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Forums - Sales Discussion - Guitar Hero: World Tour Sales Predictions

Surprised this hasn't been up yet considering this is a prominent franchise.  But yea predict first week, by the end of the year, and lifteim sales for the game.  Mainly just for the 7th gen versions but if you want to predict for the PS2 version as well I ain't stopping ya. 

Around the Network

If I say a sh*t ton, is that a valid guess?

Alright I guess I'll take a stab at it although this is quite a guess in the dark.

First Week:
360- 700k
Wii- 500k
PS3- 400k
PS2- 250k

End of the Year:
Wii- 2.50 million
360- 2.00 million
PS3- 1.00 million
PS2- 1.00 million

Wii- 4.50 million
360- 3.50 million
PS3- 2.00 million
PS2- 1.75 million

Total- 11.75 million

Very rough haha but hey I'm not saying its fact now am I haha.

JaggedSac said:

If I say a sh*t ton, is that a valid guess?


Yep sure why not haha.  I can go with that.  Safe prediction but at least you wont' be wrong haha.

Haha no takers. I'm disappointed.

Around the Network

Well I still don't know when it comes to Europe...Im gonna have to get Rock Band 1 coz im so hyped now for music games..
Here is america first week..

Ps3 = 478k
Xbox = 427k
Wii= 350k

Some of people got their Rock Band 2 on Xbox so thats why I expect lower sales.



Take my love, take my land..

I think you're underestimating ps2 a bit.

x360 = 600k
Wii = 400k
Ps3 = 325k
ps2 = 300k

ain't doing any LTD predictions =P, although i think Wii will end up as the highest

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


First week.

360- 600k

Ps3- 300k



From what I heard Wii is sold out at a lot of locations so I guess they will sell everything they have for Wii.

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