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Forums - General Discussion - America's March Towards Socialism


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aw!! another one of these Great for socialism!! also just to point out that all Universal health care means is that everyone has to wait in line to be treated under government run health care, like Europe and Canada people have to wait at least 3 years to get a brain tumer removed cuz its backed logged by to many people that have gov't care!!!

Cobertnation said:
aw!! another one of these Great for socialism!! also just to point out that all Universal health care means is that everyone has to wait in line to be treated under government run health care, like Europe and Canada people have to wait at least 3 years to get a brain tumer removed cuz its backed logged by to many people that have gov't care!!!


 Looks like we have someone's who's been brainwashed by corporate propaganda. If you have a brain tumor here, you'll get it out within the week. If you need to see a doctor, you can usualy get an appointment either the day you ring, or the next.

There are just as many hospital beds whether the hospitals are being run by a government, or by a corporation.

Lol, what's with Americans and the word Socialism? Freaks you out pretty bad.

Europe is roughly 5-fold more social then America I believe, and we turned out ok.

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Esmoreit said:
Europe is roughly 5-fold more social then America I believe, and we turned out ok.

In regards to certain areas, Europe is more socialist than the US. Some European nations, however, are actually more capitalistic in certain areas. All developed nations are mixed economies. 

In regards to Manus' socialist manifesto, I am not opposed to his goals. I am, however, opposed to the means with which he would achieve them. If you want a school system that works, you replace our current producer-subsidized system with a consumer-subsidized system. If you desire to restore the economy, you do not follow the failed policies of Hoover and FDR-yes, that includes infrastructure spending to boost the economy.  


ManusJustus said:
senseinobaka said: 

 Tell me the last time a CEO commited mass murdered, invaded a country, trampled citizen rights, siezed citizen property/taxes, killed citizens demonstrating against oppression, illegally ran unethical clinical trials on sick minorities, showed blatant disregard for humanity, and much, much more.

I can come up with literally hundreds of elected officials that have commited all such crimes since 1900's, but a single CEO... nope.

I guess you've never heard of several labor disputes in the United States where businessmen fought with, and in many cases killed laborers who were going on strike.   And dont you dare try to defend their 'mule is worth more than a man' mentatily (in reference to coal mining) because they had to buy a new mule if it died but they could hire a new worker at no new cost.  Or perhaps Nigeria, where labor union advocates and environmentalists (oil industry) are often executed.  Or Columbia, where labor leaders who try to form unions at such places as Coca Cola plants are often assasinated.

Your hatred of democracy is stunning.  Kim Jon Il calls himself president of the Democratic Republic of Korea, and he does many of these things, but he is far from an actual elected official who answers to his electorate.  Same goes for Adolf Hitler and countless other examples of so called elected officials, you couldnt vote Adolf Hitler out of being the Fuhrer.

For those elected officials who actually answer to the electorate, their actions are heavily scrutinzed by the people they serve.  And if their beliefs and actions migrate too far away from that of their electorate then they will no longer be in power.

How many wars in history have been fought by two democracies?  The answer is none, even though there are a few pseudo-examples such as the American Civil War, though no one would call the Confederacy where only a minority were able to vote a true democracy (if you ever get into political theory you'll learn how democracies justify who has the ability to vote, such as reasoning for why minors shouldnt vote.)

So in other words, you are unable to name a single CEO. You could have just said that.

If you are going to bring up violence caused against labor unions you have to also bring up violence caused by labor unions. Some one killing a striking worker is bad, but a strinking mob flogging and killing people who decide to work, just as bad.

Also, I'm going to go out on a limb and submit that all the examples you have provided are insignificant compared to the amount of lives lost in the Iraq war, which was waged by an elected president and by both elected democrats and republicans in congress. And that's just going back to the past 8 years. What about the elected president Truman who carpet bombed civilian targets in Tokyo and dropped nuclear bombs on civilian cities. Start with that, show me a CEO that equals those two examples of evil right there. And, I want a name.



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senseinobaka said:

So in other words, you are unable to name a single CEO.

I'm going to go out on a limb and submit (Iraq war and World War II).

I mentioned Coca-Cola hiring an assassin to kill union leaders in Colombia.  No, I dont know who is the CEO of Coca Cola or who runs their operations in Columbia, but I do know that whenever a labor leader emerges and wants Coca Cola to pay their workers more they end up dead.

How can you blame democractic America for World War II?  America was attacked by Japan and Truman used a bomb which his generals described to him as just a 'large bomb' (Truman was in the dark as Vice President under Roosevelt), and that bomb saved the lives of many Americans and Japanese in a war that we didnt start.  Concerning the War in Iraq, our elected officials as well as the majority of the population believed that Saddam Hussien was a formidable threat to America and other countries.  A similar circumstance would be you selling your old car which you think is in good condition, but shortly after you sale the care it turns out to be a clunker, does that make you evil or just ignorant?  Ignorance of evil is not evil.

Your logic also fails in regards to means and ability.  A Coca Cola businessman in Columbia may be evil, but his means to do that evil are low.  Leaders of country may be less evil, but they their means of action are very high.  Would Ghengis Khan be any less evil if he was a soldier instead of a king?  Are you suggesting that George Bush is more evil than a convicted murderer and rapist sitting in a jail cell?

we're there like horrible factory worker conditions back in the day where you had to work like 12 hour days 6 days a week for like 1 dollar a day?

There was that one book, "The Jungle" that I read when i was a junior about the meat industry.


Oh, and on that note, I'm sure there are several occasions where a company knowingly released some kind of dangerous product out to the public and it caused lots of health problems/death for consumers.