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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Worst console you've owned?

Sega Saturn.

PSN: EDguila

PS3 library:  Motorstorm, Assasin's Creed, Orange Box, Uncharted:DF, Metal Gear Solid 4, Resistance:FOM, Rachet & Clank Future:ToD,

Near future: Folklore, SOCOM Confrontation, BioShock, Little Big Planet, Resistance 2.

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I am going to answer this question like it is asking about the individual console I owned, not the brand overall.


Disc Read Errors BAH. Can't enjoy a console if you can't play it.

Now my Gamecube... I could play soccer with that and it would still work!

About time I remember my password...

The Sega Nomad. Though a brilliant piece of technology (it could play Sega Genesis games as a portable unit) it completely drained the batteries within half an hour if you didn't plug it in. Which basically undermined the entire point of owning it.

this generation (and the very end of the last) was the first time i actually had a choice in which consoles i got. before this i was happy with anyhting i got. so i'm basing it purely on this generation to be honest, and the worst console i've ever owned is the wii. it's not terrible, it's just the worst i've owned.

i can only seem to bring my self to buy first party titles for it because i'm scared any other title is going to be horrible. plus, it's been with my girlfriend ever since i got ssbb. i just can't bring myself to play it anymore. i seriously can't think of one title i want to get for the wii this christmas. not that there aren't any, i'm just not interested in any.

I don’t know, every system I buy has good games even the PS2

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

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Some people say that the Wii is underpowered, but I disagree. Think of a time vs graphics graph. The line that represents the average power of graphics at a certain date would increasing as a curve upwards, not a line. (as time goes by, graphic quality rises faster).

My point is, it appears that Microsoft and Sony are the ones who deviated from the norm and made consoles that are more powerful than normal. It was Nintendo made a console with graphics that matches this time period. They basically set a price that is about the same as the previous gen consoles cost when they were new, and made a machine that matched.

It is actually Nintendo who maintained the norm, and Microsoft and Sony who have deviated from it. I'm not saying that is a bad thing for any of the three consoles, but the extra horsepower from 360/PS3 does come with a cost: Higher prices and hardware problems (Alienware computers have the same issues, costs a lot and the cutting edge technology often had problems). Microsoft and Sony do offset the cost issue by selling their consoles at a loss.

@The Anarchyz: The GC had graphics that matched the XBOX. Just look at RE4. If a game has PS2 graphics, it is the developer's fault.


Gameboy pocket, as i am happy with all of my other consoles.

Senlis said:

Some people say that the Wii is underpowered, but I disagree. Think of a time vs graphics graph. The line that represents the average power of graphics at a certain date would increasing as a curve upwards, not a line. (as time goes by, graphic quality rises faster).

My point is, it appears that Microsoft and Sony are the ones who deviated from the norm and made consoles that are more powerful than normal. It was Nintendo made a console with graphics that matches this time period. They basically set a price that is about the same as the previous gen consoles cost when they were new, and made a machine that matched.

It is actually Nintendo who maintained the norm, and Microsoft and Sony who have deviated from it. I'm not saying that is a bad thing for any of the three consoles, but the extra horsepower from 360/PS3 does come with a cost: Higher prices and hardware problems (Alienware computers have the same issues, costs a lot and the cutting edge technology often had problems). Microsoft and Sony do offset the cost issue by selling their consoles at a loss.

@The Anarchyz: The GC had graphics that matched the XBOX. Just look at RE4. If a game has PS2 graphics, it is the developer's fault.

you know ps360 graphics are old.. too.

the next step in graphics its crysis in high and its the standard we will se next generation.

wii could have been able abit more powerful (256mb ram and a 3.2ghz 350mhz 128mb vcard. ) and still sold at a profit.. it was nintendo greed that stopped them from it.

they are getting 1.4 billion in profit.. the wii its dirt cheap to make. thats the main reason from the huge profits.


Jo21 said:
Senlis said:

Some people say that the Wii is underpowered, but I disagree. Think of a time vs graphics graph. The line that represents the average power of graphics at a certain date would increasing as a curve upwards, not a line. (as time goes by, graphic quality rises faster).

My point is, it appears that Microsoft and Sony are the ones who deviated from the norm and made consoles that are more powerful than normal. It was Nintendo made a console with graphics that matches this time period. They basically set a price that is about the same as the previous gen consoles cost when they were new, and made a machine that matched.

It is actually Nintendo who maintained the norm, and Microsoft and Sony who have deviated from it. I'm not saying that is a bad thing for any of the three consoles, but the extra horsepower from 360/PS3 does come with a cost: Higher prices and hardware problems (Alienware computers have the same issues, costs a lot and the cutting edge technology often had problems). Microsoft and Sony do offset the cost issue by selling their consoles at a loss.

@The Anarchyz: The GC had graphics that matched the XBOX. Just look at RE4. If a game has PS2 graphics, it is the developer's fault.

you know ps360 graphics are old.. too.

the next step in graphics its crysis in high and its the standard we will se next generation.

wii could have been able abit more powerful (256mb ram and a 3.2ghz 350mhz 128mb vcard. ) and still sold at a profit.. it was nintendo greed that stopped them from it.

they are getting 1.4 billion in profit.. the wii its dirt cheap to make. thats the main reason from the huge profits.


Agreed. The Wii should be more powerful. That's the only thing that pisses me off about it.







Nintendo DS.  The only thing I like it for is the fact that it has some good RPGs and backwards compatibility for GBA games.  I feel sorry for people that have bought some of the shovelware that has been put out for this system.  Dreamcast was the biggest dissapointment.  I loved the system, but the support just died.