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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft is so cheap! They make you buy your own coffin now!!!!!!

That what happens man.



Take my love, take my land..

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ironmanDX said:
Tha is a stupid agument, the box is for the protection of the 360, what is the point of sending it to get repaired in the mail only to recive it broken because it did not have sufficent protection.... Wake Up.

1) You're not going to receive the same 360 you sent in.

2) Microsoft doesn't send it back in the box you mailed it to them in.

Plus I never said I would do it myself.  It was just to highlight that you can a) Get free boxes and b) the argument of supplying your own "box" is pretty dumb.  I would take mailing it off myself to save 3-4 business days over the other option.


Completed X360:
High Def Movie Collection

how long do you want to wait for MS to ship you a box and packing label?

pbroy said:
What do you do if your PS3 breaks? Do they give you a box and foam? Is it free to repair?


I received a box and foam from them.  Its free if its within the first year, but they do make exceptions to the rule very often.  If its not under warranty the repair bill is $150.  The box they sent was also very thick and well built, i could stand on the box and i doubt it would break.  Unlike the old 360 repair box which was very cheap and thin.

pbroy said:
What do you do if your PS3 breaks? Do they give you a box and foam? Is it free to repair?


They send you a box with foam and platic covers with a sheet of directions. The warrenty is good for a year after purchase then it's $150.

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makingmusic476 said:
pbroy said:
What do you do if your PS3 breaks? Do they give you a box and foam? Is it free to repair?


They shipped me a box, and everything was free, despite my ps3 being a month out of warranty.

Sony has improved significantly from last gen in this regard.


Wow, that is awesome.

Words Of Wisdom said:
makingmusic476 said:
pbroy said:
What do you do if your PS3 breaks? Do they give you a box and foam? Is it free to repair?


They shipped me a box, and everything was free, despite my ps3 being a month out of warranty.

Sony has improved significantly from last gen in this regard.


Wow, that is awesome.

Sony have been pretty good in the past. Never had a problem with my PS3, but when my Viao laptop died a delivery guy came round my house the day after i called, put it in a foam filled box (with a space that fitted my laptop perfectly!), sealed it in front of me and whisked it away to get fixed! it was back 4 days later. I've stuck with Sony products ever since.


Atari 2600, Sega Mega Drive, Game Boy, Game Boy Advanced, N64, Playstation, Xbox, PSP Phat, PSP 3000, and PS3 60gb (upgraded to 320gb), NDS

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Favourite game: Killzone 3

You can still get a BOX and Label shipped if you complain you can't print out the label, and also complain about the box. I did (this was in August tho) and they did both. Granted you'll have to wait longer. Just complain.

Anyways MS is doing this to save even the few dollars. They are aiming for a obvious profit till the 720 even if they have to save a dollar here and there. If they get one million RRODs from now till Xmas just itmes that by four or five dollars, whatever the UPS cost is. You're still getting free shipping and repairs in the RROD warranty.

It's just that simple.

I just called Microsoft yesterday. My xbox died two days ago. You have 3 options for shipment

1) They email you electronic label you print off and mail back with your own box (quickest way obviously)

2) They mail you box with return label

3) They mail you just return label and you use your own box (not sure why this is an option but it's there).

Says as much in the email from Microsoft about repair. I can copy & paste the whole thing if people really want to see it.

Completed X360:
High Def Movie Collection
jasonnc80 said:
I just called Microsoft yesterday. My xbox died two days ago. You have 3 options for shipment

1) They email you electronic label you print off and mail back with your own box (quickest way obviously)

2) They mail you box with return label

3) They mail you just return label and you use your own box (not sure why this is an option but it's there).

Says as much in the email from Microsoft about repair. I can copy & paste the whole thing if people really want to see it.


No don't do it. You will hurt another biased topic from the Sony-Fanatics.


Evan Wells (Uncharted 2): I think the differences that you see between any two games has much more to do with the developer than whether it’s on the Xbox or PS3.