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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What are the chances of Wii 2 using Blu-Ray? Educate me.

nintendo is going to use generic parts, they won't engineer a whole new optical system.

If bd parts are cheap, they are probably going to use them.

But they are going to avoid royaltys by doing the "nintendo twist" as someone already stated.

What do you think about the return of the cartridges :)

imho: it won't happen, cause wii2 ssurely is going to be backwardcompatible


steam is already huge, so i don't think DR is decades away

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afree_account said:

nintendo is going to use generic parts, they won't engineer a whole new optical system.

If bd parts are cheap, they are probably going to use them.

But they are going to avoid royaltys by doing the "nintendo twist" as someone already stated.

What do you think about the return of the cartridges :)

imho: it won't happen, cause wii2 ssurely is going to be backwardcompatible


steam is already huge, so i don't think DR is decades away

In the PC scene sure.

But comapred to all the gamers who dont play PC at all its still a long way off. Nobody I know personally plays PC games or knows what steam is.=/


Slim to none but there are good alternatives. And its doubtful it'll be called Wii 2 but hey there's a possibility.

MS and Nintendo could just share HD-DVD,That would make pirating games almost impossible since the Disc are not sold in stores.

Zucas said:
Slim to none but there are good alternatives. And its doubtful it'll be called Wii 2 but hey there's a possibility.

What!? All the "professionals" say its really likely.=P

Im not really listening to them though I honestly think it will be called Wii 2 but Im more certain of the next console going HD than it being named Wii 2


I find that more unlikely. Though like they said above me Nintendo will make their own discs with blu-ray like tech or use the holographic thing.


Around the Network
afree_account said:

nintendo is going to use generic parts, they won't engineer a whole new optical system.

If bd parts are cheap, they are probably going to use them.

But they are going to avoid royaltys by doing the "nintendo twist" as someone already stated.

What do you think about the return of the cartridges :)

imho: it won't happen, cause wii2 ssurely is going to be backwardcompatible


steam is already huge, so i don't think DR is decades away


Well, they could always sell the external drive unit for those who need compitability.




joora said:
afree_account said:

nintendo is going to use generic parts, they won't engineer a whole new optical system.

If bd parts are cheap, they are probably going to use them.

But they are going to avoid royaltys by doing the "nintendo twist" as someone already stated.

What do you think about the return of the cartridges :)

imho: it won't happen, cause wii2 ssurely is going to be backwardcompatible


steam is already huge, so i don't think DR is decades away


Well, they could always sell the external drive unit for those who need compitability.



An external drive for Wii/GCN games? If so I doubt it.


An external drive would be stupid, cause the complete wii would be 99 dollars or less by then.

Why sell an external drive for xx dollars then ?

does the wii have an expansion port ?

Hardly likely.

Nintendo would more likely use the HDDVD or the actual DVD versions of the similar capacity. DVD, i.e. red-light version, is call VSD I think...?

Nintendo is all about piracy and they will use something with a much smaller licensing fee and less popular thus less likely to be pirated.

Kasz216 said:
Valkyria00 said:
Kasz216 said:

Little to none.

Nintendo ALWAYS uses it's own propritary format... so publishers have to buy discs from them or they can control the flow of games or something crazy like that.

They'll probably make something "Blu-ray like".

Arent the Wii Discs DVD though? Then again maybe not since it cant play them.


Hmm. Im not too sure. They havent even supported CD's yet. I dunno


It's like a DVD but with a Nintendo twist.

It works. Watched Iron Man and FF Advent Children. Though considering I have a DVD player it's not practical.


I don't think the BRD will be cheap enough next generation. Though I'm not sure if even Nintendo can hold out with 8gb next gen. I can see systems going back to "cartridge" in the form of Write Once Read Many flash memory if SDHC makes a cost drop for 16gb.


Squilliam: On Vgcharts its a commonly accepted practice to twist the bounds of plausibility in order to support your argument or agenda so I think its pretty cool that this gives me the precedent to say whatever I damn well please.