now is price point I suppose - the recent cut in Europe has been dramatic in terms of sales.


"It's more about what we will do to change conventional thinking of games and entertainment. I don't see us fighting the same battles as everybody else, I think some of the products we'll do going forward will surprise a lot of people, both in terms of what they are and the different styles. I think that will be good."


And when asked whether the latest Banjo title would be the last of Rare's "conventional" titles, he explained more about the key aspects that the company would be focusing on in future.

"I see [Banjo] as fairly conventional, but it's a twist on an established genre," he said. "When we built that Banjo we didn't just want to build another high-def platform game in the same style as before, we wanted to do something new in terms of what the gameplay would be.


"That theme of doing something new with gameplay runs through everything we're doing going forward - whether that's how you play the game, how you interface with the game."

The first part of the interview with Mark Betteridge will be published tomorrow.


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Well, let's see. They screwed with Banjo and turned it from a AAA platformer to a vehicle building crapfest. I'm guessing their next "surprise" will be that Killer Instinct 3 will, in fact, be some sort of dating simulation. Can't wait to bang Orchid!

Keep this in mind when reading what I type...

I've been gaming longer than many of you have been alive.


I've always been a Maya person myself. I'm excited about this new date sim now!

By life end:

  • Wii- 100 million+
  • Xbox360- 35~40 million
  • PS3- 30 million
  • PSP- 30~32 million ------------- FAILURE
  • NDS- 85~90 million (Skeptical)  - FAILURE
  • NDS- 100 million+ (Optimistic) -- Success!



Im very unhappywith what Rares been doing to these franchises. Personally, I would have prefered the AAA platformer anyday, and this is coming from a guy who hates platformers(besides Klonoa) with a passion! That said, a lot of people liked the new Banjo game, so its not all bad.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

dougsdad0629 said:
Well, let's see. They screwed with Banjo and turned it from a AAA platformer to a vehicle building crapfest. I'm guessing their next "surprise" will be that Killer Instinct 3 will, in fact, be some sort of dating simulation. Can't wait to bang Orchid!

Man, I can't believe how easy it is to "judge a book by its cover!" Awesome post there mate! ;)

See also: Call of Duty: World at War.

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

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I liked Viva Pinata a lot.

Banjo is lots of fun as well.

I for welcome new and different types of gameplay. I find it rather amusing listening to the bitterness from some of the old school fans who want the same old same old.

Completed X360:
High Def Movie Collection

Oh, I forgot about the Conker spin-off they have planned. It's a virtual pet title in which you adopt the Great Mighty Poo and take care of him. You know...throw pieces of corn for him to fetch, feed him, etc. Just don't pet him. Yuck!

Keep this in mind when reading what I type...

I've been gaming longer than many of you have been alive.

the last game i bought from them was n64 days. dk 64

that means they suck since then.

jasonnc80 said:
I liked Viva Pinata a lot.

Banjo is lots of fun as well.

I for welcome new and different types of gameplay. I find it rather amusing listening to the bitterness from some of the old school fans who want the same old same old.

Please don't misunderstand.  I would have had zero problem with Rare creating an entirely new game in which they do the vehicle building.  Alternately, I wouldn't have had a problem with them incorporating vehicle building as a part of a traditional platforming Banjo.  What they did was completely change a franchise's focus.  I guarantee you there will be more than a few people who buy the game without having read any reviews simply because it's Banjo and have no idea that it's not what they're expecting.


Keep this in mind when reading what I type...

I've been gaming longer than many of you have been alive.

I think it's great the MS seem to be allowing Rare to make the games they want to make, rather than forcing them to churn out the sequels that people expect.