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Forums - General Discussion - digital distribution will it take off or not?

kinda undecided on this issue, seeing what Itunes has done to music but is a completely different market compared to movies and games, what do you guys think.

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When HD movies can be downloaded into your home at a desirable speed, then perhaps more people will become interested. Currently, companies are trying to expand those technologies so that transfer speeds will be able to match the quantity and size of what people are downloading nowadays. I don't see it lifting off for another decade or so, but at the rate tech has been expanding who knows.

agreed, especially for people that run either a slow internet or don't even have internet, another thing is why pay for something and have nothing to show for it.

Its already taking off but people are over estimating it. Some people honestly think one of the next gen consoles will run completely on downloadable games and such.

DD will only get better but we wont see a complete DD gaming market for quiet some time.

yea the day everyone has free internet is the day DD takes over, PPV has been around for years and it hasn't replaced rental stores.

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Depending on your definition of "taking off," it may have done so already. I think it will eventually be the majority of the market. At some point downloading will be so fast and hard disk space will be so cheap and traffic will be so bad that you'd have to be insane to go pick up a physical copy of anything.