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Forums - Sales Discussion - Japan First Day Sales (10/23)

Soriku said:
How do we know Tenchu 4 sold bad? We just have the shipment sell through numbers. Tenchu 4 should sell 50% of the shipment by the end of the week though.

How well as previous Tenchu games sold in Japan?


Thanks for the data.  Those sales even show that PoR's sales were better than DoS's sales.


Even so, Castlevania has never been a big hit in Japan and there is no chance of that changing anytime soon.


Around the Network
masschamber said:
Soma said:
low sales of castlevania, too bad, I hope the data is incomplete

Por and DoS had first week sales of 16k and 15k respectively, OoE is going fantastically by comparison with 14k on the first day



If that's the case then..... AWESOME!!!

Castlevania Judgment FC:     1161 - 3389 - 1512

3DS Friend Code:   3480-2746-6289

Wii Friend Code: 4268-9719-1932-3069

Soriku said:
How do we know Tenchu 4 sold bad? We just have the shipment sell through numbers. Tenchu 4 should sell 50% of the shipment by the end of the week though.

It's says under 10k.


Soriku said:



OK. Epic failure. What's up with the severe lack of advertising this gen? The West advertises their games really well, but Japan? So much lack. For every freaking system. There are a few exceptions for big games, but that's it.

Big games are marketed because they need to be to get as many sales as possible.


Soriku said:



OK. Epic failure. What's up with the severe lack of advertising this gen? The West advertises their games really well, but Japan? So much lack. For every freaking system. There are a few exceptions for big games, but that's it.

How do you know they didn't advertise it? I know I've seen a commercial online, I don't see why they would make it and not air it.

Around the Network
Yakuzaice said:
Soriku said:



OK. Epic failure. What's up with the severe lack of advertising this gen? The West advertises their games really well, but Japan? So much lack. For every freaking system. There are a few exceptions for big games, but that's it.

How do you know they didn't advertise it? I know I've seen a commercial online, I don't see why they would make it and not air it.

Soriku spends his free time watching Japanese TV and reading japanese gamer magazines...



PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Soriku said:
You've Of course there must've been adverting but there is a lack in HOW MUCH advertising games get.

If you want a bigger series then advertise more.

Advertising is not the sole factor of a game's success.  You also need a concept that will appeal to the audience the game is targeting.  For example, GTA has been huge in the West because of its open sanbox gameplay and not because of marketing


Soriku said:
You've Of course there must've been adverting but there is a lack in HOW MUCH advertising games get.

If you want a bigger series then advertise more.

So do you actually have any idea how much advertising there was? Because it doesn't sound like it. It seems to be a common knee-jerk reaction from Wii fans to claim that there was no advertising if a game does poorly in Japan.

Soriku said:
But the other Tenchus have sold more than this. There must be a problem.

Of course advertising isn't the only reason but it's still a factor ;3


Oh come on. I doubt there was that much advertising.


You have no idea whatsoever how Tenchu 4 japanese marketing budget compares to Tenchu 3 budget and are just making this up, admit it.....................



PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Yakuzaice said:
Soriku said:
You've Of course there must've been adverting but there is a lack in HOW MUCH advertising games get.

If you want a bigger series then advertise more.

So do you actually have any idea how much advertising there was? Because it doesn't sound like it. It seems to be a common knee-jerk reaction from Wii fans to claim that there was no advertising if a game does poorly (in Japan).

Advertising is not as effective in Japan as it is in the West.  The real problem is that a lot of those games that fail are new IPs and Japanese prefer to buy games in established ranchises.  Since 2000, the only new franchise that has become a breakout hit in Japan was Monster Hunter.