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Forums - General Discussion - USA is the best country in the world

Everyone has the opportunity to improve their life. USA has democratic government, best technology, affordable living standards, best hospitals are in the USA., Hollywood movies are in the USA. USA is the best in the world at most sports. USA is the world leading nation

There may be bad things about the USA but all in all it is the best country in the world.

Barack Obama is now our President and we are blessed by God. USA will recover to its former glory and overcome the financial crisis and lead the world into the future.

Feel free to give me your reasons to support my pro USA stance.


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Good sports, good tv, good free markets, kick ass hyperpower of the world, USMC, CIA, GOP, and F-22s.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

I like Europe more

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Hell yeah. F-35's baby. Can't wait to see them in person :D

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I much prefer to live in the UK. It's all well and good having the best hospitals, but when you have 50 million people who can't use them... well, that's just plain disgusting.

Japan has better technology (if you're talking about consumer good).

Europe's standard of living is higher.

I would strongly argue against that! The UK is far better

After Europe, Canada, Japan, and some others then yeah it is the best country of the world lulz.

According to this, USA ranks 8th -

Norway seems to be the best place.

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I don't know if it's the best or not, but for me it's not, I'd never think that the best country is one which doesn't have football as the most important sport