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Forums - General Discussion - GOP spent 150k on Palin's clothes; "regular hockey moms" put off

Ok people. Lets sort out why this is a news story, as some seem to think it's an issue of "she can't have nice things" Of course she can, she's a state governor . She's rich and she can afford nice things. No one will begrudge her that.

There are however, two issues.

Issue one: It's always fun to get a reminder that a person is rich and can buy nice things when they are running on the position of being just an average middle class schmoe. Again, it's not what she can buy that's at issue, but the image she is so determined to put forth.

Issue two: You're making the campaign pay for your clothes? Fuck that! When I ran in the federal election, I actually didn't have a suit. I needed to buy one for debates and interviews. The riding association offered to pay for it but I passed. The campaign pays for the campaign, I can pay for my personal possessions. So I payed for the suit, I still have that suit, and the riding was able to purchase more signs and pamphlets. The thought of getting the campaign to pay for your clothes seemed absurd to 10 dollar an hour stof, so why the hell does it seem rational to a state governor?

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

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Moongoddess256 said:
I read the article. The article also says the DNC and obamas campaign have not paid for their clothing. Just hair and makeup.

I'd prefer that these rich people buy their clothing with their own piles of money.


 McCain, Biden, Obama all are what you would call rich. McCain more than the others (his wife is worth millions...)

The Palin's total net worth is 1 million. Not bad, but not rich. If the GOP wanted her to look professional, and she had to pay for it herself, they would have had to sold their house to pay for this... lol.

The Palin's are upper middle class... She has only been on a govs salary for 2 years, she made like 55-60k a year as mayor. Again decent, I would assume during those years while she was mayor Scott and Sarah puller in over 100k a year... Again, well off, but not rich.

But then again, rich is a relative term, if you are working at McDonalds, to you yes, SP is rich. I am saying on the average scale, especially compared to most politcians.

John Kerry is the richest of the all I believe (again, the wife)

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

stof said:
Ok people. Lets sort out why this is a news story, as some seem to think it's an issue of "she can't have nice things" Of course she can, she's a state governor . She's rich and she can afford nice things. No one will begrudge her that.

There are however, two issues.

Issue one: It's always fun to get a reminder that a person is rich and can buy nice things when they are running on the position of being just an average middle class schmoe. Again, it's not what she can buy that's at issue, but the image she is so determined to put forth.

Issue two: You're making the campaign pay for your clothes? Fuck that! When I ran in the federal election, I actually didn't have a suit. I needed to buy one for debates and interviews. The riding association offered to pay for it but I passed. The campaign pays for the campaign, I can pay for my personal possessions. So I payed for the suit, I still have that suit, and the riding was able to purchase more signs and pamphlets. The thought of getting the campaign to pay for your clothes seemed absurd to 10 dollar an hour stof, so why the hell does it seem rational to a state governor?


 she is not rich...

The campaign should pay for the clothes if they want her to have them... now if she was like I need really nice clothes, but I refuse to pay for it, that is a different story.

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

The issue wouldn't be a big deal with any other running mate, ever. It's McCain's running mate. John "CFR" McCain. The last string of his dignity in this election.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

It can't be sponsored :s?

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Bigjon, many of us work hard for only 10k a year. That remark about well maybe if you work at McDonalds seemed a bit condescending. It irritates me that people ignore the fact that poor people exist. You know, college educated poor people with excellent credit and no kids.

Just sweep it under the carpet.

[2:08:58 am] Moongoddess256: being asian makes you naturally good at ddr
[2:09:22 am] gnizmo: its a weird genetic thing
[2:09:30 am] gnizmo: goes back to hunting giant crabs in feudal Japan

Ridiculous! You can look great without spending a fortune, this comes from a girl, I know what I'm talking about.

This is actually irrelevant compared to the story that she used state funds in hotels and planes for her children in official state trips.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

I disagree the most girls look better how lesser the clothes they have on.

Sweet. Are her clothes going to run the country?

Im getting so tired of both parties avoiding the main concerns of the citizens, like what they will do to help the country. Both sides spend so much time putting down the other person that I have ZERO faith in either side. Both sides FTL.

The government structure of this nation has entirely failed us.