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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Got a wii today, need some good casual games!

sennaho said:
I love mario kart but I am not that big fan of SSBB!
And I´ve always loved the Wario Ware games (just played them on hanhelds until now though)
Is the Wii Wario Ware shorter than the GNA and DS games?

And I don´t think I have the money to buy all those games, cause games are really expensive here in norway, so wich 1 or 2 is the best to buy?

PS: I don´t think I will go with Mario kart now, cause some of my friends have it and I playet it A LOT :P


WarioWare isn't too long, you can finish it in a day.  The real fun only comes when you play that game with a group of people and then it's a blast.  Playing the 12 person multiplayer is some of the most fun I've ever had with a game.

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I trust no review of Wii Music presented by people who refuse to show their bias towards or against the game. Similarly, I do not trust reviews for any game where the bias is quite heavily for or against the game.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

Sky Render said:
I trust no review of Wii Music presented by people who refuse to show their bias towards or against the game. Similarly, I do not trust reviews for any game where the bias is quite heavily for or against the game.

You could really have just stopped there.

Heh, true enough, WoW. Which is why my eventual (and inevitable) full review of Wii Music will contain an entire section on my biases towards and against the game, the company that made the game, the console it's on, and even the genre it's in. I like to be thorough.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

I am looking forward to it ^^

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Support this 3rd part games, they are very good:

Mercury Meltdown Revolution
Blast Works
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Castlevania Judgment FC:     1161 - 3389 - 1512

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Also looks like Dokapon Kingdom II is a good buy

Oh, incidentally, World of Goo on WiiWare also looks promising. I cannot personally vouch for it, however, as I haven't downloaded it. I do encourage others who have tried it to give a yay or nay on it, however.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

Sky Render said:
Oh, incidentally, World of Goo on WiiWare also looks promising. I cannot personally vouch for it, however, as I haven't downloaded it. I do encourage others who have tried it to give a yay or nay on it, however.

Well he can't download it on Wiiware, it's not coming to Wiiware in Europe.


Oh dear, didn't notice the region he's in. Well that's a shame.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.