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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Apple Vice President thinks they are in the same league as Nintendo & Sony

If they ever release a Console it would cost shit tons of money, and it will fail...

then they will release a Nano version of there system and it would fail once again..

then they will just Blah blah at the consumers about not buying it, and still say there on the same level as nintendo and sony...blaaaaaaaaaah!

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iPhone appear to be on the verge of losing their "new cool" factor to phones with QWERTY keyboards:,0,6289056.story

Plus, remember, people change their phones often -- so sales does not equal user base. (And unlike used/old game systems, old phones are just dead).

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


I'm still trying to figure why everyone buys an Ipod and then sits there shelling out a buck a song.
I got a nice Sony MP3 8GB player for half the price, joined Napster to go, paid $90 for the year and I can download unlimited music, which I can't keep permanently but who cares. I don't really want them forever. So far this year I've downloaded about 1200 files and I'm damn sure glad it didn't cost me $1200.

mike_intellivision said:
iPhone appear to be on the verge of losing their "new cool" factor to phones with QWERTY keyboards:,0,6289056.story

Plus, remember, people change their phones often -- so sales does not equal user base. (And unlike used/old game systems, old phones are just dead).

Mike from Morgantown

IMO you're not judging fairly, the original statement is: "It's unclear whether the iPhone rush will continue. NPD said mobile phones with QWERTY keyboards saw the greatest year-over-year rise in sales. About 30% of handsets sold in the third quarter had those keyboards familiar to computer users."

That's not the same as appearing to be on the verge of losing their cool factor, especially given that the iPhone YOY sales increased by over 500%.

I swear if Apple comes out with a 2nd "gaming touch" and it sells millions and does take market share, I will set things on fire! Seriously! Someone will have to burn if they actually do enter the market and bring their starbuck's drinkin moron fans onto our market!

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself

Around the Network

Thank god in a bad economy people will shy away from luxury products like Apple and Starbucks, and sit in Dunkin' Donuts with their HP laptops and Coby MP3 players...

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

Well Steve, Let's hope. People always seem to have the ability when it comes to bad decisions.

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself

For the record, I own an ipod Nano, I got it for $50 off at a fake closing sale at a computer retail chain. It's a tremendous value, the rest of the line up is a rip off. The shuffle, the touch, the phone, all of it is over price... even the Nano at regular price it too much, it should have an extended memory slot and a freaking good old fashion power button.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

Godot said:
I think Apple will move towards portable gaming because Ipod sales aren't growing anymore (everybody and their grandmother has a Ipod). They need to find a way to justify the upgrade

I don't have one, but then I don't have one because I don't want one. I don't have much of my own music anyway and I listen to the radio  on my Phone.


On the topic, I saw an advert for iPod Touch which pointed our the games on it, the games looked 'flash' powerful at best, some of them, and one racing game made me feel dizzy as they tilted the iPod Touch and that was just on the advert. When I tilt the iPod the car turns but unless I tilt with it it just ...

Has anyone played a racing game on an iPod touch?



Hmm, pie.

The Fury said:
Godot said:
I think Apple will move towards portable gaming because Ipod sales aren't growing anymore (everybody and their grandmother has a Ipod). They need to find a way to justify the upgrade

I don't have one, but then I don't have one because I don't want one. I don't have much of my own music anyway and I listen to the radio  on my Phone.


On the topic, I saw an advert for iPod Touch which pointed our the games on it, the games looked 'flash' powerful at best, some of them, and one racing game made me feel dizzy as they tilted the iPod Touch and that was just on the advert. When I tilt the iPod the car turns but unless I tilt with it it just ...

Has anyone played a racing game on an iPod touch?



Not on iPod Touch, but I have GTS World Racing on my iPhone. Tilt to steer is actually one application of the accelerometer that works very well, I have no trouble playing at all. Some games (I think) handle the steering so that the graphics on the screen stay level when you tilt, but I prefer the graphics to tilt as well as it doesn't clip the view. Our eyes are remarkably adept at adjusting for certain things, and while playing I honestly don't even notice that I'm tilting the graphics.

But regarding your on-the-topic point, that's what Apple seems to be doing and I've noticed the same. There is a definite push to market the iPod Touch as a gaming platform, I guess people already know it's a media player so that part can take a back seat in marketing now. And, again, you're right about the power of the games: most are very basic and not graphically impressive at all, but there are exceptions: Kroll, for example, looks IMO very good, although the gameplay is so basic it's borderline non-gaming, just mashing buttons to beat the enemies without any real tactics or skill involved. But it shows what can be done, and I don't think that's even close to maxing the platform yet.