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Forums - General Discussion - USA is the best country in the world

zexen_lowe said:
quarashi said:
zexen_lowe said:
quarashi said:
zexen_lowe said:
I don't know if it's the best or not, but for me it's not, I'd never think that the best country is one which doesn't have football as the most important sport

The most important sport is Football, just American Football.


Yup, you're right, it's the most important, that's why it's popular in every country that...oh wait, nevermind


Actually I was referring to only here in the US, not the world.  You shouldn't nit pick everything so much, people would like you more.


Ah, ok, didn't get that part. Do really people not like me much because I nitpick so much?


I really have no clue, that was just me in defense mode.  I have had a bad week school wise, still a little jumpy.  I was about to edit that part out but you already responded to it.

If anything at least Numonex has some patriotism in his heart.



Hi, this is Vince with Shamwow.

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Soleron said:
numonex said:

Everyone has the opportunity to improve their life.

Except for the people who aren't white, Christian, male and rich?

I was boon poor, brown, and not a christian. I do very well now, thank you very much.

USA has democratic government

Florida, 2001? Two-party system favoured by state bias and funding? Electoral college? Politically coloured judges?

Don't we have a new black prez? Time to get over it.

, best technology


, affordable living standards,

Except medical care?

My insurance is free from my employer. So are millions of other americans. Last I checked, and can go to school and get my job.

best hospitals are in the USA.

Yes, but the majority have little access to them and the ones that do have so many lifestyle-caused health problems it negates the better treatment and still makes you an averagely-healthy country.

My mother got cancer, got an appointment at the Mayo Clinic. Was simple (and she is cancer free now)

, Hollywood movies are in the USA.

90% of the films made by them are "stupid" ones aimed at young children (animated fantasy rubbish) or lifestyle ones with no content aimed at young women.

USA is the best in the world at most sports.

You mean, the sports they chose to play? Your "World Series" only has one country in it! Your major sports (Basketball, Ice Hockey, American Football, Baseball) are barely if ever played outside of the US/Canada. In 'real' disciplines, other countries are better. If you adjust for population, the UK and Australia are better than you in the Olympics.

USA is the world leading nation

This statement has zero content.

We have the most powerful Military, and when our economy when to hell, so did the worlds. Japan collapse a few years back, and the world didn't even notice. That's what he means. 

There may be bad things about the USA but all in all it is the best country in the world.

Outsiders can see a lot more things wrong with your country than

No, they just never see the good. All you hear about is the shit that goes on here.

Barack Obama is now our President

But you elected, and then re-elected Bush first. The Republicans had to be utterly disgraced and have a weak candidate just for the Democrats to barely get 50% of the populat vote.

and we are blessed by God.

Well we are blessed by Thor, Zeus and Wotan.

USA will recover to its former glory

When? The Cold War era? When the US was taking out democratic governments and replacing them with dictatorships?

and overcome the financial crisis

Through protectionism and corporate welfare?

and lead the world into the future.

Feel free to give me your reasons to support my pro USA stance.





TheRealMafoo said:
Soleron said:
numonex said:

Everyone has the opportunity to improve their life.

Except for the people who aren't white, Christian, male and rich?

I was boon poor, brown, and not a christian. I do very well now, thank you very much.

When I lived in America (Texas, 2003) the 'black' areas were practically ghettos and the nice areas were all-white and all-Christian. The Mexicans cut our grass. There wasn't a single black student or teacher at my (nice) school but the other end of town the opposite was true.

USA has democratic government

Florida, 2001? Two-party system favoured by state bias and funding? Electoral college? Politically coloured judges?

Don't we have a new black prez? Time to get over it.

Um, colour of President doesn't solve ANY of those problems. You still have politically biased judges, an undemocratic electoral college, and a system that makes third party wins impossible. I also stand by "The Republicans had to be utterly disgraced and have a weak candidate just for the Democrats to barely get 50% of the populat vote."

, affordable living standards,

Except medical care?

My insurance is free from my employer. So are millions of other americans. Last I checked, and can go to school and get my job.

Okay, for about half of the population. In the UK we have a similar standard of care but we pay less (employer pays us directly rather than using some to pay for health) and have 100% coverage for all people.

best hospitals are in the USA.

Yes, but the majority have little access to them and the ones that do have so many lifestyle-caused health problems it negates the better treatment and still makes you an averagely-healthy country.

My mother got cancer, got an appointment at the Mayo Clinic. Was simple (and she is cancer free now)

I'm not saying treatment is bad. It's just uneccessarily expensive and not availible to millions of people.

USA is the world leading nation

This statement has zero content.

We have the most powerful Military,

Yup. Consumes trillions of dollars per year for no visible benefit. If that was put into education or health...

and when our economy when to hell, so did the worlds. Japan collapse a few years back, and the world didn't even notice. That's what he means. 

Yes, your economy is the wealthiest. I accept that.

There may be bad things about the USA but all in all it is the best country in the world.

Outsiders can see a lot more things wrong with your country than

No, they just never see the good. All you hear about is the shit that goes on here.

I lived there and it was much worse in every possible way (except the economy). Your people are more ignorant and your systems more broken that a lot of other places.






SamuelRSmith said:
I much prefer to live in the UK. It's all well and good having the best hospitals, but when you have 50 million people who can't use them... well, that's just plain disgusting.

Japan has better technology (if you're talking about consumer good).

Europe's standard of living is higher.

Standard of Living is a bogus statistic.  It is skewed by too many factors.  One of which being the division of money.  A larger country where money is spread out less evenly but everyone has more stuff can often rank lower then a smaller socialist country where people have less stuff.  (or wealth as it were.)


Kasz216 said:

...a smaller socialist country...



Europe. Is. Not. Socialist.

1. All of the current major players have centre-right governments (UK, Germany, France)

2. Income "redistribution" is on a similar scale to the US. Medicare/aid costs just as much to the American taxpayer as the NHS costs to a British one. America justs gets less value for Medicare money since they use it to pay private care which includes a profit margin. Same for Social Security and minimum wage - these are on similar scales.

3. You have far more intervention in the economy than us. Your laws are more protectionist; your financial institutions for invasive and your bailouts are more extensive.

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no countries like iceland, and Australia are the best in the world

Soleron said:
Kasz216 said:

...a smaller socialist country...



Europe. Is. Not. Socialist.

1. All of the current major players have centre-right governments (UK, Germany, France)

2. Income "redistribution" is on a similar scale to the US. Medicare/aid costs just as much to the American taxpayer as the NHS costs to a British one. America justs gets less value for Medicare money since they use it to pay private care which includes a profit margin. Same for Social Security and minimum wage - these are on similar scales.

3. You have far more intervention in the economy than us. Your laws are more protectionist; your financial institutions for invasive and your bailouts are more extensive.

Where did I saw it was?  I was using one example of how it's flawed.

1. Compared to the US?   Also comparing Europe as one country... seems a bit early for that since Ireland shot down the EU charter.

2.  I'd like to see some stats on that.   Afterall the US pays a much lower tax rate.

Either way, it's a lot easier to administer to a small island nation of 60,000,000 then it is a sprawling nation of 300,000,000.  Even if they coped the UK system the US system would cost a lot more per person.

3. Yeah, i agree with that.


I will paint a picture of my life at least, so you all can compare this to where you live.

I live in a vacation town in Minnesota. I own a 2,300 square foot 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath home, on 14 acres. My back yard backs up to a lake. I own a boat, a Porsche 911 convertible (2001), a 4x4 Chevy Silverado Pickup truck fully loaded (2002), and all the electronics you could want (PS3, 360, Wii, gaming PC, a few HD-TV's, 17" Mac Book Pro that I am typing this on, etc....)

I have a German Shepherd dog, a barn for horses (no horses though), a nice tractor... I have a lot. I am fully covered under insurance (me, home, cars, belongings). I also save 8% of my salary for retirement.

Now, my income. 18 years ago, I waited tables for a living. I decided to go to college for Computer Science, and started a career as a software developer. Today, I make $78,000 a year. That's not very much money compared to many people in this country, but look at what it buys me.

So, let me know how much in Europe you need to make to own my house on 14 acres lakefront. I bet it's a lot more then I make.

TheRealMafoo said:
Jo21 said:
no it's japan.
everybody knows that :P

they have nintendo , sony, toyota, honda, mitsubishi and nissan etc etc (L)


We have those things in the US too ;)


from what i know they are japanese not americans :)

Jo21 said:
TheRealMafoo said:
Jo21 said:
no it's japan.
everybody knows that :P

they have nintendo , sony, toyota, honda, mitsubishi and nissan etc etc (L)


We have those things in the US too ;)


from what i know they are japanese not americans :)


I just meant from a quality of life perspective, being able to own products from those companies is all that matters. We get those products in the US as well.

Now as far as cell phones, the US really sucks there compared to the rest of the world. You all get the cooler stuff (although I have the iPhone, and that's all I want).