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Forums - Sony Discussion - Maguire claims competitors are waning, best is to come from PS3

TheBigFatJ said:
Yes, i noticed the Wii is about done. It's barely selling.

The suggestion that the PS3 will be a top console much longer than 5 years is nonsense -- Sony will replace it with the PS4 by 2012 at the latest. Possibly even 2011.

So Sony is still saying their games are just around the corner? Didn't they say that in 2006 as well? And then again in 2007?

History repeats itself.


lmao the ten year plan will stick. as years wane on it will sell more and more and cost less and less to produce... stupid to believe they wont, if they dont they wont turn a profit. currently it takes 474 to make a ps3 last time i checked.

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Sony didn't support the ps1 very long after the ps2 launched.  It stopped selling well pretty quick.  They support the ps2 because the ps2 and its games sell better than the ps3.  The ps2 is the only reason sony's doing as well as they are.

However, i'm going to defend sony here just a little bit.  They're finally getting some games out worth owning.  MGS4, disgaea, valkyria chronicles (this game is extremely fun), Resistance 2 to an extent.  Sad I bought the CE myself.  =(  I think R2 sucks compared to gears but that's another convo entirely, and it's obviously up to opinion.  Motorstorm now has a sequal with local 2 player support, which I know will bring it a lot more sales than the first one did.  That was the only thing keeping me from owning the first one personally.

The problem with saying they're gonna be the top system though, is the 360 simply has a stronger lineup.  Way back I wanted to own a ps3 because I thought that sony would be the rpg console once again.  Now?  You're kinda nuts if you love rpg's and don't own a 360.  Even that is beside the point though.  Neither system is going to top the wii this generation.  Maybe next generation.  I know there are a ton of people out there who are tired of the motion controls.  Especially considering they don't work half the time.

Sony won't come with a 10 year plan. There will simply not exist demand. Non-winner consoles are usually fads compared to the time the market lead lingers and that's still like 7-8 years.






10 year plan probably just means they will manufacture and repair the console for 10 years. People that actually think PS3 is going to be a factor 10 years after launch are delusional.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

Sony didn't start off sluggish with the ps2. Everyone wanted one, even with the crap launch titles it had. Soon after it actually got some decent titles and really took off.

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PS3 is a bit late lol
Wii is indeed a monster






idiots just cut the price like microsoft and youll see the result immediatley

axumblade said:
Cidien said:
Sony didn't start off sluggish with the ps2. Everyone wanted one, even with the crap launch titles it had. Soon after it actually got some decent titles and really took off.

I could be wrong but I've heard that the PS2 didn't start picking up a lot of momentum until a little while after it was released.


No, the PS2 was wildly successful right out of the gate despite being $299USD. The only reason it didn't sell better was due to parts shortages. At the time, the sales it was achieving without a price-cut were considered absurd. No manufacturer had sold so many consoles at launch prices for such a long period of time like Sony did (~30M shipped worldwide from 2000-2002), and following the XBox's arrival in 2001, Sony announced at E3 '02 that they were dropping the price a full third, to $199 as a response (most expected a price cut, but only down to $249), so momentum just continued on.

In Jan '01 there were widespread reports that Sony was going to ramp up production to sate demand, and many analysts fled Sony in terror, thinking the company was going to overextend itself, flooding the market with consoles. The PS2 bubble is going to burst ... any day now ... they'd say.

Sound familiar?

Dryden said:
axumblade said:
Cidien said:
Sony didn't start off sluggish with the ps2. Everyone wanted one, even with the crap launch titles it had. Soon after it actually got some decent titles and really took off.

I could be wrong but I've heard that the PS2 didn't start picking up a lot of momentum until a little while after it was released.


No, the PS2 was wildly successful right out of the gate despite being $299USD. The only reason it didn't sell better was due to parts shortages. At the time, the sales it was achieving without a price-cut were considered absurd. No manufacturer had sold so many consoles at launch prices for such a long period of time like Sony did (~30M shipped worldwide from 2000-2002), and following the XBox's arrival in 2001, Sony announced at E3 '02 that they were dropping the price a full third, to $199 as a response (most expected a price cut, but only down to $249), so momentum just continued on.

In Jan '01 there were widespread reports that Sony was going to ramp up production to sate demand, and many analysts fled Sony in terror, thinking the company was going to overextend itself, flooding the market with consoles. The PS2 bubble is going to burst ... any day now ... they'd say.

Sound familiar?

Only difference now is they say it is going to burst out of genuine hatred for the console.  It is more of a hope/prayer than a genuine prediction.  With PS2 it was more of a prediction.


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bdbdbd said:
@Dominicator: The thing here is, that what else Sony can do? Whether we like their stupidities, all they can do is try to give positive impression (in context) about the future. They aren't going to "fuck off for not getting the PS3" (although the PR have hinted to this around 2 years ago).
So i don't think the comment was to shareholders, atleast as much it was for the public, since PS3 is practically in a price deadlock due to BD and 360 had a pricut, which Sony can't call. So they want to assure the public that 360 (and Wii) isn't the right purchase.

@Grooski: Apparently you aren't getting why Wii is specswise more "futureproof" than PS360 (since you apparenty hinted to this). Currently Wiis specs are outdated and it will remain this way. When the next gen arrives, it can't hit Wii for its specs, but it will outdate PS3 and 360, which will both lose their "high performance" -value. Of course, the next gen will mimic Wii to an extent, but Wii will likely have a price and game advantage and late adopters most likely will get a console with cheap price, loads of cheap games and large aftermarket. And Nintendo will have the brand advantage, unless someone can disrupt Nintendo.

Yes, Sony is in remarkable position at the moment, which reminds me about the "old wisdom" of finnish sports commentators: (10 000 meters run starts) "Martti was left last at the start and is getting into remarkable striking position". (after 5000 meters) "Martti is still last and his position is only getting better as the race advances". (The race finishes) "Martti was left two rounds behind in the last place, but the run was strategically remarkable for him keeping in striking distance through the whole race".

This is true--no smart company would sit there and crap all over their flagship product or tell consumers not to buy their product.  But this statement about the other two companies "waning" is taking it WAY too far.