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Forums - General Discussion - Iraq Cabinet Ok's Date for U.S. Withdrawal.

I don't think Bush is "pushing it through" to hurt Obama. I don't like the guy but I think he has the interest of the country (and the history books).

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

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steven787 said:
I don't think Bush is "pushing it through" to hurt Obama. I don't like the guy but I think he has the interest of the country (and the history books).

Well not now.  Obama has already won.  I meant if it got done during the election.  It could of been done months ago.

Well, I do think that is why Maliki was putting it off... plus they basically admitted that.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

steven787 said:
I don't think Bush is "pushing it through" to hurt Obama. I don't like the guy but I think he has the interest of the country (and the history books).


I think what he means, is if we are not going to pull out until 2011 (some in June 2009), there is no rush in general to get this passed. You pass it last year, in 5 months... it makes no difference.

But as for the elections, if it passes before nov 4th, then it's one less talking point Obama can use to say he is the better candidate.

So I agree, Bush did not want this for any election, but the timing of it could have been politically charged. 

With what Congress has done over the last few years however, the economy on Nov. 4th was the biggest issue, so not sure how much this would have mattered.

That's probably the most impressive campaign trick this election. A congressmen (both of them) blaming the president for our economy, when congress has a much larger influence over it.

How stupid the masses can be.

Kasz216 said:
steven787 said:
I don't think Bush is "pushing it through" to hurt Obama. I don't like the guy but I think he has the interest of the country (and the history books).

Well not now.  Obama has already won.  I meant if it got done during the election.  It could of been done months ago.

I am fairly certain most did not expect the pact to be passed months ago. The major coalitions were not going to assent so quickly to a pact that was deemed pro-American-especially with the forthcoming provincial elections. Also, the Iraqis wanted to be assured that the new president would honor the pact upon election.