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Forums - Sony Discussion - Cnet: How Sony is Killing the PS3

I think Sony are better equipped than CNET to Run a massive Multinational Corporation

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DMeisterJ said:

Another failed CNet article?

Didn't they post the PS3 is Sony's last console thing too?

Edit-NVM that was another website.

Still, the PS3 hate is getting kind of sad as of late.


Yeah, and us Wii fans would be defnding you guys, but we're just glad the media has found someone else to pick on


it makes it easier if you make a bingo board of of the 25 most common arguments spouted by sites such as this

darthdevidem01 said:
Yeah we can see clearly PS3 is "dying" by being outsold by a console half its price by 20K

What of the fact it was outsold 310k last week by a console that is half its price?  And since the 360 prices cut why do Sony fans always bang on and on about how cheap 360 is when before we always used to hear how PS3 was better value for money?  And why is it that the arcade is used as the bench mark for the price of the 360 when that is not the version which sells the most?


Biggest Pikmin Fan on VGChartz I was chosen by default due to voting irregularities

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nexzen said:
nothing is hurting the ps3 except the people who write articles as such as sales prove it. Yes, ps3 is in the last place right now and to dense consumers, they think this is it for them but in reality a system that costs so damn much is doin relatively well for itself. It is outpacing 360's past reccords with a higher price and less exclusives. You g2a take some risks to meet its rewards. That's the first lesson in a business class. That is what they are doing right now. Keeping it high and still outselling or matching the xbox 360 without any price cuts. 1. The price will obviously and eventually go down and u'll see those 100 million ps2 users jump on the opportunity and 2. with a 10 year plan what are they suppose to do? follow microsoft and give everything they got in its 3rd year in the life cycle. Where else can microsoft go with its price without losing money and 3. the wii will soon stop selling well. And 4. the only company with options of price cuts and such to gain momentum will be sony. my mistake this is sony's second year in its lifecycle and already all the hate 8 more years to go and you cud bet ur loved ones this company will make this system a success.

Lol you are funny.

1.  I think many of those 100 million you refer to are jumping to Wii and 360.  The mistake Sony made two or three years ago is the mistake you are making now.  Sony assumed everyone who bought a PS2 would just rush out and buy a PS3 because the brand name Playstation is the most powerful brand in the history of mankind.  Two years later they have come to realise that brand name can only take you so far.  You on the other hand have failed to realise this.  Keep on hoping.  I wouldn't want to be the one to crush your hopes and dreams.

2.  There is no 10 year plan.  It only exist in the head of Sony fanboys.

3.  I can't believe that 30 million plus consoles sold and sales accelerating rather than decelarating and we still have people who think (or rather hope) that for some unknown reason Wii will suddenly stop selling.  It was meant to happen after a few months.  It did not.  It was meant to happen after a year when the fad died.  It did not.  It was meant to happen when it reached Gamecube sales because the only people buying it were Nintendo fans.  It did not.  It was meant to happen when GTAIV came out.  It did not.  What do you think is going to cause it to happen now?

 4.  This might be the biggest lol of them all.  Wii came out being sold at a profit.  Phenomenal sales means manufacturing costs have dropped so now it is being sold at bigger profits.  It launched at $250 and is still being sold at $250. PS3 came out at $600 and is being sold at $400.  It has had bundles galore and a $200 reduction.  Nintendo can still introduce bundles, it can release coloured Wiis and most importantly it can cut the price by a significant amount.  It doesn't need to do these things but it can if it needs to.  To suggest only Sony has options left is hilarious.

Biggest Pikmin Fan on VGChartz I was chosen by default due to voting irregularities

Super Smash Brawl Code 1762-4158-5677 Send me a message if you want to receive a beat down


"But when Sony shipped a console that was too expensive at the onset, it backed itself into a corner and was forced to maintain a price that's simply not conducive to growth."

Sums it up there, ps3 was dead in the water before it even launched, and since then it has done nothing but lose exclusives and market share.

There is a good reason for the doom and gloom, if you look at the recent reports of how much their earnings are down.


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KBG29 said:
This is getting so out of hand. All of these sites that were set on the failure of the PS3 are now taking it personaly that the thing is doing well. The attacks from these people are even worse than the attacks were back when PS3 was in a bad place. Now people are going out of their way to try and sway people away from the PS3, and that is wrong. I know we have freedom of speech in America so these places like CNN, Cnet, MSNBC, and the rest can say whatever they want. It is just really sad when they have all teamed up on Sony, and they are trying to turn the name into somthing bad.

This world is really getting messed up. No one has any morals anymore. People no longer care about quality. Parents are failing at raisng their children. The govenment is in a seemingly unescapable whole. When is this going to stop? I know most people in this world want this to end, and would love for the world to work as one. We should be educating the young, and trying to avoid these problems, but instead adults are failing. They only care about themselves, and are ignoring the youth of the world. Placing all of their problems on these innocent children. This is causeing the youth of the world to fire back, and I am scraed to see what is going to happen in the next 20 years. When these drug dealing, back stabing, lazy mooching, irresponsable kids become adults.

I know this is taking the artical a little far and people trashing the Sony name is a very little part of this, but it is related. If the people of this world can not learn to work together and stop hating eachother things are going to get worse.

Michael Jackson was right. Adults are ruining the world. People are growing old and getting less and less mature. Loosing their creativeness and love for the world. Humanity has become a pethetic failure.


Ok, your taking videogames to seriously now.  Go outside, get some sunlight and then come to relisation that Sony are not your family or friend, there just a company trying to sell a video game console.  

Do it now, or you might becomed deranged.


I know this is taking the artical a little far

Understatement of the week. I second what Dinomax said.

Another thing to consider in regards to a price cut is that Sony is likely to have built a majority of the Playstations they will sell over the holiday period, and might not be able to ramp up production further to accommodate both a holiday sales spike and a price cut spike.


1) plenty of people will wait for a cheaper console. The 360 is already at that point and so it's gaining some of the market that previously had a PS2. But you only have to look at the continuing sales of the PS2 to see plenty of people want to buy a cheap Sony console.

2) see above point about PS2 sales.

3) I agree 100% with you. Wii will be the success story of this generation.

4) Again I agree here that Nintendo are in a much better position than Sony - tons of room for a price cut if it ever looks like one is needed! But I think Sony are in a better position than MS here.

For point 4, it comes down to where you see the consoles as being in their lifecycle. Obviously, PS3 hardware-wise is a year behind. And arguably I think it is a further year behind software-wise. I think the prime years for PS3 are still ahead - I do believe the prices need to be lower, but I'm not sure that needs to happen right now.

SMcc1887 said:
I think Sony are better equipped than CNET to Run a massive Multinational Corporation


No you are wrong.

CNet should be hired by Sony.

Obvoiusly, CNet has huge experience in running a multimillion dollar international corporation and have been around longer than Sony ever will.

Don't CNet handle MS and Nintendo already?

Proud Sony Rear Admiral