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Forums - General Discussion - Censorship of swear words in threads.

nordlead said:
I agree with no censorship, since it just flat out doesn't work. Then people will be spelling swear words with spaces between letters, or numbers, or just extra characters.

Generally this site is fairly clean anyways, and if there is a problem poster, just report them and hope either Onyxmeth or Twesterm see it

yeah twesterm goes already mad after seeing one boob..


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kirby007 said:
nordlead said:
I agree with no censorship, since it just flat out doesn't work. Then people will be spelling swear words with spaces between letters, or numbers, or just extra characters.

Generally this site is fairly clean anyways, and if there is a problem poster, just report them and hope either Onyxmeth or Twesterm see it

yeah twesterm goes already mad after seeing one boob..


that is understandable though. This isn't a porn site, and there are plenty of other forums for that type of content.


If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
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Nordlead Jr. Photo/Video Gallery!!! (Video Added 4/19/10)

Please, no. I'm not an abuser of swear words, anyone who reads my posts knows I don't use them often, but frankly, we're not 4 year old kids, and no one should get offended because someone used the word "fuck". I agree that posts who abuse it should be banned, but a rational use of them has to be permitted.
In the end, if we did, we'd end up like Gamespot where you can't type the word "classic" without being censored

numonex said:

I request that the mods implement censorship on this site. If people type swear words the system would just produce a non swear word in its place. Save the mods from doing a lot of bannings on this site.

s word = ship

f word = fudge or fizz

c word = cats or chip

b word = buzz

So what do people think/feel about this suggestion?


The only place the words are not allowed is in the titles of threads, using "swear words" in your posts is not against the rules unless you go way overboard with it.  Use them where appropriate (ie not in titles and not excessively) and there is no problem.

This is a gaming forum, not a book club =P


To Each Man, Responsibility

Censorhip of swear words wouldn't effect me at all. I never cuss on the internet. That's just wrong. I think the mods should definitely look into censorship of swear words in threads. It would at least help us gain a positive image towards other gaming sites who think we have bad reputation.


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swearing on the forums has little to do with that "poor" reputation.

Well there is censorship to some extent. I can say "What the fizz is up buzz?" but I can't say "FIZZ YOU BUZZ."

I'd say anyone that constantly swears is too young to post coherent posts and should be banned, but no, I'll cope without moderation

@Kirby - I haven't seen that video in a long time. haha. still great.

Fudge no.