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Forums - Sales Discussion - Is Sony in serious trouble? Talk of closing factories, further shortfalls

dejelek said:
so there is no chance ps3 will getting price cut, with xbox 360 have as many as 9 bundle for europe , also some new bundle for NA and Japan. and where is PS3 bundle ?


 uh... LBP bundels? WW... havent you heard?


uncharted bundle too. And that GT5P and ??? bundle in the UK and JP.

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Amazing discussion about being wrong
Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453
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Dinomax said:
TheTruthHurts! said:
Hopefully the doom and gloom is only temporary. I would hate Sony to take too much of a hit. I may prefer 360 this gen, but Sony hurting, means gaming will be hurting. That is not a good thing!


Yes because we can't have a video game company being the leader in the video game market.  IT HURTS GAMING. 





I am personally glad Nintendo is leading the way, but TTH is right: if Sony gets hurt, gaming will get hurt.  It's in no small part the competition from Sony that caused everyone to step up their game, and if gaming went back to a two horse race it would not be to our benefit as gamers.  Sony's part in the gaming business means more money for publishers and developers and it means more competition between consoles makers to produce the best products.  When a competitor in a narrow market struggles like this, it's the consumer that gets hurt the most in the end.  As a consumer of video games, I'm pretty damn sure you don't want Sony to be hurt too badly by this even if you hate Sony and refuse to buy any of their products.  And leadership has nothing to do with this.

You do not have the right to never be offended.

ssj12 said:
It is because capitalism is at the bottom of its cycle. With gas prices falling and the holidays coming sooner Sony's sales will increase. Sony ended rear-projection TV manufacturing due to LCD TV manufacturing being cheaper and being the better sellers in the market. Once the economy picks back up thing will be back to normal.


So why is Nintendo still selling just fine? 

Oh I forgot, before the economy crises Sony was selling billions of PS3 with free unicorns.  Damn economy...and Wii fit.


dejelek said:
so there is no chance ps3 will getting price cut, with xbox 360 have as many as 9 bundle for europe , also some new bundle for NA and Japan. and where is PS3 bundle ?


You obviously put zero thinking into that post, seriously.

ChichiriMuyo said:
Dinomax said:
TheTruthHurts! said:
Hopefully the doom and gloom is only temporary. I would hate Sony to take too much of a hit. I may prefer 360 this gen, but Sony hurting, means gaming will be hurting. That is not a good thing!


Yes because we can't have a video game company being the leader in the video game market.  IT HURTS GAMING. 





I am personally glad Nintendo is leading the way, but TTH is right: if Sony gets hurt, gaming will get hurt.  It's in no small part the competition from Sony that caused everyone to step up their game, and if gaming went back to a two horse race it would not be to our benefit as gamers.  Sony's part in the gaming business means more money for publishers and developers and it means more competition between consoles makers to produce the best products.  When a competitor in a narrow market struggles like this, it's the consumer that gets hurt the most in the end.  As a consumer of video games, I'm pretty damn sure you don't want Sony to be hurt too badly by this even if you hate Sony and refuse to buy any of their products.  And leadership has nothing to do with this.


1- Gaming was around before Sony. 

2- We did pretty damn well with just two console actually.  Except SEGA who wasted money on failing projects.

3- The consumer isnt getting hurt when Sony is struggling.  Sony is.  Consumers have two other systems to still game on and third partys have two other platforms to work on where they make profit. 


I know its hard to deal with Sony sucking financially but its not the end of gaming.  Maybe Sony's gaming division but not gaming as a whole.

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Not necessarily TheTruthHurts

Sony is in this situation not because they got unlucky, but because they got complacent (not just the PS3, everything they've done recently) Maybe this will actually shock them into making good products again.

Dinomax said:
ssj12 said:
It is because capitalism is at the bottom of its cycle. With gas prices falling and the holidays coming sooner Sony's sales will increase. Sony ended rear-projection TV manufacturing due to LCD TV manufacturing being cheaper and being the better sellers in the market. Once the economy picks back up thing will be back to normal.


So why is Nintendo still selling just fine? 

Oh I forgot, before the economy crises Sony was selling billions of PS3 with free unicorns.  Damn economy...and Wii fit.



ummm Nintendo's stocks took a massive hit too. You obviously never took a basic economics class. Nintendo's console is still in demand, Nintendo still hasnt filled the demand with supply yet. So even with a shaky economy Nintendo can do well due to cheaper games and a cheap console that is in demand.

Video games are something that while not greatly effected is effected by the economy. Sony's console while a better vaue is considered but might not be purchased due to price tag. Meaning the Wii or 360 gets the sale or the person waits a few more weeks and gets the PS3. If the economy was like it was a year ago the PS3 would instantly have sold if said person wanted it.

Sony;s other ventures, are also taking a hit because electronics in general are not a needed thing. Food, water, shelter are the thing thats on everyone's mind. Buying any form of electronic entertainment device or electronic device in general comes in second due to cost versus need.

The same can be said about Microsoft, do you really think someone who can barely afford food will buy a new PC with a windows OS, an xbox 360, or a Zune? the answer is NO.

PC gaming is better than console gaming. Always.     We are Anonymous, We are Legion    Kick-ass interview   Great Flash Series Here    Anime Ratings     Make and Play Please
Amazing discussion about being wrong
Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453
ssj12 said:
Dinomax said:
ssj12 said:
It is because capitalism is at the bottom of its cycle. With gas prices falling and the holidays coming sooner Sony's sales will increase. Sony ended rear-projection TV manufacturing due to LCD TV manufacturing being cheaper and being the better sellers in the market. Once the economy picks back up thing will be back to normal.


So why is Nintendo still selling just fine? 

Oh I forgot, before the economy crises Sony was selling billions of PS3 with free unicorns.  Damn economy...and Wii fit.



ummm Nintendo's stocks took a massive hit too. You obviously never took a basic economics class. Nintendo's console is still in demand, Nintendo still hasnt filled the demand with supply yet. So even with a shaky economy Nintendo can do well due to cheaper games and a cheap console that is in demand.

Video games are something that while not greatly effected is effected by the economy. Sony's console while a better vaue is considered but might not be purchased due to price tag. Meaning the Wii or 360 gets the sale or the person waits a few more weeks and gets the PS3. If the economy was like it was a year ago the PS3 would instantly have sold if said person wanted it.

Sony;s other ventures, are also taking a hit because electronics in general are not a needed thing. Food, water, shelter are the thing thats on everyone's mind. Buying any form of electronic entertainment device or electronic device in general comes in second due to cost versus need.

The same can be said about Microsoft, do you really think someone who can barely afford food will buy a new PC with a windows OS, an xbox 360, or a Zune? the answer is NO.


So your point is?  Sony weren't selling that great to began with then and everyone is starting to use the economy to scape goat for Sony poor sales now. 

It wasn't now that was affecting Sony's sale, its being since launch.

Dinomax said:
ssj12 said: 

ummm Nintendo's stocks took a massive hit too. You obviously never took a basic economics class. Nintendo's console is still in demand, Nintendo still hasnt filled the demand with supply yet. So even with a shaky economy Nintendo can do well due to cheaper games and a cheap console that is in demand.

Video games are something that while not greatly effected is effected by the economy. Sony's console while a better vaue is considered but might not be purchased due to price tag. Meaning the Wii or 360 gets the sale or the person waits a few more weeks and gets the PS3. If the economy was like it was a year ago the PS3 would instantly have sold if said person wanted it.

Sony;s other ventures, are also taking a hit because electronics in general are not a needed thing. Food, water, shelter are the thing thats on everyone's mind. Buying any form of electronic entertainment device or electronic device in general comes in second due to cost versus need.

The same can be said about Microsoft, do you really think someone who can barely afford food will buy a new PC with a windows OS, an xbox 360, or a Zune? the answer is NO.

So your point is?  Sony weren't selling that great to began with then and everyone is starting to use the economy to scape goat for Sony poor sales now. 

It wasn't now that was affecting Sony's sale, its being since launch.

you are an ignorant fuck arent you


Isn't MS cutting their profit outlook for 2009, and cutting back on employment also just so they can make it through the slump in the economy?