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Mendicate Bias
I think you may be wrong on that one. How much difference was there between the first games released on the xbox and the last? not a huge difference. And difference between the first games on the PS2 and the last? Very noticeable. The same will happen with the PS3 and 360. Devs will find and have said that the 360 is easy to code for and end up getting a high end of capability out of it. The PS3 is renowned as a bitch to code, as the PS2 was. Still it will be a while yet before devs really learn to ring the neck out of the PS3.


 assumption is the mother of all f**k ups 

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You know, I'm pretty sure I got a good deal on my Xbox 360 Pro which came with 2 free games and because of my military deal, I didn't have to pay shipping or tax on the thing. My 60-gig Xbox360 Pro cost me exactly $289. I'm not interested in online play, but would like the Wi-Fi simply to download updates and game content and the like. Thankfully, the Pelican wi-fi adapter for the Xbox360 is "only" about $60 or $70. Quite a bit cheaper than the one MS makes.

For now, I'm just really enjoying the hell out of the thing. I wrapped up Kung Fu Panda and Lego Indiana Jones for my kid for Christmas since I'm actually not interested in those two games. More fun playing Bioshock, Burnout Revenge, and Crimson Skies.

joshin69 said:
Mendicate Bias
I think you may be wrong on that one. How much difference was there between the first games released on the xbox and the last? not a huge difference. And difference between the first games on the PS2 and the last? Very noticeable. The same will happen with the PS3 and 360. Devs will find and have said that the 360 is easy to code for and end up getting a high end of capability out of it. The PS3 is renowned as a bitch to code, as the PS2 was. Still it will be a while yet before devs really learn to ring the neck out of the PS3.

While that observation about the last gen is correct, I think it's also misleading. When the last gen started, console developers had almost no experience with 3D engine programming, which is one of the reasons why there was such a big difference between the initial and later PS2 games.

In this gen, the best 3D programmers have already had a few years solid to work on the PS3, and the learning curve is only based on the hardware, not 3D engine programming itself which eluded many console developers in 2001.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Still as i remember mid way through the PS2's life Devs were implying There was more to come because they had only just got to grips with the hardware. Anyway its just an educated guess based on history. The future will prove me right or wrong.


 assumption is the mother of all f**k ups 

NJ5 said:
joshin69 said:
Mendicate Bias
I think you may be wrong on that one. How much difference was there between the first games released on the xbox and the last? not a huge difference. And difference between the first games on the PS2 and the last? Very noticeable. The same will happen with the PS3 and 360. Devs will find and have said that the 360 is easy to code for and end up getting a high end of capability out of it. The PS3 is renowned as a bitch to code, as the PS2 was. Still it will be a while yet before devs really learn to ring the neck out of the PS3.

While that observation about the last gen is correct, I think it's also misleading. When the last gen started, console developers had almost no experience with 3D engine programming, which is one of the reasons why there was such a big difference between the initial and later PS2 games.

In this gen, the best 3D programmers have already had a few years solid to work on the PS3, and the learning curve is only based on the hardware, not 3D engine programming itself which eluded many console developers in 2001.




What are you talking about?  There was a whole generation prior to the PS2 where developers cut their teeth on 3-D gaming.  Not to mention constant PC advancement.  Developers had been working with 3-D and polygonal gameplay since the 16-bit generation at the very least with titles like Doom (which did feature 3-D arenas, but 2-D characters), StarFox, Stunt Race FX, Virtua Fighter, Virtua Racing, Out of this World/Another World, and Flashback to name a few.  The reasons the games looked so different from first gen to last on the PS2 are thus:

1.  Discounting the Dreamcast, it was the first to market, so effort was made to quickly capitalize on it.  Early games were made to get to market quickly and learn the hardware, not push or optimize the hardware.  By the time the Xbox and GameCube hit, developers were very comfortable with the limits and strengths of the generation.  (A similar pattern happened this time as the Xbox 360 featured a lot of launch titles that were barely an improvement over the Xbox, and once developers learned the strengths of the system, it was easy to carry those over to the PS3--by the end of this gen, the Xbox360 will appear to have improved more than the PS3.)

2.  The PS2 was notorious for being the hardest hardware to work with last generation.  Figuring out how to unlock all of it's secrets and quirks was a much more difficult task for developers than on the high-ceiling limit of the Xbox or the effeciently crafted, developer-friendly GameCube (built to address the issues that the N64 was notoriously difficult to use in the previous generation).  This means that jumping on-board with the PS2 with high-quality hits immediatly was almost impossible.  The learning curve was too high.

3.  The PS2 was the highest-selling, most-used, first-used system.  Multiplatform games were generally built on the PS2 first, meaning that the GC and Xbox ended up getting a lot of ports that could've actually looked much better.  The PS2 was also the highest-selling and therefore, most heavily focused system from developers meaning they had a lot more time to unlock it's secrets than they did with the GC or Xbox which were generally secondary considerations for multiplatform titles.

4.  Time.  The PS2 is still kicking (and still a small thorn in the side of the PS3).  It's been around for 8 years.  That's 8 years for developers to pry out every available secret, trick, and quirk of the console.  The Xbox lasted 4 and the GameCube only 5.  Those two systems were killed off before they'd been fully tapped.  Imagine how much more advanced Xbox or GC games could've looked if they hadn't been killed off early.

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@Resident_Hazard: I was talking about console developers, not PC developers. The generation before the PS2 didn't use CPU-intensive 3D graphics as much as PC games of the time did.

Compare that with the PS3 and 360 where you got some of the best 3D programmers working on it from the moment the console launched.

I do agree with your other reasons though.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Chronicles of Riddick and Halo 2 came out near the end of the xbox's life and were a step up from any other game. If MS hadn't been forced to end the xbox's life early I'm sure we would have seen even better looking games. Also Since the ps2 was the dominant console many developers had to work on the ps2 and explored every nook and cranny of that console learning how to squeeze all the juice out of it. The PS3 doesn't have the luxury of 3rd party exclusives and mass development anymore so developers won't see the need to deal with unnecessarily difficult hardware or at least wont attempt to exploit it to its full potential.


                      The definitive evidence that video games turn people into mass murderers

joshin69 said:
Mendicate Bias
I think you may be wrong on that one. How much difference was there between the first games released on the xbox and the last? not a huge difference.

Hum Hum !

Nooooo absolutly not.... we saw games with the quality of Gears 2 from the very beginning ... yeaaa right...


Evan Wells (Uncharted 2): I think the differences that you see between any two games has much more to do with the developer than whether it’s on the Xbox or PS3.

xman said:
Soul_tech10 said:

Hello fellow gamers. I have been looking all over the internet and I am seeing questions and threads asking which console is more convinient. The Sonyians say that theirs is the Microsoftish say that theirs is, which leaves the person who asked the question all cnfused.

I will now say they truth about both console without involving any means of bashing, fanboying etc, etc...

If one wants to buy an Xbox 360 then they have 3 choices: Arcade, Premium and Elite.

 The Arcade is the basic version and has no HDD which you will need to buy. price  $/€180  £130The Premium is the most bought version of the Xbox 360. It has a 60 GB HDD and includes all wires necessary for TV's and contains a headset. price $299, €239 £169. The Elite is the most special and nicest version. It's matte black and has a 120 GB HDD, and once again all cables and a headset. price $399, €/£299.

Now let's move onto the PS3.

The PS3  is available in one main hardware version which is named after the size of its HDD. The 80GB version, a limited edition 160GB version is also available.The PS3 contains a Blu-ray drive, a HDD, intergrated wi-fi, free online play. price £299, $/€399.

Summary: The Xbox 360 is cheaper thanb the PS3  in terms of shelf price but buying the Arcade version means buying a HDD of either 20GB or 120GB that cost  $/€100 and €/$ 180 respectively, you might also need the wi-fi adapter that costs another €/$ 100. Then there is online play that costs €/$ 50 a year. So buy adding it all up just for the first year an xbox 360 Arcade will cost between $/€ 430 and 510 (depending on which HDD you buy) and will cost an extra 50 each year. buying the premium means that a wi-fi adapter will also be necessary, onlin play isn't free either so it will cost again for the first year $449, €389, Buying the Elite also means buyiing a wi-fi adapter and paying for online play, so$549, €449. The Playstation 3 comes with everything in the bos, HDD, Wi-Fi, free online play, Blu-ray and many other features, so by paying a one time fee of 399 you will save both money and time.

I did my part, the rest is up to you...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Another one of these threads, I can this was slanted to the PS3 lets clear up some facts

I am in the US so I will use US dollats

If you buy the arcade version you DO NOT HAVE to buy a HDD thats why you are buying the arcade. Plus MS has a deal for $20.00 you can get the 20gb Hard drive.  You DO NOT HAVE to buy the wi fi adapter simply plug in an thernet to the ethernet port and its free no wi fi needed unless you need and want it.

If you want to play multiplayer online you will need to buy an online card but the silver membership is free.  Also you can get them on sale here in the US for $40.00 for 13 months which is $3.00 a month.

So before you advise to get a PS3 as you did get the facts on what and how they are going to use the 360.  They may just want to play a few fun games and not go online were the arcade as is would be fine.

Plus using simple math get a 360 Pro comes with 20Gb HDD (selling out fast see HD wires for $260.00 a $50.00 mutiplayer card and still $90.00 cheaper than the PS3 at $400.00 also you left out the HDMI cable 360 pro comes with it PS3 does not add another $40.00 fo the cable and the 360 is$130.00 cheaper

So decide on what you need and make a decsion also look at what games you want to play if you want to play Halo, Gears and fable you need the 360.  Resistance, uncharted and Gran Turisomo PS3







sorry just a quick note, HDMI cables can be bought for less than a dollar with only the extreme high end ones for over $50

Just my 2 cents.


Also, a PS3 320GB hdd will cost me $80 as opposed to $135 for a 120GB MS one.




People can make either console sound cheaper or more expensive than the other if they really want to, I don't personally see the point in doing so anymore.

It's all subjective.



Proud Sony Rear Admiral

Gears was not out on the xbox, small hole in your rebuttal


 assumption is the mother of all f**k ups