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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - need some advice.

xlost7 said:

I don't really have the time to play video games like that, so I wouldn't be called or titled hardcore, but I do own all three current gen consoles and I have the PSP and DS.

Thats cool,but IMO its a waste to buy another system with 90% same games as the one you have now.


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xlost7 said:


Yeah now I can actually explain to you about the Alone in the Dark demo I played.

I played the PS3 version and was expecting everything to be better than the X360 version. After playing the PS3 version, I can safely say this game is the same. The only difference in demos is that the PS3 version gave you a longer driving sequence than the X360 version.

What made it more frustrating was the fact when I was driving, I just kept seeing pop-up objects just appear from out of no where just distracting my driving abilities. I mean once I made a turn and then made a jump with the car and I saw a clear path. All of a sudden 3 cars appear from out of nowhere and make me crash. And I died in this sequence like 5 or 7 times and then gave up.

The controls are just horrible, I tried to get use to them, but switching between first-person to third-person was just clumsy in my opinion. The customization options like firing weapons, and killing the enemys were a nice feature. I just felt the mechanics just needed more work. If Eden Games actually just took some more time, and obiviously they had about the first half of the generation to do this. I would then buy the game, other than that this game is just not worth the admission if someone gave it to you for free. I'm sorry Atari, but try to make another Alone in the Dark or make a remake of the original.

Sorry for going off topic mods, but I just had to ask disolitude if the game was good or not.



Different tastes i guess... Anyone that has played old resident evil games on ps1 should not have any problems with controls. Driving is a bitch tho I agree...but driving is not even 5% of the game...

I still had fun playing it as the game had some very impressive set pieces and moments...

Garnett said:
Its true...But im still getting a PS3 :P


It's funny because I'll probably do the same. I own over 50+ 360 games (between Retail and XBLA) and I plan on getting 75 by the end of next year. I know when I get I PS3 I'll get five games or less. Why will I get one? Well, more options is always better. Blu-Ray DVDs I'm still iffy on because of the standard MRSP on blu-ray DVDs. Games like LBP and MGS4 show me It's worth owning *every* system for. Is it cheap? No, but if I got spare money to burn then I'll do it. I rather die happy and poor then die rich and sad.

It's just that simple.

MonstaMack said:
Garnett said:
Its true...But im still getting a PS3 :P


It's funny because I'll probably do the same. I own over 50+ 360 games (between Retail and XBLA) and I plan on getting 75 by the end of next year. I know when I get I PS3 I'll get five games or less. Why will I get one? Well, more options is always better. Blu-Ray DVDs I'm still iffy on because of the standard MRSP on blu-ray DVDs. Games like LBP and MGS4 show me It's worth owning *every* system for. Is it cheap? No, but if I got spare money to burn then I'll do it. I rather die happy and poor then die rich and sad.

Deep..Im gonna get one cause im a hardcore G (Gamer :p),that and the PS3 has some good games i want :p


Dude whos the girl in your avatar making those wierd faces? lol.

Well deep, yeah my pockets are deep ninjas! Just a 26 year old with $100 to burn on whatever he wants every month. I'm gonna put aside $300 for the PS3, so that's a quarter year worth of personal expenses for me. Atleast I'm hoping it hits $300 sometime next year.

It's just that simple.