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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What are the chances of Wii 2 using Blu-Ray? Educate me.

By then HD technology will be cheap. I honestly dont know how much more the graphics can advance because "true" humans in video games is still ways off.

Wii 2 will be HD nobody should doubt that.
However I dont know if it'll max out at 720p or actually reach 1080p. Will Wii 2 use 360-like discs?

What are your thoughts.

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Little to none.

Nintendo ALWAYS uses it's own propritary format... so publishers have to buy discs from them or they can control the flow of games or something crazy like that.

They'll probably make something "Blu-ray like".

i agree, they might stick to "nintendo hd" discs, as always.

what do you think ? are they going to allow optional bd playback ?

Remember, Gamecube and wii are actually "dvd-compatible",

so if they step up and go all out, they might use bd technology if it's established by then.

Kasz216 said:

Little to none.

Nintendo ALWAYS uses it's own propritary format... so publishers have to buy discs from them or they can control the flow of games or something crazy like that.

They'll probably make something "Blu-ray like".

Arent the Wii Discs DVD though? Then again maybe not since it cant play them.


Hmm. Im not too sure. They havent even supported CD's yet. I dunno

Valkyria00 said:
Kasz216 said:

Little to none.

Nintendo ALWAYS uses it's own propritary format... so publishers have to buy discs from them or they can control the flow of games or something crazy like that.

They'll probably make something "Blu-ray like".

Arent the Wii Discs DVD though? Then again maybe not since it cant play them.


Hmm. Im not too sure. They havent even supported CD's yet. I dunno


It's like a DVD but with a Nintendo twist.

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0%. The next Nintendo system won't be a "Wii 2".

Even so, the next Nintendo system won't use blu-ray. It'll most likely use a blue-laser tech, but not blu-ray. Y'know, same concept differentiating blu-ray from HD-DVD.


I read somewhere Nintendo had filed a patent or was researching Holographic Discs... in case you don't know those things trump Blu-ray. They store almost 4 TB. Therefore I doubt any chance of Nintendo jumping on the BluRay bandwagon, especially considering the royalties that Sony earns with BluRay compatibility. Also I'm begining to think the industry may move away from removable media, since there is now a pretty good medium to move data around... the internet you may have heard of it.

By then large-capacity memory chips will be cheap too, so games might come out on 64GB cartidges, which would be able to access and transfer data even faster than BR discs.
That accompanied which large-capacity SSD inside the console itself used for Wiiware, DLC and Stea-like digital distribution of full games (as an option opposed to cartidges).


Thanks guys.
So to sum up. Nintendo will use blu-ray "like" technology on their next system

Good point. I remember that.
But your Digital Distribution gaming world wont happen for at least 2 more decades.

joora said:
By then large-capacity memory chips will be cheap too, so games might come out on 64GB cartidges, which would be able to access and transfer data even faster than BR discs.
That accompanied which large-capacity SSD inside the console itself used for Wiiware, DLC and Stea-like digital distribution of full games (as an option opposed to cartidges).

SSD would be a great idea for consoles to use. Nintendo would be smart to use them.