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Forums - Gaming Discussion - For the people that laugh at 360 and PS3 game sales...

Jo21 said:
gebx said:
Jo21 said:
gebx said:
Laughing at the 360 console sales or games (software) sales?

Cause the NPD top 10 software for October was filled with 360 games.


damage control yay :D

the wii still outsold it x2

both m$ and sony need to wake up too considering they are getting the games.


Wii software didn't outsell 360 x2??

because this thread is about software right....? no it's hardware.



"For the people that laugh at 360 and PS3 game sales"??

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


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Onyxmeth said:

Gotcha. That's what I thought you meant. Let me rephrase in case anyone else has trouble with what you were trying to say.

"The system should still have games that appeal to my needs and the needs of the select minority of forumgoers that do not particularly like Nintendo games in the first place."

If you want to talk like a gamer, then go ahead. I don't give a crap about either game myself, and will not buy either. If you want to understand why Nintendo's strategy is a success financially and Microsoft and Sony are nothing more than horrible Sega-like business strategies that happen to have enough money not to go under like Sega did, then get your head out of that, "Nintendo isn't making games for me" mentality and start looking at how many different demographics Nintendo has their icey fist wrapped around. You'll notice a trend.



I really like the "icy fist" comment.  It definitely conveys how much of a following Nintendo has in certain demographics.

What's wrong with Nintendo's approach?  I have a 360 and a Wii... the 360 for FPS/WRPG games, and the Wii for Wii Fit, party games, Zelda, etc.  I *STILL* believe the Wii not only has it's own demographic, but complements the PS3/360 in many ways.  The people at Nintendo are marketing geniuses in my opinion.



you are weird soriku

EDIT: smiley face for emphasis.

Onyxmeth said:
DMeisterJ said:
Onyxmeth said:
DMeisterJ said:
  The system should still have new and compelling content coming, rather than Wii Music and AC.

Hmmmm...define "new and compelling content", because new to me either means new IP or newly released, and that qualifies Wii Music as both and Animal Crossing as the latter. Compelling means "demanding attention", so that would either mean press or sales. Wii Music has the press, but doesn't have the sales. Animal Crossing doesn't have the press, but will likely have the sales. So again, what do you mean by that?

By new and compelling content, I mean new and compelling content.

Not a horrid music game with GH and RB out there, or another iteneration of Animal Crossing, unchanged in five or six years.  >_>

Gotcha. That's what I thought you meant. Let me rephrase in case anyone else has trouble with what you were trying to say.

"The system should still have games that appeal to my needs and the needs of the select minority of forumgoers that do not particularly like Nintendo games in the first place."

If you want to talk like a gamer, then go ahead. I don't give a crap about either game myself, and will not buy either. If you want to understand why Nintendo's strategy is a success financially and Microsoft and Sony are nothing more than horrible Sega-like business strategies that happen to have enough money not to go under like Sega did, then get your head out of that, "Nintendo isn't making games for me" mentality and start looking at how many different demographics Nintendo has their icey fist wrapped around. You'll notice a trend.

Please don't come with that elitist, "You're a core gamer and don't understand Nintendo" bull.  It's not that I wouldn't want to play Wii Music or Animal Crossing.  It's exactly what I said.  New and compelling content.  Animal crossing is unchanged from it's first iteneration, aside from Wii Speak, and Wii Music is horrible in comparison to a Guitar Hero or Rock Band.

Legend11 said:

So I looked at Futureshop's flyer today (Canada's largest consumer electronics chain) and saw that they are selling an Xbox 360 60GB Pro package with 4 games (Lego Indiana Jones, Kung Fu Panda, Dark Sector, and Stranglehold) for the same price as a Wii with NHL2K9 (and Wii Sports by default). Considering what exactly is inside the 360 it just goes to show what competition can do as far as pricing is concerned.

If the Wii really did have competition (in the new demographics that the Wii has attracted) you can bet we would be seeing more of an effort on Nintendo's part in terms of both first and third parties and in prices. If the Wii was struggling do you really believe all we'd be seeing for first party this Christmas would be basically Wii Music and Animal Crossing? A big reason the Gamecube got one of its best games last generation (Resident Evil 4) was because of competition. Nintendo now seems comfortable with sitting back and waiting for third parties to come to them (something that because of the fierce HD competition may not ever happen in ways that some Wii fans are hoping for).

Anyways some Wii fans can laugh at the competition between the HD consoles and their sales compared to sales of the Wii but I honestly feel that if things were somewhat closer then they would likely be playing even more of the first party games they like as well as seeing Nintendo work harder for third party games.


Yes because Nintendo only makes good games such to compete right.  They don't make them because they know they will sell loads and make them huge profits.  No they do it solely to compete.  Well of course they do it to compete but there is a monetary reasoning behind it as well sherlock.  Which is why this argument makes no sense as to why twould they stop making good games when obviously they make money.  Which is why Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Galaxy, Twilight Princes, Metroid Prime, ect. have all been released to MAKE MONEY.  Now they have not been much of a money maker compared to Wii Fit, but of course no game in history has been able to rake in the profits compared to that game. 

So does Ninty need a wake up call.  They did.  And they got it haha after E3 2008 which is why the October conference focused on games such as Sin and Punishment 2, Punch Out, The Conduit, Madworld, ect.  People are still looking for that wake up call to Nintendo when they obviously got it haha.  It's just most of it doesn't happen til 2009 aside from 3rd party efforts this last quarter such as CoD: WaW, Deadly Creatures, Rygar, Castlevania Judgement along with Animal Crossing from them.  Of course nobody cares about those titles because it isn't Mario or Zelda haha.  Alwasy funny that people complain about Ninty's stream of games not coming out yet all they really care about is a certain few franchises from them.  Even more so they tend to care about Wii 3rd party games when more than likely the only reason they bought a Wii, like the GC, was for first paty efforts.  Quote that sucker for the truth.


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DMeisterJ said:
Onyxmeth said:
DMeisterJ said:
Onyxmeth said:
DMeisterJ said:
  The system should still have new and compelling content coming, rather than Wii Music and AC.

Hmmmm...define "new and compelling content", because new to me either means new IP or newly released, and that qualifies Wii Music as both and Animal Crossing as the latter. Compelling means "demanding attention", so that would either mean press or sales. Wii Music has the press, but doesn't have the sales. Animal Crossing doesn't have the press, but will likely have the sales. So again, what do you mean by that?

By new and compelling content, I mean new and compelling content.

Not a horrid music game with GH and RB out there, or another iteneration of Animal Crossing, unchanged in five or six years.  >_>

Gotcha. That's what I thought you meant. Let me rephrase in case anyone else has trouble with what you were trying to say.

"The system should still have games that appeal to my needs and the needs of the select minority of forumgoers that do not particularly like Nintendo games in the first place."

If you want to talk like a gamer, then go ahead. I don't give a crap about either game myself, and will not buy either. If you want to understand why Nintendo's strategy is a success financially and Microsoft and Sony are nothing more than horrible Sega-like business strategies that happen to have enough money not to go under like Sega did, then get your head out of that, "Nintendo isn't making games for me" mentality and start looking at how many different demographics Nintendo has their icey fist wrapped around. You'll notice a trend.

Please don't come with that elitist, "You're a core gamer and don't understand Nintendo" bull.  It's not that I wouldn't want to play Wii Music or Animal Crossing.  It's exactly what I said.  New and compelling content.  Animal crossing is unchanged from it's first iteneration, aside from Wii Speak, and Wii Music is horrible in comparison to a Guitar Hero or Rock Band.

How much has Guitar Hero and Rock Band changed from their first inenerations?


izaaz101 said:
DMeisterJ said:
Onyxmeth said:
DMeisterJ said:
Onyxmeth said:
DMeisterJ said:
  The system should still have new and compelling content coming, rather than Wii Music and AC.

Hmmmm...define "new and compelling content", because new to me either means new IP or newly released, and that qualifies Wii Music as both and Animal Crossing as the latter. Compelling means "demanding attention", so that would either mean press or sales. Wii Music has the press, but doesn't have the sales. Animal Crossing doesn't have the press, but will likely have the sales. So again, what do you mean by that?

By new and compelling content, I mean new and compelling content.

Not a horrid music game with GH and RB out there, or another iteneration of Animal Crossing, unchanged in five or six years.  >_>

Gotcha. That's what I thought you meant. Let me rephrase in case anyone else has trouble with what you were trying to say.

"The system should still have games that appeal to my needs and the needs of the select minority of forumgoers that do not particularly like Nintendo games in the first place."

If you want to talk like a gamer, then go ahead. I don't give a crap about either game myself, and will not buy either. If you want to understand why Nintendo's strategy is a success financially and Microsoft and Sony are nothing more than horrible Sega-like business strategies that happen to have enough money not to go under like Sega did, then get your head out of that, "Nintendo isn't making games for me" mentality and start looking at how many different demographics Nintendo has their icey fist wrapped around. You'll notice a trend.

Please don't come with that elitist, "You're a core gamer and don't understand Nintendo" bull.  It's not that I wouldn't want to play Wii Music or Animal Crossing.  It's exactly what I said.  New and compelling content.  Animal crossing is unchanged from it's first iteneration, aside from Wii Speak, and Wii Music is horrible in comparison to a Guitar Hero or Rock Band.

How much has Guitar Hero and Rock Band changed from their first inenerations?

Given that both franchises are fairly young, not too much, separately, but together they've changed a lot.

As we all know Harmonix made GH, and now Activision is making it or something to that matter.  Anyway, what evolved from GH2 was Rock Band which was a marked difference and step forward.  So I'd say a lot.

DMeisterJ said:
izaaz101 said:
DMeisterJ said:
Onyxmeth said:
DMeisterJ said:
Onyxmeth said:
DMeisterJ said:
  The system should still have new and compelling content coming, rather than Wii Music and AC.

Hmmmm...define "new and compelling content", because new to me either means new IP or newly released, and that qualifies Wii Music as both and Animal Crossing as the latter. Compelling means "demanding attention", so that would either mean press or sales. Wii Music has the press, but doesn't have the sales. Animal Crossing doesn't have the press, but will likely have the sales. So again, what do you mean by that?

By new and compelling content, I mean new and compelling content.

Not a horrid music game with GH and RB out there, or another iteneration of Animal Crossing, unchanged in five or six years.  >_>

Gotcha. That's what I thought you meant. Let me rephrase in case anyone else has trouble with what you were trying to say.

"The system should still have games that appeal to my needs and the needs of the select minority of forumgoers that do not particularly like Nintendo games in the first place."

If you want to talk like a gamer, then go ahead. I don't give a crap about either game myself, and will not buy either. If you want to understand why Nintendo's strategy is a success financially and Microsoft and Sony are nothing more than horrible Sega-like business strategies that happen to have enough money not to go under like Sega did, then get your head out of that, "Nintendo isn't making games for me" mentality and start looking at how many different demographics Nintendo has their icey fist wrapped around. You'll notice a trend.

Please don't come with that elitist, "You're a core gamer and don't understand Nintendo" bull.  It's not that I wouldn't want to play Wii Music or Animal Crossing.  It's exactly what I said.  New and compelling content.  Animal crossing is unchanged from it's first iteneration, aside from Wii Speak, and Wii Music is horrible in comparison to a Guitar Hero or Rock Band.

How much has Guitar Hero and Rock Band changed from their first inenerations?

Given that both franchises are fairly young, not too much, separately, but together they've changed a lot.

As we all know Harmonix made GH, and now Activision is making it or something to that matter.  Anyway, what evolved from GH2 was Rock Band which was a marked difference and step forward.  So I'd say a lot.

So they have not changed very much from their first itenerations?

izaaz101 said:
DMeisterJ said:
izaaz101 said:
DMeisterJ said:
Onyxmeth said:
DMeisterJ said:
Onyxmeth said:
DMeisterJ said:
  The system should still have new and compelling content coming, rather than Wii Music and AC.

Hmmmm...define "new and compelling content", because new to me either means new IP or newly released, and that qualifies Wii Music as both and Animal Crossing as the latter. Compelling means "demanding attention", so that would either mean press or sales. Wii Music has the press, but doesn't have the sales. Animal Crossing doesn't have the press, but will likely have the sales. So again, what do you mean by that?

By new and compelling content, I mean new and compelling content.

Not a horrid music game with GH and RB out there, or another iteneration of Animal Crossing, unchanged in five or six years.  >_>

Gotcha. That's what I thought you meant. Let me rephrase in case anyone else has trouble with what you were trying to say.

"The system should still have games that appeal to my needs and the needs of the select minority of forumgoers that do not particularly like Nintendo games in the first place."

If you want to talk like a gamer, then go ahead. I don't give a crap about either game myself, and will not buy either. If you want to understand why Nintendo's strategy is a success financially and Microsoft and Sony are nothing more than horrible Sega-like business strategies that happen to have enough money not to go under like Sega did, then get your head out of that, "Nintendo isn't making games for me" mentality and start looking at how many different demographics Nintendo has their icey fist wrapped around. You'll notice a trend.

Please don't come with that elitist, "You're a core gamer and don't understand Nintendo" bull.  It's not that I wouldn't want to play Wii Music or Animal Crossing.  It's exactly what I said.  New and compelling content.  Animal crossing is unchanged from it's first iteneration, aside from Wii Speak, and Wii Music is horrible in comparison to a Guitar Hero or Rock Band.

How much has Guitar Hero and Rock Band changed from their first inenerations?

Given that both franchises are fairly young, not too much, separately, but together they've changed a lot.

As we all know Harmonix made GH, and now Activision is making it or something to that matter.  Anyway, what evolved from GH2 was Rock Band which was a marked difference and step forward.  So I'd say a lot.

So they have not changed very much from their first itenerations?

Guitar Hero transformed into Rock Band.  That's a huge change, is it not?

Adding different instruments, and a new element, not a change?  Not a huge change?  DLC not a huge change?

yeah, no.


RolStoppable said:
@DMeisterJ and izaaz101

You are both horribly wrong, it's spelled "iteration".


Drop the double standards.

Umm, umm.........Canadian spelling.......yes, that's it......Canadian spelling.