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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Elimination Game - Franchises

14 - Legend of Zelda, The (+)

14 - Kirby
14 - Metroid

13 - Ace Attorney
13 - Fire Emblem

13 - Half-Life (-)
13 - Mega Man
13 - Sonic the Hedgehog
13 - Star Fox

12 - Ratchet and Clank (-)

12 - Diablo
12 - Mario (Platformers)
12 - Paper Mario
12 - Pikmin
12 - Resident Evil
12 - Tetris

11 - Castlevania
11 - Command and Conquer
11 - Dragon Quest
11 - Final Fantasy
11 - Guitar Hero
11 - Kingdom Hearts
11 - Mario Kart

11 - Monster Hunter
11 - Pokemon
11 - Prince of Persia
11 - SimCity
11 - Super Smash Bros.
11 - Tales

10 - Age of Empires
10 - Bomberman

10 - Donkey Kong

10 - Metal Gear (-)

9 - Animal Crossing
9 - Banjo Kazooie
9 - StarCraft
9 - Tomb Raider

8 - Call of Duty
8 - Devil May Cry
8 - Mario (Sports)
8 - Mortal Kombat
8 - Phantasy Star
8 - Soul Calibur

7 - Doctor Mario
7 - Doom
7 - Dynasty Warriors
7 - Fallout
7 - Jak and Daxter
7 - James Bond
7 - Lemmings
7 - Rayman
7 - Star Wars
7 - WarCraft

6 - Resistance
6 - Lego
6 - Mobile Suit Gundam
6 - Rock Band
6 - Street Fighter
6 - Tom Clancy
6 - Wii
6 - Brain Age

5 - God of War

4 - Crash Bandicoot
4 - Nintendogs

2 - Medal of Honor

ELIMINATED 1 - Yu-Gi-Oh!, 2 - Nickelodeon, 3 - WWE SmackDown, 4 - Harry Potter, 5 - Madden NFL, 6 - Grand Theft Auto, 7 - Simple, 8 - Dragonball Z, 9 - FIFA, 10 Winning Eleven (PES), 11 - Marvel, 12 - Tony Hawk, 13 - Alone in the Dark, 14 - Frogger, 15 - Spyro, 16 - Tekken, 17 - Dance Dance Revolution, 18 - Need for Speed, 19 - Halo, 20 - Mario Party 21 - The Sims, 22 - Gran Turismo, 23 - Pixar, 24 - Bejeweled, 25 - NBA Live, 26 - Dead or Alive, 27 - Lineage, 28 - Virtua Fighter, 29 - Gears of War, 30 - Turok, 31 - Unreal, 32 - Assassin's Creed

Change of rules: From this point on, you may now use two of your negative votes on a single franchise. You still have a total of three negative votes, but they no longer must be spread across three franchises - you can subtract two from one franchise, and one from another. You do not HAVE to, though - you can still spread them out if you want to.

Around the Network

15 - Legend of Zelda, The (+)

14 - Kirby
14 - Metroid

13 - Ace Attorney
13 - Fire Emblem
13 - Half-Life
13 - Mega Man
13 - Sonic the Hedgehog
13 - Star Fox

12 - Ratchet and Clank
12 - Diablo
12 - Mario (Platformers)
12 - Paper Mario
12 - Pikmin
12 - Resident Evil

11 - Castlevania
11 - Command and Conquer
11 - Dragon Quest
11 - Final Fantasy
11 - Guitar Hero
11 - Kingdom Hearts
11 - Mario Kart
11 - Monster Hunter
11 - Pokemon
11 - SimCity
11 - Super Smash Bros.
11 - Tales
11 - Tetris (-)

10 - Age of Empires
10 - Bomberman
10 - Donkey Kong
10 - Metal Gear
10 - Prince of Persia (-)

9 - Animal Crossing
9 - Banjo Kazooie
9 - StarCraft
9 - Tomb Raider

8 - Call of Duty
8 - Devil May Cry
8 - Mario (Sports)
8 - Mortal Kombat
8 - Phantasy Star
8 - Soul Calibur

7 - Doctor Mario
7 - Doom
7 - Dynasty Warriors
7 - Fallout
7 - Jak and Daxter
7 - James Bond
7 - Rayman
7 - Star Wars
7 - WarCraft

6 - Resistance
6 - Lego
6 - Mobile Suit Gundam
6 - Rock Band
6 - Street Fighter
6 - Tom Clancy
6 - Wii
6 - Brain Age
6 - Lemmings (-)

5 - God of War

4 - Crash Bandicoot
4 - Nintendogs

2 - Medal of Honor

ELIMINATED 1 - Yu-Gi-Oh!, 2 - Nickelodeon, 3 - WWE SmackDown, 4 - Harry Potter, 5 - Madden NFL, 6 - Grand Theft Auto, 7 - Simple, 8 - Dragonball Z, 9 - FIFA, 10 Winning Eleven (PES), 11 - Marvel, 12 - Tony Hawk, 13 - Alone in the Dark, 14 - Frogger, 15 - Spyro, 16 - Tekken, 17 - Dance Dance Revolution, 18 - Need for Speed, 19 - Halo, 20 - Mario Party 21 - The Sims, 22 - Gran Turismo, 23 - Pixar, 24 - Bejeweled, 25 - NBA Live, 26 - Dead or Alive, 27 - Lineage, 28 - Virtua Fighter, 29 - Gears of War, 30 - Turok, 31 - Unreal, 32 - Assassin's Creed

Change of rules: From this point on, you may now use two of your negative votes on a single franchise. You still have a total of three negative votes, but they no longer must be spread across three franchises - you can subtract two from one franchise, and one from another. You do not HAVE to, though - you can still spread them out if you want to.

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

I don't think I like the new rule. It makes assassination all too easy.

Also, RolStoppable likes Tomb Raider.  Who knew? 

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

14 - Legend of Zelda, The
14 - Kirby
14 - Metroid

13 - Ace Attorney
13 - Fire Emblem
13 - Half-Life
13 - Mega Man
13 - Sonic the Hedgehog
13 - Star Fox

12 - Ratchet and Clank
12 - Diablo
12 - Mario (Platformers)
12 - Paper Mario
12 - Pikmin
12 - Resident Evil

11 - Castlevania
11 - Command and Conquer
11 - Dragon Quest
11 - Final Fantasy
11 - Guitar Hero
11 - Kingdom Hearts
11 - Mario Kart
11 - Monster Hunter
11 - Pokemon
11 - SimCity
11 - Super Smash Bros.
11 - Tales
11 - Tetris

10 - Bomberman
10 - Donkey Kong
10 - Tomb Raider

9 - Age of Empires
9 - Animal Crossing
9 - Banjo Kazooie
9 - Metal Gear
9 - Prince of Persia
9 - StarCraft

8 - Call of Duty
8 - Devil May Cry
8 - Mario (Sports)
8 - Mortal Kombat
8 - Phantasy Star
8 - Soul Calibur

7 - Doctor Mario
7 - Doom
7 - Dynasty Warriors
7 - Fallout
7 - Resistance
7 - Jak and Daxter
7 - James Bond
7 - Rayman
7 - Star Wars
7 - WarCraft

6 - Lego
6 - Mobile Suit Gundam
6 - Rock Band
6 - Street Fighter
6 - Tom Clancy
6 - Brain Age
6 - Lemmings

5 - God of War

4 - Crash Bandicoot
4 - Nintendogs
4 - Wii

2 - Medal of Honor

ELIMINATED 1 - Yu-Gi-Oh!, 2 - Nickelodeon, 3 - WWE SmackDown, 4 - Harry Potter, 5 - Madden NFL, 6 - Grand Theft Auto, 7 - Simple, 8 - Dragonball Z, 9 - FIFA, 10 Winning Eleven (PES), 11 - Marvel, 12 - Tony Hawk, 13 - Alone in the Dark, 14 - Frogger, 15 - Spyro, 16 - Tekken, 17 - Dance Dance Revolution, 18 - Need for Speed, 19 - Halo, 20 - Mario Party 21 - The Sims, 22 - Gran Turismo, 23 - Pixar, 24 - Bejeweled, 25 - NBA Live, 26 - Dead or Alive, 27 - Lineage, 28 - Virtua Fighter, 29 - Gears of War, 30 - Turok, 31 - Unreal, 32 - Assassin's Creed

Change of rules: From this point on, you may now use two of your negative votes on a single franchise. You still have a total of three negative votes, but they no longer must be spread across three franchises - you can subtract two from one franchise, and one from another. You do not HAVE to, though - you can still spread them out if you want to.

Seriously Snaaaake, put the markings where you changed the score.

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

Around the Network

14 - Legend of Zelda, The
14 - Metroid

13 - Ace Attorney
13 - Fire Emblem
13 - Half-Life
13 - Kirby (-)
13 - Mario (Platformers) (+)
13 - Mega Man
13 - Sonic the Hedgehog
13 - Star Fox

12 - Ratchet and Clank
12 - Diablo
12 - Paper Mario
12 - Pikmin
12 - Resident Evil

11 - Castlevania
11 - Command and Conquer
11 - Dragon Quest
11 - Final Fantasy
11 - Guitar Hero
11 - Kingdom Hearts
11 - Mario Kart
11 - Monster Hunter
11 - Pokemon
11 - SimCity
11 - Super Smash Bros.
11 - Tales
11 - Tetris

10 - Bomberman
10 - Donkey Kong
10 - Tomb Raider

9 - Age of Empires
9 - Animal Crossing
9 - Banjo Kazooie
9 - Metal Gear
9 - Prince of Persia
9 - StarCraft

8 - Call of Duty
8 - Mario (Sports)
8 - Mortal Kombat
8 - Phantasy Star
8 - Soul Calibur

7 - Devil May Cry (-)
7 - Doctor Mario
7 - Doom
7 - Dynasty Warriors
7 - Fallout
7 - Jak and Daxter
7 - James Bond
7 - Rayman
7 - Resistance
7 - Star Wars
7 - WarCraft

6 - Lego
6 - Mobile Suit Gundam
6 - Rock Band
6 - Street Fighter
6 - Tom Clancy
6 - Brain Age
6 - Lemmings

5 - God of War

4 - Nintendogs
4 - Wii

3 - Crash Bandicoot (-)

2 - Medal of Honor

ELIMINATED 1 - Yu-Gi-Oh!, 2 - Nickelodeon, 3 - WWE SmackDown, 4 - Harry Potter, 5 - Madden NFL, 6 - Grand Theft Auto, 7 - Simple, 8 - Dragonball Z, 9 - FIFA, 10 Winning Eleven (PES), 11 - Marvel, 12 - Tony Hawk, 13 - Alone in the Dark, 14 - Frogger, 15 - Spyro, 16 - Tekken, 17 - Dance Dance Revolution, 18 - Need for Speed, 19 - Halo, 20 - Mario Party 21 - The Sims, 22 - Gran Turismo, 23 - Pixar, 24 - Bejeweled, 25 - NBA Live, 26 - Dead or Alive, 27 - Lineage, 28 - Virtua Fighter, 29 - Gears of War, 30 - Turok, 31 - Unreal, 32 - Assassin's Creed

Change of rules: From this point on, you may now use two of your negative votes on a single franchise. You still have a total of three negative votes, but they no longer must be spread across three franchises - you can subtract two from one franchise, and one from another. You do not HAVE to, though - you can still spread them out if you want to.

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

14 - Legend of Zelda, The
14 - Metroid

13 - Ace Attorney
13 - Fire Emblem
13 - Half-Life
13 - Kirby
13 - Mario (Platformers)
13 - Mega Man
13 - Sonic the Hedgehog
13 - Star Fox

12 - Ratchet and Clank
12 - Diablo
12 - Paper Mario
12 - Pikmin
12 - Resident Evil
12 - Tetris(+)

11 - Castlevania
11 - Command and Conquer
11 - Dragon Quest
11 - Final Fantasy
11 - Guitar Hero
11 - Kingdom Hearts
11 - Mario Kart
11 - Monster Hunter
11 - Pokemon
11 - SimCity
11 - Super Smash Bros.
11 - Tales

10 - Bomberman
10 - Donkey Kong
10 - Tomb Raider

9 - Age of Empires
9 - Animal Crossing
9 - Banjo Kazooie
9 - Metal Gear
9 - Prince of Persia
9 - StarCraft

8 - Call of Duty
8 - Mario (Sports)
8 - Mortal Kombat
8 - Phantasy Star

7 - Devil May Cry
7 - Doctor Mario
7 - Doom
7 - Dynasty Warriors
7 - Fallout
7 - Jak and Daxter
7 - James Bond
7 - Rayman
7 - Resistance
7 - Star Wars
7 - WarCraft

6 - Lego
6 - Mobile Suit Gundam
6 - Rock Band
6 - Tom Clancy
6 - Brain Age
6 - Lemmings
6 - Soul Calibur(--)
5 - God of War
5 - Street Fighter(-)

4 - Nintendogs
4 - Wii

3 - Crash Bandicoot

2 - Medal of Honor

ELIMINATED 1 - Yu-Gi-Oh!, 2 - Nickelodeon, 3 - WWE SmackDown, 4 - Harry Potter, 5 - Madden NFL, 6 - Grand Theft Auto, 7 - Simple, 8 - Dragonball Z, 9 - FIFA, 10 Winning Eleven (PES), 11 - Marvel, 12 - Tony Hawk, 13 - Alone in the Dark, 14 - Frogger, 15 - Spyro, 16 - Tekken, 17 - Dance Dance Revolution, 18 - Need for Speed, 19 - Halo, 20 - Mario Party 21 - The Sims, 22 - Gran Turismo, 23 - Pixar, 24 - Bejeweled, 25 - NBA Live, 26 - Dead or Alive, 27 - Lineage, 28 - Virtua Fighter, 29 - Gears of War, 30 - Turok, 31 - Unreal, 32 - Assassin's Creed

Change of rules: From this point on, you may now use two of your negative votes on a single franchise. You still have a total of three negative votes, but they no longer must be spread across three franchises - you can subtract two from one franchise, and one from another. You do not HAVE to, though - you can still spread them out if you want to.

I am a Gauntlet Adventurer.

I strive to improve my living conditions by hoarding gold, food, and sometimes keys and potions. I love adventure, fighting, and particularly winning - especially when there's a prize at stake. I occasionally get lost inside buildings and can't find the exit. I need food badly. What Video Game Character Are You?

Mega Man 9 Challenges: 74%

Waltz Tango Jitterbug Bust a move Headbanging
Bunny Hop Mr. Trigger Happy Double Trouble Mr. Perfect Invincible
Almost Invincible No Coffee Break Air Shoes Mega Diet Encore
Peacekeeper Conservationist Farewell To Arms Gamer's Day Daily Dose
Whomp Wiley! Truly Addicted! Truly Hardcore! Conqueror Vanquisher
Destroyer World Warrior Trusty Sidearm Pack Rat Valued Customer
Shop A Holic Last Man Standing Survivor Hard Rock Heavy Metal
Speed Metal Fantastic 9 Fully Unloaded Blue Bomber Eco Fighter
Marathon Fight Quick Draw G Quick Draw C Quick Draw S Quick Draw H
Quick Draw J Quick Draw P Quick Draw T Quick Draw M Quick Draw X

14 - Legend of Zelda, The
14 - Metroid

13 - Ace Attorney
13 - Fire Emblem
13 - Half-Life
13 - Kirby
13 - Mario (Platformers)
13 - Mega Man
13 - Sonic the Hedgehog
13 - Star Fox

12 - Ratchet and Clank
12 - Diablo
12 - Paper Mario
12 - Pikmin
12 - Resident Evil
12 - Tetris(+)

11 - Castlevania
11 - Command and Conquer
11 - Dragon Quest
11 - Final Fantasy
11 - Guitar Hero
11 - Kingdom Hearts
11 - Mario Kart
11 - Monster Hunter
11 - Pokemon
11 - SimCity
11 - Super Smash Bros.
11 - Tales

10 - Bomberman
10 - Donkey Kong
10 - Tomb Raider

9 - Age of Empires
9 - Animal Crossing
9 - Banjo Kazooie
9 - Prince of Persia
9 - Mortal Kombat (+)
9 - StarCraft

8 - Call of Duty
8 - Mario (Sports)
8 - Phantasy Star

7 - Devil May Cry
7 - Doctor Mario
7 - Doom
7 - Dynasty Warriors
7 - Fallout
7 - Jak and Daxter
7 - James Bond
7 - Metal Gear (-)
7 - Rayman
7 - Star Wars
7 - WarCraft

6 - Resistance (-)
6 - Lego
6 - Mobile Suit Gundam
6 - Rock Band
6 - Tom Clancy
6 - Brain Age
6 - Lemmings
6 - Soul Calibur(--)
5 - God of War
5 - Street Fighter(-)

4 - Nintendogs
4 - Wii

3 - Crash Bandicoot

2 - Medal of Honor

ELIMINATED 1 - Yu-Gi-Oh!, 2 - Nickelodeon, 3 - WWE SmackDown, 4 - Harry Potter, 5 - Madden NFL, 6 - Grand Theft Auto, 7 - Simple, 8 - Dragonball Z, 9 - FIFA, 10 Winning Eleven (PES), 11 - Marvel, 12 - Tony Hawk, 13 - Alone in the Dark, 14 - Frogger, 15 - Spyro, 16 - Tekken, 17 - Dance Dance Revolution, 18 - Need for Speed, 19 - Halo, 20 - Mario Party 21 - The Sims, 22 - Gran Turismo, 23 - Pixar, 24 - Bejeweled, 25 - NBA Live, 26 - Dead or Alive, 27 - Lineage, 28 - Virtua Fighter, 29 - Gears of War, 30 - Turok, 31 - Unreal, 32 - Assassin's Creed


14 - Metroid


13 - Ace Attorney

13 - Fire Emblem

13 - Half-Life

13 - Kirby

13 - Mega Man

13 - Sonic the Hedgehog

13 - Star Fox


12 - Diablo

12 - Legend of Zelda, The (--)

12 - Mario (Platformers) (-)

12 - Paper Mario

12 - Pikmin

12 - Ratchet and Clank

12 - Resident Evil

12 - Tetris


11 - Castlevania

11 - Command and Conquer

11 - Dragon Quest

11 - Final Fantasy

11 - Guitar Hero

11 - Kingdom Hearts

11 - Mario Kart

11 - Monster Hunter

11 - Pokemon

11 - SimCity

11 - Super Smash Bros.

11 - Tales


10 - Bomberman

10 - Donkey Kong

10 - Tomb Raider


9 - Age of Empires

9 - Animal Crossing

9 - Banjo Kazooie

9 - Prince of Persia

9 - Mortal Kombat

9 - StarCraft


8 - Call of Duty

8 - Mario (Sports)

8 - Phantasy Star


7 - Devil May Cry

7 - Doctor Mario

7 - Doom

7 - Dynasty Warriors

7 - Fallout

7 - Jak and Daxter

7 - James Bond

7 - Metal Gear

7 - Rayman

7 - Star Wars

7 - WarCraft


6 - Brain Age

6 - God of War (+)

6 - Lego

6 - Lemmings

6 - Mobile Suit Gundam

6 - Resistance

6 - Rock Band


6 - Soul Calibur

6 - Tom Clancy


5 - Street Fighter


4 - Nintendogs

4 - Wii


3 - Crash Bandicoot


2 - Medal of Honor


ELIMINATED 1 - Yu-Gi-Oh!, 2 - Nickelodeon, 3 - WWE SmackDown, 4 - Harry Potter, 5 - Madden NFL, 6 - Grand Theft Auto, 7 - Simple, 8 - Dragonball Z, 9 - FIFA, 10 Winning Eleven (PES), 11 - Marvel, 12 - Tony Hawk, 13 - Alone in the Dark, 14 - Frogger, 15 - Spyro, 16 - Tekken, 17 - Dance Dance Revolution, 18 - Need for Speed, 19 - Halo, 20 - Mario Party 21 - The Sims, 22 - Gran Turismo, 23 - Pixar, 24 - Bejeweled, 25 - NBA Live, 26 - Dead or Alive, 27 - Lineage, 28 - Virtua Fighter, 29 - Gears of War, 30 - Turok, 31 - Unreal, 32 - Assassin's Creed



Change of rules: From this point on, you may now use two of your negative votes on a single franchise. You still have a total of three negative votes, but they no longer must be spread across three franchises - you can subtract two from one franchise, and one from another. You do not HAVE to, though - you can still spread them out if you want to.

14 - Metroid

13 - Legend of Zelda, The (+)

13 - Ace Attorney
13 - Fire Emblem
13 - Half-Life
13 - Kirby
13 - Mega Man
13 - Sonic the Hedgehog
13 - Star Fox

12 - Diablo

12 - Mario (Platformers)
12 - Paper Mario
12 - Pikmin
12 - Ratchet and Clank
12 - Resident Evil
12 - Tetris

11 - Castlevania
11 - Command and Conquer
11 - Dragon Quest

11 - Guitar Hero
11 - Kingdom Hearts
11 - Mario Kart
11 - Monster Hunter
11 - Pokemon
11 - SimCity
11 - Super Smash Bros.
11 - Tales

10 - Bomberman
10 - Donkey Kong
10 - Tomb Raider

10 - Final Fantasy (-)

9 - Age of Empires
9 - Animal Crossing
9 - Banjo Kazooie
9 - Metal Gear
9 - Prince of Persia
9 - StarCraft

8 - Call of Duty
8 - Mario (Sports)
8 - Mortal Kombat
8 - Phantasy Star

7 - Devil May Cry
7 - Doctor Mario
7 - Doom
7 - Dynasty Warriors
7 - Fallout
7 - Jak and Daxter
7 - James Bond
7 - Rayman
7 - Resistance
7 - Star Wars
7 - WarCraft

6 - Brain Age

6 - Lego
6 - Lemmings
6 - Mobile Suit Gundam
6 - Rock Band
6 - Soul Calibur
6 - Tom Clancy

5 - Street Fighter

4 - Nintendogs
4 - Wii
4 - God of War (--)

3 - Crash Bandicoot

2 - Medal of Honor

ELIMINATED 1 - Yu-Gi-Oh!, 2 - Nickelodeon, 3 - WWE SmackDown, 4 - Harry Potter, 5 - Madden NFL, 6 - Grand Theft Auto, 7 - Simple, 8 - Dragonball Z, 9 - FIFA, 10 Winning Eleven (PES), 11 - Marvel, 12 - Tony Hawk, 13 - Alone in the Dark, 14 - Frogger, 15 - Spyro, 16 - Tekken, 17 - Dance Dance Revolution, 18 - Need for Speed, 19 - Halo, 20 - Mario Party 21 - The Sims, 22 - Gran Turismo, 23 - Pixar, 24 - Bejeweled, 25 - NBA Live, 26 - Dead or Alive, 27 - Lineage, 28 - Virtua Fighter, 29 - Gears of War, 30 - Turok, 31 - Unreal, 32 - Assassin's Creed

Change of rules: From this point on, you may now use two of your negative votes on a single franchise. You still have a total of three negative votes, but they no longer must be spread across three franchises - you can subtract two from one franchise, and one from another. You do not HAVE to, though - you can still spread them out if you want to.