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Forums - Sony Discussion - Spare Resistance 2 Beta Key

It's waiting for you Kratos! And thanks, guys. I appreciate it.

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One more thing, doats told me its a US beta key, so i guess it does not work on my european ps3 ( i live in Holland). Thanks though

PSN ID: clemens-nl                                                                                                                

well crap, whats the point about posting now anyways. Sorry about your relative...... I hate funerals, last time I went was to my mother's.


Blah, that sucks for you Kratos that you can't play it since its the USA beta.... stupid region coding...

Kratos, it should work for you so long as you have an American PSN account to redeem the code with. It works on any PS3.

You have my condolences d21lewis.

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YoppaDo said:

Kratos, it should work for you so long as you have an American PSN account to redeem the code with. It works on any PS3.


 Yup made a US account quickly and it works. Thanks for the tip :D

PSN ID: clemens-nl