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Forums - Sales Discussion - Anyone remeber the 360 sales poll on VG chartz about a month ago?

Munkeh111 said:
My post was not really meant to be logical in case you hadn't guessed (but that bit about sales increasing was a typo)


It wasn't just not logical it was completely insane... I wish they would have things so people could tag others with things like fanboy or insane :p

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Pete_Beast said:
People weren't counting on the price drop, for one. They were looking at the 360 sales like they were. And tbh, they weren't that far off.

Way before the price cut, MONTHS before the price cut the 360 was tracking to be over 24 million. It has had much higher sales this year than last. At no one point this year can you take the data from 2007 and say it would slel between 21 - 22 million by Dece 31st.