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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Resistance 2 = Fable 2

Has this been posted already?

Anyways, I was just looking at the Resistance 2 Collector's Edition cover and I was thinking in my head, this cover looks like something I've seen before. Then I look at the Fable cover, for the Xbox, no that's not it. Fable just kept sticking to me. I have the Collector's Edition and it uses both the front and back to show one image, so that's not it. I then look up the Fable 2 cover, standard edition. That was it.

What do you guys think? Coincidence?


They'll both probably end up with a 90 on Metacritic, so they are equal in a way.


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both good covers,

What shocking and groundbreaking news!



I like the Resistance 2 box better


The fans got to pick what the SE box of R2 would look like a couple months ago or something.

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Really...If you would make topic like "R2 cover looks same as Fable 2" but HOW can Resistance 2 = Fable 2??



Take my love, take my land..

They both have nice boxarts I prefer the r2 one though.


Cool. Just looked it up and I'm glad they let the fans vote, because the other covers looked a little crappy.


haha.. don't get mad cuz the covers look the same. u_u

Through Metacritic, equal scores. So my title still pertains to the topic. ~_n


Xbone... the new "N" word   Apparently I troll MS now | Evidence | Evidence
pbroy said:


Cool. Just looked it up and I'm glad they let the fans vote, because the other covers looked a little crappy.


haha.. don't get mad cuz the covers look the same. u_u

Through Metacritic, equal scores. So my title still pertains to the topic. ~_n


Fail again


R2 =91

Fable2 = 90



Take my love, take my land..

Hmmm, I made a similar thread about box arts that look almost the same:

It's quite fun to see! ;)

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

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