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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - fable 2 question

anyone know where to get prostitutes

i want 2 piss off my wife

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Bloodstone, after you find the second hero.

Well, I know this girl that... Oh, right, in Fable 2, yeah, um sorry.

were do u get da second hero

prepare4war said:
were do u get da second hero


Play the game. 

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how far into the game is it

prepare4war said:
how far into the game is it


No idea because I did a lot of side stuff.  I imagine if you just blaze through the game I would guess it's about 6-7-ish hours into the game but that's only a guess.

Since you guys are answering Fable 2 questions, answer me this: Will my hair grow back? Also, where can I change my hair style? I'm wearing a hat to hide my shame!

d21lewis said:
Since you guys are answering Fable 2 questions, answer me this: Will my hair grow back? Also, where can I change my hair style? I'm wearing a hat to hide my shame!


There's a barber shop in Bowerstone.  If you're facing the tavern I believe it's down the alley to the right.  You'll see the barber pole outside the shop.

God bless you, Twesterm! Favorite Mod, CONFIRMED!!!!