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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Got a wii today, need some good casual games!

So, I just got my wii today with these games:

Mario Galaxy

Zelda Twilight Princess

Resident Evil 4

Mario Football

Mario Party 8

and ofcourse Wii Sports


So the thing I was wondering about is what is a good casual game to get?

Thanks ^^

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Wii Play is actually very fun and it's a good deal for the extra Wiimote. And you definitely need Mario Kart Wii.

Lego Star Wars is also great fun whether you play it all at once or in brief bursts, and has some entertaining 2-player action. Wii Fit's intriguing as well (though hard to come by in many areas). Can't comment for certain on Wii Music just yet, but I'll certainly be posting my thoughts once it arrives and I've had a chance to digest it. Surface-level, however, it looks like the ultimate "casual" game.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

Did you see screwattacks video on Wii Music? That game really look bad :P

And what do you guys think of these games:

Wario Ware
Wario Land
De Blob

I was thinking getting one of those maybe?

Around the Network
sennaho said:
And what do you guys think of these games:

Wario Ware
Wario Land
De Blob

I was thinking getting one of those maybe?


They're all great. Throw in Mario Kart and you'll be very busy.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

Wario Ware is only good with other people really. It gets old fast.

Mario Kart Wii and SSBB are great for everyone.

I love mario kart but I am not that big fan of SSBB!
And I´ve always loved the Wario Ware games (just played them on hanhelds until now though)
Is the Wii Wario Ware shorter than the GNA and DS games?

And I don´t think I have the money to buy all those games, cause games are really expensive here in norway, so wich 1 or 2 is the best to buy?

PS: I don´t think I will go with Mario kart now, cause some of my friends have it and I playet it A LOT :P

Excite Truck is also really good for anytime you need a quick gaming fix. I still pick that game up every now and then for a good quick game.

Games good for casuals.

Wii Sports (you obviously have already)
Mario Kart Wii
Mario and Sonic
Rayman Raving Rabbids (I think the first one is considered the best)
Wii Play
Many people recommend Boom Blox, although RolStoppable and Amp will tell you to stay away they are not particularly casual gamers.