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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Woman in Jail over VIRTUAL MURDER!5 YEARS IN JAIL POSSIBLY!

jesus kung fu magic said:
tarheel91 said:
Simulacrum said:
11ht11 said:

FFS I now know there has been thread for it so what the heck is your problem??How could I delete this??What harm does it to you??


VGChartz forum rule #2:

Avoid thread duplication. As a general rule, moderators allow a good latitude for threads on closely related subjects. However, at moderator's discretion, threads may be consolidated if they are not sufficiently distinct from other active threads. To help avoid having your thread locked, always review the thread titles on the first page VGCharts before posting. If you are going to post a subject that is similar to that of an ongoing discussion, take great care that your thread topic and your post body clearly show how your thread differs from the others out there.

Yup this guy must have a real busy life


Because not posting reposts isn't a common rule on internet forums at all...

Check my post count, I average around 1.6-1.7 posts a day.  I'm pretty sure you've been posting a lot more than that lately. ;)  This whole "no life" thing is getting old, especially when you know nothing about mine.

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Lafiel said:

*sigh* ofcourse she won't be sentenced to 5 years in jail - that's just the maximum for the crime she was accused of

I guess in the end she'll have to pay $200-500 (depending on how much time the man invested in the character) and maybe is placed on probation.

Thank you for being the sole voice of reason in this thread. It's a shame that everyone, like always, completely ignores it.

This person will not get 5 years. 5 years is the maximum term for data manipulation, it'll only be used for much more serious crimes of data manipuilation than just deleting someone's account in a video game.

it's a shame that all the news articles I've read have all said "ZOMG FIVE YEARS FOR VIRTUAL MURDER!!", as their headline, which is of course completely false, but since when has that stopped the press?


Help! I'm stuck in a forum signature!

omgwtfbbq said:
Lafiel said:

*sigh* ofcourse she won't be sentenced to 5 years in jail - that's just the maximum for the crime she was accused of

I guess in the end she'll have to pay $200-500 (depending on how much time the man invested in the character) and maybe is placed on probation.

Thank you for being the sole voice of reason in this thread. It's a shame that everyone, like always, completely ignores it.

This person will not get 5 years. 5 years is the maximum term for data manipulation, it'll only be used for much more serious crimes of data manipuilation than just deleting someone's account in a video game.

it's a shame that all the news articles I've read have all said "ZOMG FIVE YEARS FOR VIRTUAL MURDER!!", as their headline, which is of course completely false, but since when has that stopped the press?



If you kill a bug, and you are accused for murder, and you POSSIBLY will go to jail = Its frökkin unbelivable!

Thats the main point here.




Take my love, take my land..

wow this is crazy!

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(