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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - NPD numbers: 360 is their best bet.

De85 said:
Jordahn said:
Oh, my... Yes, let's all take the worst territory the PS3 is doing in (N.A.) and preach this rhetorical doom and gloom to the entire world of software sales. And added to that with being released a year later than the 360, doubling as a quality Blu-ray player, and being the most expensive console on the market; a 2:1 ratio 360:PS3 software sold according to this site is good worldwide however you see it with the PS3 about 75% of the 360's marketshare. That's the big picture with 3rd party developers still heavly supporting the PS3.


No, a 4:3 ratio 360:PS3 would be good because it would mean parity.  The games cost the same so ceteris paribus they should sell proportionally the same. 

You're missing my point.  3:4 comparison software sales would be idea.  But the fact of the matter is that when given the big picture, PS3 software sales are not as doom and gloom as the OP made it out to be.  PS3 software to hardware ratio is 5:1 with an almost 17 million userbase.  That's good.  Of course it's not as good as the 7:1 or some would say 8:1 ratio 360 software has, but so far it appears that it is at least enough for 3rd party developers to keep supporting the PS3.  That's the point when given the big picture, not a sample from just one territory.

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.

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Passenger57 said:
Squilliam said:
It kinda highlights the problem with Blu-Ray for Sony. The only market share the 360 can steal are the people who actually buy games, obviously people who want Blu-Ray aren't going to buy a 360. This holiday season can do nothing good for Sonys attach rate.



True, I am a prime example of this as I don't have a Blu-Ray player, but if it becomes the standard and I need to buy one it will be the PS3. My gaming will be done on the 360 with the occasional but rare PS3 exclusive I can't get on the 360. Games like LBP don't interest me that much so I might get a used copy for really cheap in a year or so. There are a lot of people I know who carry this same Idea about the PS3



So you'd pay $400 for a PS3 when you could get a BD player for $145?

Jordahn said:
De85 said:
Jordahn said:
Oh, my... Yes, let's all take the worst territory the PS3 is doing in (N.A.) and preach this rhetorical doom and gloom to the entire world of software sales. And added to that with being released a year later than the 360, doubling as a quality Blu-ray player, and being the most expensive console on the market; a 2:1 ratio 360:PS3 software sold according to this site is good worldwide however you see it with the PS3 about 75% of the 360's marketshare. That's the big picture with 3rd party developers still heavly supporting the PS3.


No, a 4:3 ratio 360:PS3 would be good because it would mean parity.  The games cost the same so ceteris paribus they should sell proportionally the same. 

You're missing my point.  3:4 comparison software sales would be idea.  But the fact of the matter is that when given the big picture, PS3 software sales are not as doom and gloom as the OP made it out to be.  PS3 software to hardware ratio is 5:1 with an almost 17 million userbase.  That's good.  Of course it's not as good as the 7:1 or some would say 8:1 ratio 360 software has, but so far it appears that it is at least enough for 3rd party developers to keep supporting the PS3.  That's the point when given the big picture, not a sample from just one territory.

I didn't miss it, I just think you're wrong.  I'm personally don't believe PS3 SW sales are quite apocalyptic either, but 2:1 is still not very good all things considered and there is a lot of room for improvement.

De85 said:

I didn't miss it, I just think you're wrong.  I'm personally don't believe PS3 SW sales are quite apocalyptic either, but 2:1 is still not very good all things considered and there is a lot of room for improvement.


This is just another thing that makes the Xbox 360 a more attractive platform for developers compared to the PS3.

ssj12 said:
Squilliam said:
ssj12 said:

you know you really need to research right?

Games using PS3 as lead by EA

Madden 09

Other EA Sports 09 titles

Mirror's Edge


Dead Space

Army of Two




I do know Dead Space wasn't lead on the PS3. They just put a lot of effort into the PS3 build.



wasnt it co-developed though...

It was lead on the 360 and it shows in some ways. The 360 has higher framerates as the most major difference but it isn't substantial as the kind of game doesn't make frame drops noticeable. They did put a lot of extra effort into the PS3 version in the final months of production though!


