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Forums - Gaming Discussion - could Sony and Microsoft to exit console wars after PS3 and Xbox 360?

^Better still, don't call their console name "Xbox" at all. Invent another crazy term for it instead.

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Imperial said:
TheTruthHurts! said:
Oh, and MS just posted a profit in the gaming division for last quarter. Guess the doom and gloom is a bit pre-mature. MS stock is currently on the rise....just reported on Fox News!


*sigh* that's the entertainment devision which includes the gaming division (keyword include) that division also accounts for Zune , media centres etc . It's not exactly clear how much the 360 contributes or takes from the divisions profit but more likely than not (especialy with the recent price cuts ) the XBOX 360 is not profitable.

 Though I value your opinion.........Prove it, because I dont see it!!   In fact, the article states that due to substantial increases in 360 hardware sales and Live revenue the MS has seen substantial PROFIT last quarter.  Hmmmmm, seems the 360 is profitable to me.......not sure if its profitable to the Sony Defense Force though.....;). 


kylohk said:
^Better still, don't call their console name "Xbox" at all. Invent another crazy term for it instead.

Actually that'd probably be even worse.

Microsoft has put a lot of effort into making the Xbox brandname worth something.  It'd be a shame to throw it away now.

Microsoft uses the Xbox as a tool to push Direct 3d/Direct X. Im pretty confident that even with the current situation of consoles that if the next Xbox isn't blisteringly expensive it will at least be extremely techy on the GPU front and forward compatible to at least halfway through the feature set of the next direct X generation after release.


thanks for the comments guys

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