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Forums - General Discussion - The Ant and the Grasshopper.....

Copycon, coming off my friends list.

If you live in the US the tip is not included. If you do not want to tip, do not order out or eat at restaurants.

I was a restaurant owner, one of the reasons why US restaurants are so cheap is because you get to pick how much to pay the server - 15-20% is socially acceptable.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

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Copycon said:

I never tip, I expect the guy/girl to have a salary, if he/she does not, it is not my problem. I can save that money in the bank and let it work as venture capital, working as a base for new small businesses that in time will prosper and will after a while be in a need to employ people. That gives people more freedom to choose!


Edit: By the way, people working in diners are poor and stupid, so not giving tip actually just gives them an incitement to educate themselves and get a real job.

As a person who's been a busboy and a waiter and a foodrunner, you're wrong, and you're not only insulting me, but you're insulting my wife and my mother who raised 3 kids on her own as a waitress and a bartender.  I guess she's poor and stupid though, and you're helping inspire her to go back to college in her 50's.

Trust me, every time you don't tip soomebody, they don't think to themselves, "Damn, I need a better job."  They think, "Wow, what an asshole.  Next time I'm shitting in his food."

And you know what I did with my tips?  I paid for college.

I guess this is the tip thread now.

When you are at one of those places where you are only giving your order and picking it up (not eating there, so not leaving a mess) and there is a tip jar, how much are you supposed to give? It can't be the same amount as where they actually bus your table and way on you.

I never use paper money, I always use credit cards (for the bonuses) or debit cards (for the convenience) so I would have had to specify before she takes my card that I want tip money added, but often I don't see the tip jar until after the transaction, then I feel like a louse.

Wow, I accedentally offended two of the persons I respect the most on these forums. That was definitely not my meaning; I thought that I exaggerated enough not to be misinterpreted, but obviously I failed -- maybe because I am not an native english speaker/writer. Anyway, my short response makes no sense read out of context, ie. this thread. What I tried to address -- in an ironic way -- was, in a few short words this:

Why are there a system of payment for people working in the restaurant business based on sympathy, or internalized notions of what is acceptible or not. This system only works because people are socialized into a system where tipping is a mandatory social practice -- more or less. It is, as far as I know, not a crime not to tip. Tipping is not codified in any way, it is more of a customary law -- in some societies, very few indeed. Taking the (ironic) stance if being super liberal -- that is neo liberal capitalistic -- I see little reason to give tip, since I don't want to throw my money around. Instead of spreading my wealth, I am creating wealth through capitalistic bank flows. Basic liberal theories on capital accumulation and growth tells us that the poor people will just spend while their money, while the richer entreprenurial one will use the money to create more wealth, that in the long term will benefit everyone.


Edit: and yes, when I am in the US I always tip, just because it lessens the chance that the waiter will piss in my soup

Beware, I live!
I am Sinistar!
Beware, coward!
I hunger!



 At least 62 million Wii sold by the end of 09 or my mario avatar will get sad

Now, I know your lying, because nobody respects me... Now you know why :(

I just made myself look like an ass, stupid Americans always assuming everyone else is American and/or shares American values.

I'm going to go flush an apple pie down the toilet.

P.S. can I have your friendship back.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

Around the Network
Dogs Rule said:
I guess this is the tip thread now.

When you are at one of those places where you are only giving your order and picking it up (not eating there, so not leaving a mess) and there is a tip jar, how much are you supposed to give? It can't be the same amount as where they actually bus your table and way on you.

I never use paper money, I always use credit cards (for the bonuses) or debit cards (for the convenience) so I would have had to specify before she takes my card that I want tip money added, but often I don't see the tip jar until after the transaction, then I feel like a louse.


Tip jars... always ask where the tip money goes. I used to work at a place where we weren't allowed to keep tips. They all went to the owner. So if the customer wanted to tip me I'd take them out of the cameras sight and let them give me the money there. haha.

[2:08:58 am] Moongoddess256: being asian makes you naturally good at ddr
[2:09:22 am] gnizmo: its a weird genetic thing
[2:09:30 am] gnizmo: goes back to hunting giant crabs in feudal Japan

Dogs Rule said:
I guess this is the tip thread now.

When you are at one of those places where you are only giving your order and picking it up (not eating there, so not leaving a mess) and there is a tip jar, how much are you supposed to give? It can't be the same amount as where they actually bus your table and way on you.

I never use paper money, I always use credit cards (for the bonuses) or debit cards (for the convenience) so I would have had to specify before she takes my card that I want tip money added, but often I don't see the tip jar until after the transaction, then I feel like a louse.


For take out from a tipped restaurant, I usually check the receipt first.  A lot of curbside places add in a charge.  In the U.S. pretty much any restaurant where your supposed to tip will have a place to write it in.   If thy have a jar on the counter at a counter service restaurant, then it is usually not required because they are making regular wages, not the tipped wages 2-3 something an hour.  I usually give one dollar per entree in a situation like that but I also look at how much work they do.  If the cook puts it all together, then the tip is going to be smaller, but a lot of these restaurants will have a server (not a waged hostess) put the toppings on the baked potato, bag some bread, portion out some salad dressing, make the salad, plate up the dessert, etc.

Edit: Moongoddess, your old boss was a douche.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

Wouldn't the story be more correct if the government took the money from the Ant and used it in earmarks and both the Ant and Grasshopper froze in the cold?

I was expecting something else like a story of an ant and a grasshopper unlike comparing it with modern american society.

Oh shit, Copycon isn't American? Aw crap. I'm such an idiot. I'm so sorry. Be my international homeboy again.