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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Epic find Gears 2 reviews “humbling”

Faxanadu said:
theprof00 said:
MrBubbles said:
theprof00 said:

Wouldn't it imply bad reviews?


the use would imply that they believed it should have been a much higher score and they have been put in their place.  possibly even ashamed of their work.

so i think what we should conclude from this is that Mike Capps is an idiot.

yeah that's how i read it. Glad I'm not the only one who thinks he's an idiot.


Oh my. Very sad statements. First start to understand proper english, including the context words are used in. Then come back to these forums.

Comments like these are disgusting.


first read my other posts and then come talk smack when you know your ass from your elbow.

On this note I realize that Mike Capps is not the poster but the reviewer. I was not paying attention to that. Regardless of that though, I have stated several times now, and you will be the sixth time I've had to say "I was talking about the title" nub.


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theprof00 said:
Khuutra said:
theprof00 said:
Khuutra said:
That is a long post that doesn't say a lot.

Mike Capps made the statement, not Cliff B.

“It’s really humbling to see such great review scores coming in so far, and we’re glad that reviewers have been excited about the many changes we’ve made in the sequel,” he told CVG.

When something positive is humbling, it means that it's far and above what you were expecting. This is not hard to draw from context.

Tell me how you got that from the title. Because that is what I've been talking about this whole time. Does someone need to slap you with a trout?



I would suggest, next time, that you simply read the OP.

I would suggest, next time, that you and jasoncc realize that we are talking about the title. Within the context the title implies bad reviews because of natural tendancy to take that phrase as negative. It is a linguistic thing. I know that words have different meanings but sometimes there is such a predominant meaning that supercedes the other psychologically.

In takes context in order to derive this secondary meaning sometimes, and that is why when I came in I said to myself "huh, it got good reviews after all".

The phrase was said twice. Once in the OP with one context, and once in the body of the OP within another context. If you cannot understand the concept of context then there is nothing I can do for you. You are so focused right now on proving that 'humbled' can mean 'thankful' that you aren't even reading what I'm trying to say, and you are automatically assuming that I'm trying to tell you wrong.

Unfortunately, this will be the fifth time I say this. "I was talking about the TITLE" I know it may sound confusing given such big words as 'talking' and 'TITLE'. (which in this case means the heading, and not the 'championship')


I apologize if I jumped the gun with the "trolling" comment.  The only reason I commented here was because to me it sounded like a bunch of arguing over something completely stupid.  It wasn't really directed at you specifically but I'm still sorry if you took it that way.  I agree that the title could be seen as misleading but with the way most OP's write titles here (misleading, fanboy spin, poor grammer, whatever) I tend to just ignore them for the most part and concentrate on what's in the actual article.

I think I'll just leave it at that because I think the thread in general has gone way off track of what was originally intended and probably gone on a little too long lol.

Completed X360:
High Def Movie Collection

thank you jason you are a gentleman and a scholar.

I generally just poke fun at people most of the time or point out interesting contradictions within the posts I read. I also almost never post my own opinion until I've read everyone's.

I never meant to take this topic off course or say that the OP was an idiot. I thought I was just joking along with bubbles, yaknow, making a big deal out of such a small thing. But then of course people got all crazy.

But yeah, I see your point, and I've often been frustrated at the way things go on around the internet.

I'm not trying to offend anyone, I just want people to take back what they said about me. Which, being on the internet, may be a little too overestimating of users to expect that they can read.

No problem, the internet can be serious business sometimes haha

I usually make a point to try and stay out of arguments and just have fun but sometimes I guess I can take things too seriously also :)

Completed X360:
High Def Movie Collection

yeah it gets wild sometimes. It seems there is so much anger in the world even though we are about to enter a golden age with Barack Obama.

(Now this statement might start some real fire!)

good thing bigjon and Mr.Bubbles aren't arouunnnn... shit.

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theprof00 said:
thank you jason you are a gentleman and a scholar.

I generally just poke fun at people most of the time or point out interesting contradictions within the posts I read. I also almost never post my own opinion until I've read everyone's.

I never meant to take this topic off course or say that the OP was an idiot. I thought I was just joking along with bubbles, yaknow, making a big deal out of such a small thing. But then of course people got all crazy.

But yeah, I see your point, and I've often been frustrated at the way things go on around the internet.

I'm not trying to offend anyone, I just want people to take back what they said about me. Which, being on the internet, may be a little too overestimating of users to expect that they can read.

Thanks I would not like to be called an idiot for posting a news piece.

Mind you I have been called worse.






This thread is humbling.

I'm not even sure what I mean by this. Feel free to twist my comment for your own nefarious purposes.

theprof banned in 3...2...1...

reask said:
theprof00 said:
thank you jason you are a gentleman and a scholar.

I generally just poke fun at people most of the time or point out interesting contradictions within the posts I read. I also almost never post my own opinion until I've read everyone's.

I never meant to take this topic off course or say that the OP was an idiot. I thought I was just joking along with bubbles, yaknow, making a big deal out of such a small thing. But then of course people got all crazy.

But yeah, I see your point, and I've often been frustrated at the way things go on around the internet.

I'm not trying to offend anyone, I just want people to take back what they said about me. Which, being on the internet, may be a little too overestimating of users to expect that they can read.

Thanks I would not like to be called an idiot for posting a news piece.

Mind you I have been called worse.


i like how you skipped the part where i said I was joking.

you guys are so cool. I'm sorry I even tried to enlighten you guys.

Chrizum wrong for the second time in 3...2..  oh wait already happened. twice.


theprof00 said:
Khuutra said:
theprof00 said:
Khuutra said:
That is a long post that doesn't say a lot.

Mike Capps made the statement, not Cliff B.

“It’s really humbling to see such great review scores coming in so far, and we’re glad that reviewers have been excited about the many changes we’ve made in the sequel,” he told CVG.

When something positive is humbling, it means that it's far and above what you were expecting. This is not hard to draw from context.

Tell me how you got that from the title. Because that is what I've been talking about this whole time. Does someone need to slap you with a trout?



I would suggest, next time, that you simply read the OP.

I would suggest, next time, that you and jasoncc realize that we are talking about the title. Within the context the title implies bad reviews because of natural tendancy to take that phrase as negative. It is a linguistic thing. I know that words have different meanings but sometimes there is such a predominant meaning that supercedes the other psychologically.

In takes context in order to derive this secondary meaning sometimes, and that is why when I came in I said to myself "huh, it got good reviews after all".

The phrase was said twice. Once in the OP with one context, and once in the body of the OP within another context. If you cannot understand the concept of context then there is nothing I can do for you. You are so focused right now on proving that 'humbled' can mean 'thankful' that you aren't even reading what I'm trying to say, and you are automatically assuming that I'm trying to tell you wrong.

Unfortunately, this will be the fifth time I say this. "I was talking about the TITLE" I know it may sound confusing given such big words as 'talking' and 'TITLE'. (which in this case means the heading, and not the 'championship')



More lots of talking without saying much.

Read the OP before commenting on the title. Otherwise you miss the entire point.