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Forums - Sony Discussion - Little Big planet Hardest communtiy lvl post them here

sweet i will play it and heart hope you will do the same im going to play it right now

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It seems to be loading really slowly, is it a big level?

yeah it is and theres 2 ways you can beat it near the end ^_^

Men your level is insane. My level is a piece of cake. compared to yours. I'm scared shitless each time i beat a section. Good thing i like challenge.

is it tough? xD

*reminds to heart lvl and me* xD

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Yeah, i need to beat it first, then I'll heart it. I probably like it more than god of wars.

im still trying to find your lvl lol that title it common lol

wow played your that was intense well done

I got 7,420 hooray.

you should be posting your levels in the new "official LBP thread" check it out.
If you want I'll add your level, but that is the place for it.
