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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3.5 and XBOX540

What would you guys think about this scenario?

A new SKU which upgraded processors/drive speed/drive space for either of the two consoles that would be backward compatible allowing them to play ps360 games but with almost no load times and more drive space.

The PS360 would be forward compatible with the ps3.540 (ps3.5/xbox540), except they would just be the normal consoles we have now that include load times etc etc.

However, game manufacturers would be required to use the ps360 as the standard so that new games didn't go beyond the capabilites of the ps360.

Of course this would probably ensure that the price would be the same as the old new-release prices of the ps360:

Now, here is the kicker.
PS3.540 would be forward compatible with the ps420 (ps4/xbox720 heh) (also, please do not make any jokes about me being the one who is high, because I thought of that joke first.... at least in this thread)

Except, that the ps3.540 would have about the same capabilities of the ps360 in regards to the next gen. Here is a graph to explain:

Playstation 3 forward compatible with / BC Playstation 3.5 forward compatible with/ BC Playstation 4  
 100% perf.    150% perf. of ps3     50% perf of ps4 PS3 BC/ 100% perf. of ps4 ps3 incapable of ps4 games
Xbox 360 forward compatible with / BC Xbox 540 forward compatible with / BC Xbox 720  
100% perf.   150% perf. of 360     50% perf of 720 360 BC/ 100% perf. of 720 360 incapble of 720 games

To lighten any confusion, release of a ps3.540 would be marketed as more of a Rolls Royce model with a 15 year life span!! or maybe something like that :P

Further clarification analogy: (the idea extends beyond loading times, but this is a good measure)

ps360 has load times

ps3.5 would not have load times for ps360 games

ps420 would not have load time for ps420 games

ps3.5 would have load times for ps420 games

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Well this is a very different generation than we have seen before...
In addition to the fact that this gens consoles have been more like pcs than ever before.
Could something like this either:
a) seal sonys coffin?
b) keep sony alive another gen?

This would confuse people more than the current set-up of multiple SKUs.

I went back to console gaming because I didn't like the mess that was PC gaming. If consoles go to it, someone will make a console that is different and get all the sales.

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


Yeah but that is the beauty of the 3.540, you don't really have to release it as a different console, just an "rolls royce" model.

Would anyone buy one of these at 600$ if it guaranteed no load times and half a terrabyte of space, and would be able to play next-next gen games?

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Umm, i said that the ps3.540 would be capable of playing ps420 games.
PS3 games would stay the same, but in the way a ps3 would be comparable to a ps3.5 in terms of capability, the ps3.5 would be comparable to the ps4 in terms of capability.

you should frame your comment for future use :P I drew a graph and everything.

RolStoppable said:
theprof00 said:
Umm, i said that the ps3.540 would be capable of playing ps420 games.
PS3 games would stay the same, but in the way a ps3 would be comparable to a ps3.5 in terms of capability, the ps3.5 would be comparable to the ps4 in terms of capability.

you should frame your comment for future use :P I drew a graph and everything.

In your previous post you asked if someone would buy a PS3.540 at the price of $600. This suggests purchasing the system way before PS420 is launched, at a time when game developers are not allowed to use the graphical capabilities of the PS3.540. By the time game developers are allowed to harness the power of the PS3.540, the PS420 will already be out.

Only then would the PS3.540  become a good choice, because PS420 games wouldn't be allowed to have better graphics than PS3.540 games. So the obvious choice between PS3.540 and PS420 would be to buy one of the PS3.540 systems because they would only cost half as much as a PS420 system while offering the same games.

Your thread is totally stupid.

Why do you think that ps3.540 would only be as capable as ps360? Ps3.540 would be much more "Capable" when it was released, just not being used to maximum capability. This extra power would be what allows it to play ps420 games.

 Rol being defensive ftw.

I think it's a bad scenario to be honest. It would cost too much money and by time it came out, it wouldn't make them enough...not to mention, if it had 50% of the power of the true next gen consoles, it couldn't handle the games like you're saying. It would only be able to handle the shitty games, like madden or any other sports game, or any low-budget games.

I've always thought that for things like ram and HDD, they should allow you to upgrade...and right now, you can upgrade HDD. Why shouldn't I be able to buy another stick of RAM for my PS3? It would help the console perform better, and games would not be built to the upgraded specifications, so it wouldn't be necessary - if I wanted it, it would be on perks aside from performance - and I'd still buy it.

That's just me tho.

No I said that the ps3.540 would be as capable of playing ps430 games as ps360 is of playing ps360 games.
This is the analogy, it extends beyond load times.

ps360 has load times

ps3.5 would not have load times for ps360 games

ps420 would not have load time for ps420 games

ps3.5 would have load times for ps420 games

it would also work this way it terms of slowdowns, mandatory installs, memory capabilities, wattage use, soon and so forth.

Sounds like a PC. I already have two of those...