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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Miyamoto's Mistake and what it'll cost the Wii

shams said:
No comment. How "Wii Music" has "failed" - is beyond me. Remember that Nintendo makes money off SHIPMENT sales - not RETAIL sales.

And I would say its already got close to shipping 1m units worldwide. And for a full priced game, with no controllers included - Ninty will be making a solid $20US-$30US "profit" per unit - meaning approx $25m in their pockets already.

Even if the game cost $5m to make - and that might be doubtful - that's a $20m US profit *already*.

By the time the Wii stops selling, WiiMusic will have made Ninty a cool $60-100m in profit - if not more.


Its the perception that things like this are "failures" that keeps Ninty laughing all the way to the bank - while EA/Sony (etc) rack up hundreds of millions of losses per qrt.

Nice damage control, but it doesn't have much to do with the thread title or OP's comments.

PSN - hanafuda

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shams said:
No comment. How "Wii Music" has "failed" - is beyond me. Remember that Nintendo makes money off SHIPMENT sales - not RETAIL sales.

And I would say its already got close to shipping 1m units worldwide. And for a full priced game, with no controllers included - Ninty will be making a solid $20US-$30US "profit" per unit - meaning approx $25m in their pockets already.

Even if the game cost $5m to make - and that might be doubtful - that's a $20m US profit *already*.

By the time the Wii stops selling, WiiMusic will have made Ninty a cool $60-100m in profit - if not more.


Its the perception that things like this are "failures" that keeps Ninty laughing all the way to the bank - while EA/Sony (etc) rack up hundreds of millions of losses per qrt.


Noone is saying they are going to loose money over it.

However seeing Nintendo's track record.

Could the team that developed the game have developped something a lot more successfull in the same time ? Maybe....

5 Million$ cost ? Lol they probably spend more than that on marketing alone...

And the game kept Miyamoto busy for a while and that alone is priceless seeing the kind of game he has overseen in the past...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

famousringo said:
pastro243 said:
I love to see how people bash RB/GH for being accesible, that it doesnt take skill and if u suck it doesnt affect the music, well I tell u it does, maybe u havent seen newbs play these games, makes the game sound aweful. And know u sing, I think thats musical enough, and if u suck, the game tells u. Of course u can change dificulty, that makes the game more accesible, and thats a feature every game should have.
Im going to finish saying that maybe RB/GH deserve to do better because they are better games, and reviews have said so so far.


I don't think that anybody is bashing Rock Band or Guitar Hero for being accessible. Accessiblity of play is a major advantage of those franchises and a big factor in their massive success. It's just ironic that the Wii franchise entry in the music genre is less accessible than these established music franchises.

Maybe you are right but as I see it there are people that first bashed Rb/GH for not being music games and just being rithm games, and saying they lack innovation, when quality is more important. And now they make  excuses like Wii Music is way too hardcore for normal users and how casual RB/GH are. For me thats just damage control and an attempt to bash the traditional games, and if wii music does bad(not saying it will) it will probably be because of other reasons, not that its not accesible, which is debatable(not by me, since I havent played it)


I'm curios why playing a rhythm game song perfectly is so important. Most music players don't play their own songs exactly everytime. They often make small changes. If you listen to 2 different performences of the same song by the same band. They will be different.

While I love GHWT. I think it could use a mechanic to be a little leient for some creative notes. Or at least not punishng you with a failure or bad sound.

I would post more on the idea of "failure" idea of Wii Music, but so many people have already posted a lot of my thoughts.

However I stand by that I have been playing games for over 20 years and have a lot of interest in Wiimusic. This is again a case of. It doesn't fit me. So it's not so good.

Squilliam: On Vgcharts its a commonly accepted practice to twist the bounds of plausibility in order to support your argument or agenda so I think its pretty cool that this gives me the precedent to say whatever I damn well please.

Well let's see. Wii's are still supply constraint. They are increasing Wii supply for the Christmas period.

Zelda, Metroid, Galaxy, Kart, Brawl, Mario Party, Mario RPG, Animal Crossing, Pokemon Battle Revolution, Strikers, & Sluggers are available for traditional audience.

And then there is Wii Sports, Wii Play, Wii Fit, & Wii Music for the expanded audience.

I just named 15 games that are potential system sellers For everyone else who already have a Wii are aren't happy with Animal Crossing & Wii Music they can go back and pick from those 15 games the ones they want but haven't purchased yet.

Sry but Wii will continue to outsell ps360 sales combined.

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Wii Music was an attempt to make something that had never been made before. The concept is WAY more "out there" than Brain Age, Nintendogs, Wii Sports or Wii Fit.

In addition to the problem of accessability, and the need to invest a lot of time to get a lot out of the game, there's also the issue of getting people to understand the concept without playing the game.

And so the game has had a rocky start, no doubt.

But where I lose you is the idea of "what it'll cost Wii."

Wii is loaded with long-legged mega-hits. Mario Kart Wii and Wii Fit are far from "old news." Their sales momentum is so massive it appears both have probably reached less than 50% of their potential sales. And Wii's holiday lineup has another mega-game, Animal Crossing, which is a much surer bet than Wii Music ever was, and which could be especially potent in Japan.

And don't expect Nintendo to take the foot off the gas next year. With the Play on Wii series, and all those games they announced at their fall conference, and Wii Sports Resort, Nintendo are doing plenty to maintain the momentum even if Wii Music totally flops.

"[Our former customers] are unable to find software which they WANT to play."
"The way to solve this problem lies in how to communicate what kind of games [they CAN play]."

Satoru Iwata, Nintendo President. Only slightly paraphrased.

Miyamoto make a mistake? Improbable haha.

I don't think he made a mistake I jsut think he had the unfortunate issue of timing with Wii Music. And Wii Music will go platinum but will not sell like it's Wii series counterpart. Wii Sports Resort will though. Mistake has not been made when Miyamoto is making projects that make Ninty money and of course he understand to make games for everyone.

So whatever you were trying to get out of this just really kinda failed haha.

You're kind of saying that casuals are people who hate to lose, and can't stand doing something wrong. I think that this game seems great, but I haven't played it yet, so I'll have to skip the quality part.


For sales, this title could easily sell 400K by the end of the year in Japan. It launched in the most dead time of the year, and overall, its sales are respectable.

Console music games do not sell in Japan. No console music game has, to my knowledge, sold 100K in Japan. Are you calling a game that is likely to sell at least 5 times of that a failure there? Nope. Wii Music greatly expanded the console music genre in  Japan.

As for America, it doesn't seem like it will take off, but I have faith that it can make 1M there. It should WW manage to sell 2M by the end of the year, which is by no means bad.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

The only big mistake I see with Wii Music was that HORRIBLE presentation at E3, so bad it made people to hate that game and don't even give it a chance to try it out despite some good reviews and comments.
Had the presentation been made by JC from NOA, the game wouldn't be as hated as it is right now.

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This game has been out two weeks and sold 250,000 copies worldwide with its numbers drastically decreasing in both territories in its second week. Why do the majority of you still think this is going to be a huge hit that sells 5,000,000 plus copies? Seems kind of like the reasoning of those folks that still want to think that dinosuars and people walked the earth at the same time to me. And if Animal Crossing follows Wii Music's baton that will mean big problems headed Nintendo's way sooner rather than later.