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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Report is up

Currency changes must have hit them hard,
Japan represents less than 30% of the sales but 90% of the profit...

They actually make very small profit in US and Europe relatively to the amount of sales there....
So basically Nintendo profit solely relies on how good it is doing in Japan ( 175 million $ operating income in US, 167 million $ in Europe, 2.9 billion $ in Japan..)


I had no clue US and Europe contributed so little to Nintendo's profit...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Around the Network
CrashMan said:
Now, who wishes they bought Nintendo stock in June 2006?


Someone hasn't been following the stock market recently..

The stock is only up 60% compared to June 2006 at this point in time

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Japan hardware sales down for Q1-Q2 over last year.
DS down 70%. Wii down 40%

That is about the only negative thing in their earnings report. And the DSi and Monster Hunter 3 should fix those.

So its sounding like the crazy prediction from John Lucas of 50 million Wii's will only be off by a few months!

double post.

Around the Network
largedarryl said:
So its sounding like the crazy prediction from John Lucas of 50 million Wii's will only be off by a few months!

Sadly John Lucas predicted 60 million Wii's. Which makes him WAAAAY off.


Signature goes here!

Oyvoyvoyv said:
JHawkNH said:

For hardware yes, but unless there's over 55M software lieing around in shops, we're off like hell on software.


VGchartz will always be off on total software because it only tracks the top 200 each week.  That means none of the titles that are 201 and below get their numbers counted for that week.

It isn't a perfect system, but it is good enough.  It is the same way NDP does it.


No, that isn't how we do it.

If you look up the top 50 for each console, and add the totals toghether, that is lower than the total sold for most weeks. This means that VGC also gets an estimate for how much more has been sold. This one is far too low. (Or at least if my theory is correct)


See bolded.  This is where your differnce in the weekly numbers comes from.  If you add up the numbers from all 4 pages, you with get the total software sold for that week.  But that still doesn't include sales of software that sell less then #200 on the list.


Ail said:

Currency changes must have hit them hard,
Japan represents less than 30% of the sales but 90% of the profit...

They actually make very small profit in US and Europe relatively to the amount of sales there....
So basically Nintendo profit solely relies on how good it is doing in Japan ( 175 million $ operating income in US, 167 million $ in Europe, 2.9 billion $ in Japan..)


I had no clue US and Europe contributed so little to Nintendo's profit...

Nintendo Japan just charges its European and American subsidiaries very high prices so all the profit seems to come from Japan. From their total net sales only just over 12% comes from Japan.


koffieboon said:
Ail said:

Currency changes must have hit them hard,
Japan represents less than 30% of the sales but 90% of the profit...

They actually make very small profit in US and Europe relatively to the amount of sales there....
So basically Nintendo profit solely relies on how good it is doing in Japan ( 175 million $ operating income in US, 167 million $ in Europe, 2.9 billion $ in Japan..)


I had no clue US and Europe contributed so little to Nintendo's profit...

Nintendo Japan just charges its European and American subsidiaries very high prices so all the profit seems to come from Japan. From their total net sales only just over 12% comes from Japan.


That would make sense.

I coudn't understand how Japan profit was relatively unchanged while DS/Wii sales were down so much in Japan...


PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

TruckOSaurus said:
largedarryl said:
So its sounding like the crazy prediction from John Lucas of 50 million Wii's will only be off by a few months!

Sadly John Lucas predicted 60 million Wii's. Which makes him WAAAAY off.


he may have been WAAAAY off, but he was right in saying the Wii will sell like gangbusters, and if Nintendo can put it on shelves it would sell. At the time, most people thought 35-40m was pushing it for a Dec 31, 08 prediction, but they are most likely going to be right around 46-47m units.

Had Nintendo been able to produce enough to put 60m units on the shelves by Dec 31, 08, all 60m would have sold. They just started putting up signs in my area saying Wii in stock. Which is extremely impressive for a 2 year old system.


If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
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