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Forums - Sony Discussion - Spare Resistance 2 Beta Key

Anybody need one? I have a spare one in my email and I might aswell give it away. First person to reply gets it.

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Forget I replied! I gotta do a lot of running around today. I won't be able to enjoy the thing like I want to. Give it to somebody who can really appreciate it.

damn XO oh well, maybe next time :(

Edit: Read before posting Kratos :S

PSN ID: clemens-nl                                                                                                                

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i want it :D

PSN ID: clemens-nl                                                                                                                

d21lewis said:
Forget I replied! I gotta do a lot of running around today. I won't be able to enjoy the thing like I want to. Give it to somebody who can really appreciate it.

well i just sent the key to you. it's up to you if you want to give it away lol

Kratos can have it. My aunt died and her funeral is tomorrow. I gotta get a haircut, get my suit, go to work, etc.

ok, sorry about your aunt.

Thanks d21lewis, sorry about your aunt :(

PSN ID: clemens-nl