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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - really hope halo wars does good

I really hope this game does good and gives Ensemble some credit among console gamers that might not have played their games on PC which every one of them have been awesome, They've got a real shot at getting the attention with the Halo universe as the setting and I can't wait to see how this game turns out.

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anything with the name halo attached to it will do well

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I like RTS games, but a RTS game on a console ... mmm ... never worked for me.

i'm sure it will sell good or great cause of halo name. But i hope it doesn't hurt the image of an RTS game because of being on consoles.

The game will do well but I guarantee it will be bad or overly generic at best.

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twesterm said:
The game will do well but I guarantee it will be bad or overly generic at best.


I try to stay optimistic.

hey i'd have great hopes for the game being a good game, but as being on the console i have to agree with twestern. I could not imagine playing any RTS game without a mouse. Well maybe the Wiimote might work, but still doubtful. The pointer for Wii mote is quite big for precision. You know like pointing on the mini map to quickly move to area you want.

irstupid said:
hey i'd have great hopes for the game being a good game, but as being on the console i have to agree with twestern. I could not imagine playing any RTS game without a mouse. Well maybe the Wiimote might work, but still doubtful. The pointer for Wii mote is quite big for precision. You know like pointing on the mini map to quickly move to area you want.


Me and a pal of mine had the most epic rts game online last year.  It was a 5 hour(i kid you not) assault of Bombadils, Balrogs, Mirkwood archers, etc on BFME.  It was awesome.  We lost, but it was still awesome.  Mouse is the best for rts, but since everyone else was using a controller, it really doesn't matter to me.

irstupid said:
hey i'd have great hopes for the game being a good game, but as being on the console i have to agree with twestern. I could not imagine playing any RTS game without a mouse. Well maybe the Wiimote might work, but still doubtful. The pointer for Wii mote is quite big for precision. You know like pointing on the mini map to quickly move to area you want.


Actually, me not being optimistic about the game have nothing to do with consoles, it has to do with the studio closing.

You don't close the studio with a month left of work for a good game, you do that for that a bad game that you just want out the door.

I think it will sell well, but a lot of people will return it cause a lot of people will buy it blindly for the Halo name.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling