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Forums - Sony Discussion - reviews Resistance 2.

Its a good score, but i was hoping for better

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

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I am going to buy this game !!!
It look really good game to me.

Dodece explained it pretty well but concerning Wii music getting a higher score than R2.

That doesn't mean Wii Music is better than R2. The two games are totally different, you take each game and review their genre and game as one. Say a new racing car game came out, you would review it on how good of a "racing" game it is, how it stands up to other racing games and how enjoyable that racing game is.

I don't like racing games much but if i were to review one, I won't let a game like Final Fantasy (rpg games I love) which is a different game entirely affect my review on the racing game. I would review it as a racing game.