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Forums - Sales Discussion - Is Gran Turismo a big system selling franchise?

Grid would have an impact on GT5 sales? How did you figure that one out, an arcade racer competing with a driving sim. No point in comparing Mario to GT5, Mario games sell more than any franchise, may that be Halo, FF, GeOW or GT could ever dream of.
Forza 2 was bundles, I know that as I got that game with my 360 so those numbers are pathetic compared to GT games, no matter how anyone spins in.

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Reject said:
Grid would have an impact on GT5 sales? How did you figure that one out, an arcade racer competing with a driving sim. No point in comparing Mario to GT5, Mario games sell more than any franchise, may that be Halo, FF, GeOW or GT could ever dream of.
Forza 2 was bundles, I know that as I got that game with my 360 so those numbers are pathetic compared to GT games, no matter how anyone spins in.

The thing is this. Sony's core market is split between the Xbox 360 and PS3. One of its core demographics is also split between the two and the Xbox 360 has been selling Forza quite well. Just as they've never really had competition for their core users, they've never had competition for their core driving game.



GT used to be a system seller back when Polyphony Digital shipped games.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

People probably don't talk about it because it's like the N64's Ocarina of Time. Yeah, it's a sleeping monster all right, but it alone cannot carry the console on its own. If the PS3 is going to outsell the 360, it needs to pull ahead further than it is now, before GT5 comes out.

Of course, whether or not it outsells the 360 is still pretty meaningless in determining what its future is like. It is entertaining, though.

Looking at the numbers, Forza is no wear near competing with GT in terms of sales, quality wise Forza is very good though. The prologue of GT5 sold 2 million so it all points to GT5 selling huge numbers. Say GT5 and Forza 3 were released the game month numbers should that Forza 3 would not stand a chance against Gran Turismo so it is once again the case where GT had no competition of substance. Forza is the main competition and at most it will take away 2 million sales at most from GT, cant see it doing anything else.

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If GT5 will be realesed in 2010 it will be too late. Until then PS3 doesnt have any console sellers so thats going to be very hard.

Squilliam said:
Not quite as big this gen, it actually has some decent competition for Forza and the Race Driver series. It used to be the only driving game worth buying, but not so much anymore.

Yahh and Merconaries2 is decent competition to Gears2.


Forza is a car game by gamers, GT is car bible by the car pope.

10 years later it still has no real competition and wont for a long time,  No one else is as well funded and as hardcore car fan a PD is.

Sure! One of the biggest....
although I'm not a fan of this game!

one of the best-selling founding ps franchises... hmmm. Maybe?

I still think that Forza is the better game and i always will. GT once was the only good car game but now car games have evolved. Forza has better car physics.