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Forums - Sony Discussion - R2 is the most intense game I ever played.

Its awesome. Me Headshot and JO21 has a lot of fun

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blazinhead89 said:
Its awesome. Me Headshot and JO21 has a lot of fun




its calling me!


split screen co op works like wonders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

second player appears like User(2)

Jo21 said:
blazinhead89 said:
Its awesome. Me Headshot and JO21 has a lot of fun




its calling me!


split screen co op works like wonders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

second player appears like User(2)

lol, it's addictive

Its funny, the way they did EVERYTHING in this game makes it seem like they are going after Halo 3. I mean even the lobbies and they way you can log your friends in for split screen in the same.

But yes, the game is insanely fun, but its a little difficult for me going back and forth between this and Socom that I think I will have to stick to Socom for now (R2 is better, but my Socom buddies and gamebattles make Socom #1 priority)

Well I just played the beta for a couple hours and wow, I'm quite impressed. I didn't do much of the competitive, I spent most of my time doing co-op.

I did a couple of competitive capture-the-flag style games with some of our VGchartz buddies and that was fun. Not mind blowing but fun. they were small games though, just 8 on 8 I think. I haven't had a chance to get in on one of the huge 60 player wars.

The co-op though I already can tell is going to own my life. It's diablo/PSO in the form of a FPS. I have a level 5 special ops guy now and I can't wait for more levels. The graphics don't look great compared to some other games coming out, but you can see why they sacrificed detail. So there can be 50 enemies or so on screen at any given time. It's really insane. If you don't act as a team you will be slaughtered in seconds. I'm a special ops so I have a sniper rifle, a bullseye rifle and the ability to throw out ammo boxes. Soldiers have miniguns along with a force sheild they can throw down, and then medics are obviously the healers with light weaponry.

Just as a for example. We finish destroying a proto-type stalker, a fairly easy fight seeing as how it's immobile and you just have to flank it and sustain fire. After it's dead the gate to the next area opens. We're at the top of a hill, at the bottom there is a vast army to numerous to count. Soldiers jump out front and thrown down their shields as cover. No sooner than they do that we are flooded by the quick moving zombie aliens that only attack melee. They are pouring up the hill and we're trying to kill them as quickly as possible. I'm trying to pop them off from behind the shields with my sniper rifle while the three soldiers lay down heavy suppresion fire from their mini guns. but they are starting to break through the line and and manage to pick off a couple of the other spec ops guy and a medic. The remaining medic is trying to revive them while I'm now trying to give ammo to the soldiers to maintain the line.

What I haven't mentioned is that this entire time hundreds of bullets from the guys at the bottom have been showering us. The shields absorb most of it, but some of the bullets still make it through. At the bottom of the hill they have their own soldier class throwing down huge shields preventing us from picking off anything more than the stray monster or two. Which becomes tricky after we've finished off all the melee attackers and push down the hill. With much gusto the soldiers push on with the barriers while I and a medic stay close to them. We're pushing their numbers back but as soon as we get to the bottom another wave hits. Tons of them, no idea how many. Twenty? Thirty? Lots. They crush us. I die in a swarm of bullseye fire, and as the camera zooms out from my body I see the skull icons of all my dead allies. None of us survive except a couple of the spec ops guys at the top of the hill who didn't follow. The enemy begins to push up the hill. If nobody revives you, then you automatically respawn where you died after 30 seconds (which feels like an eternity in the organized chaos taking place). I wake up in the middle of a swarm of chimera. I make a charge back up to the top of the hill to rejoin my allies and attempt to push them back down, seeing as how the other direction is nothing but an endless death march. I die within a second of living again.

We eventually fight them back, but it's just a non stop slaughter with the occasional breather so everyone can stop and pat each other on the back, as well as heal each other and give out ammo. The co-op campaign is insanity. But a very good kind of insanity.

Screw this, I'm going back to the beta.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

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yo_john117 said:
well i guess resistance 2 is the only game you've ever played :p



is the killzone 2 beta out yet!? and if so where can i get it? i just received my code for the R2 beta and i will be booting it up very shortly

"If new things are so great, where have they been the whole time?"

i need to play kz2 beta =(

resistance 2 was soo good.

i've been playing competitive 60 player matches for a while and its freaking aweseome. I am not to sure about the coop though, its fun but, i cant change weapons. Do you have to level up to gain more weapons or what?

masterb8tr said:
i've been playing competitive 60 player matches for a while and its freaking aweseome. I am not to sure about the coop though, its fun but, i cant change weapons. Do you have to level up to gain more weapons or what?

When you level up, you can unlock secondary weapons.  At the beginning though, you will only have the one gun you start with (chaingun for the soldier, marksman for the spec ops, medic gun for the medic).

My thoughts about the Resistance 2 Beta:

Lag-free.  Smooth framerates no matter how much is happening on screen.

Co-op REQUIRES teamwork.  Lots of teamwork.  In fact, there is probably no other game out right now that requires this amount of teamwork.  The number of enemies generated with 8 players is insane.

Competitive can be crazy.  TDM generally turns into a clusterf*ck.  Haven't tried skirmish mode yet, so I can't comment on how the dynamic squad mission thing works.

Graphically a little lacking.  I'm not sure if this is due to it being the multiplayer component (better art assets for singleplayer?), but so far it's not very impressive.  The scale of the game IS impressive though.  Maps are absolutely huge.

Overall it's been pretty fun.  I don't think I'll be getting into the competitive aspect, as it's not really my cup of tea (I'm looking forward to KZ2 much more for this aspect).  Co-op is tons of fun though, especially since it seems like everyone generally tries to work together as a team.  Haven't really met any asshats playing co-op so far.