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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony has the strongest Lineup this holiday season

the biggest games this holiday ar gears..fable..resistance .lbp...motorstorm 2..and wkc...hence ps3 has the better lineup

URNOTE Proud Owner of a 60GB PS3 Console (Purchased 12/22/06)

 #1 reason MGS4 is PS3 exclusive  xbox is too loud for snake to sneak around
PSNTAG= Xander732

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URNotE said:
the biggest games this holiday ar gears..fable..resistance .lbp...motorstorm 2..and wkc...hence ps3 has the better lineup


Hence you missed Portal for the 360 and also Left 4 dead so that means 360 has a better line up.  But to be honest both the 360 and PS3 have strong line ups this christmas

PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks

soulsamurai said:
I have to say they both have a great line up this year. IMO i like the ps3's a little more. Mainly cause the big xbox titles i don't care for to much.

Here's a random guy who you guys don't even care or know about's opinion on coming games.


1. LittleBigplanet - Was gonna rent it to see how it is before I buy it, but luckily i got invited to the beta.....I have to say it's a must buy.

2. Resistance 2 - Got the beta for this one as well. I don't know if I' am going to get it or not. I hear Killzone 2 is better and that's the one I' m looking forward to, but I will say it is fun

3. Motor Storm: Pacific Rift - I like some racing games, but this isn't my forte. Could care less. Might rent.

4. Socom: US Navy Seals Confrontation - I love Socom but i loves MGO a lot more... I' am at a 50/50 whether I'm going to buy or not. Like I said, probably just wait for Killzone. (i know different genre, but MGO and Fallout will tie me over until then)

5. Valkyria Chronicles - This is the biggest surprise ever for me. I downloaded it from qore, and I FRICKING LOVED IT. This is #1 on my list right now.

6. Bioshock (not exclusive but ps3 this season) - I use to have on the 360. Might rent it again for the special features and another play through)

Xbox 360:

1. Fable 2 - I had the first one on PC.....i didn't like the game at all. Doesn't mean others didn't, but this is just hot air to me.

2. Gears of War 2 - I didn't care for the first one either. It's not a bad game I just think the competition is better.

3. Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts - I use to play banjo Kazooie all the time on my N64. I loved the games, I'm just not so sure about it on the 360. It's a hit or miss.

4. The Last Remnant (timed Exclusive) - To me this just looks it should be FFXIII however because they had already announced and finished production before it they decided to change the name. However the gameplay (somewhat) and graphics look like it will be FFXII. I'm short on money atm, and this isn't particularly grabbing me. I'll snatch it up later.

5. Left 4 Dead - ......I don't even know why this game is being talked about it looks like pure garbage. The graphics look horrible and the game itself looks like it will play clunky. If I wanted to play something with that many things coming out me and fast paced I would play a Serious Sam game.

6. Lips - everyone else has said a knock off of singstar. I don't even like singstar, i would rather just sing on rockband and have fun with a bunch of people.


1. Mirrors Edge - This looks interesting, but the question on everyone's mind is can they pull it off. Rental first.

2. Call of Duty 5: world at war - I don't think they should have gone back to WW2, and look what happened when MOH went to Japan. If they can pull it off, good for them, otherwise meh, think I will stick to my 4 for the time being.

3. Prince of Persia - I know they're going for art style, so i can't knock on graphics, but it just doesn't look right to me....something seems missing. I' m gonna play this one before I do any more Judging.

4. World Tour - ........lame, rockband, ripoff. While you can say they ripped off the arcades or that rockband ripped off guitar hero......I'm gonna stick with my rockband considering i already have a built up libary of song that can be transferred. However im not gonna buy rockband 2 for a while many other games coming out and i honestly don't play them unless i have some company over.

5. Rockband 2 - Read above.

6. Farcry 2 - I didn't play the first one, and the second one has piqued my interest upon hearing its sandbox....I really want an Oblivion type game that is a FPS which hopefully will be.........

7. Fallout 3 - This looks really interesting. I pre-ordered it for ps3. While I'm disappointed to hear it plays worse on ps3, my 360 broke one too many times and I realllly don't want another one. Hopefully this is the game I want it to be.

8. Silent Hill: Homecoming - I own the game, but i haven't played it yet. I told myself i wasn't gonna play it until Halloween. ( I made a pyramid head costume XD) I can't really say anything about this game considering I haven't played it yet, and even If I did I' am a huge fan of the series. I don't know if it would make my opinion harsher cause I'm expecting a lot or softer cause I' m stricken with glee.


Left 4 dead is not about he graphics, graphics dont make the game (look at portal made by the same developer), the reason people are talking about it are

1) Ite being done by Valve the makers or portal, team fortress and half life

2) Bringing a amazing multipplayer experience

3) It has zombies..

PS3, WII and 360 all great systems depends on what type of console player you are.

Currently playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Fallout 3, Halo ODST and Dragon Age Origins is next game

Xbox live:mywiferocks

Left 4 Dead will probably be a good game on the PC that is and the PC version will be the one to get not the 360 version.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.

"I believe Animal Crossing will outsell ALL THESE GAMES COMBINED, in Japan at last Laughing"

I predict your wrong and believe that the Japanese are too smart to allow that piece of shovelware to be so popular. Declining Wii sales over recent weeks would seem to indicate this. The PS3 is only selling so poorly in Japan now because they are waiting for the new models and bundles.

My most anticipated games:  Whatever Hideo Kojima is going to do next, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake, Wii Sports Resort.  Cave Story Wiiware.

Around the Network
CGI-Quality said:
@ Slippery

You gotta be kidding if you think LIPS will have anything on SingStar - now you've lost your mind, nice try though, but

Lips is gonna be better than SingStar. Why? Because you can use your iPod music for it. Being able to do that increases the song list like ten fold and adds much better music because it's your personal stash. Sure that's my opinion but I don't think people can disagree that their own music library is better than the 30+ songs they put in karaoke games.


xeroxm3 said:
CGI-Quality said:
@ Slippery

You gotta be kidding if you think LIPS will have anything on SingStar - now you've lost your mind, nice try though, but

Lips is gonna be better than SingStar. Why? Because you can use your iPod music for it. Being able to do that increases the song list like ten fold and adds much better music because it's your personal stash. Sure that's my opinion but I don't think people can disagree that their own music library is worse than the 30+ songs they put in karaoke games.



 LOL. CGI-Quality. Oh dear. With just a tad bit of advertising about using youe ipod,Zune or normal MP3 player with Lips will make Lips double the sales of Singstar easy. Hmmm geee let me see. thousands of songs that I actually like and want to sing, or 40 songs of which 3 or 4 I might not mind. You choose. Also wireless mics.

ssj12 said:
endimion said:
RAH you are so annoying with your *pre puberty voice of a 14 years old acne invaded moron geek* "nah it's not XB exclusive it's on PC" look at it any way you want it's not PC exclusive it's Microsoft exclusive...... you don't run on an MS platform or OS you can't play.... who is retarded enough not to get that concept ???? they have game for windows for a reason... why should they reduce their market just to have a couple of hard headed people say yeah it's 100% exclusive..... it's exclusive to MS.... that's why we have a microsoft forum and not an XB forum... trust me if sony was running their own OS they'll do exactly the same......

now the list.... was it supposed to be sarcastic ????

1) LBP... that game that is closer to a physic engine tech demo with a background mapped and drawn by a 5 years old who happened to find a box of crayola... that goes from left to right... like platformers i was playing 20 years ago ????

2) resistance 2... not a chance to do better than gears 2

3) Motorstorm 2.... well another tech demo for the first one... not worth the price... but it's a nice game i'll give you that...

4) socom.... like you said for hardcore fans... so not really a line up pusher...

now i'm not saying any line up is better... but this is not a sexy line up IMO

and just a note about lips versus singstar.... regional bundles OK?????? well lips can run any DRM free mp3 you have on your MP3 player or any storage device... wait a second napster just got its entire library DRM free... itune and amazon are following... so there you go singstar just got buried in one click

you are.. nevermind..

I'll go through your flamebait..

1. You realize you can play games on Macs and Linux too right? Well how about that. Games for Windows? I dont buy any PC games with that label on it. And you missed my point because The Agency shouldnt be on the PS3's list of exclusives due to its PC version.

2. SOCOM - it really isnt for just the hardcore. Its just that the majority of the fanbase is from the PS2 era. PS2 era gamers = hardcore?

3. Who cares if LIPs has one feature better then the other. When does feature A and B matter when SingStar is a well known name and LIPs isnt.



hmmm i'll admit i didn't check the list entirely.... but you'll have to show me a game said XB exclu that is on PC too... that is not released just for windows.... i just check the mac game list on apple website and didn't see any...... and yeah you might have an exception that confirms the rule....

and about the game for window label... if you don't buy any games with it... well get ready to stop buying games on PC then because you'll see that tendancy increase rather than the opposite....

what i meant with hardcore is not hardcore gamers... but hardcore fan of the serie... so pretty much what you are saying... people who got into it on PS2

about singstar Vs lips... come on it's a karaoke game.... it's impossible to mess up.... so yeah a little advantage makes the difference.... I can play any song I want... or close to it... for me that makes all the difference in the world for a karaoke game....


I wasn't targetting anyone when I blasted on the PC xb exclu old argument.... it's just that it is annoying... everybody knows that when it says exclu it means not on PS or Wii nothing more... it's just to have something to say that people use the NAH IT'S ON PC argument..... and when people say it will be better on PC... that's true.... but what percentage of people have a rig that actually can make a game better than on XB.... not that many... and if it's to play on a laptop... i'll go any day with a XB version even if my laptop runs better...

without saying that the local multiplayer on some games makes it more interesting on XB than PC...


sorry if you felt offended... it wasn't the objective...


but that line up is not bad but if you strip off the graphical quality or engine of those games you have not much to rely on.... i mean a game is not suppose to be only a tech demo... i paying for more than that... for a real concept, innovation, story.... I don't like Sony but i'll be the first one to admit they had at least that spark of originality and creativity not so long ago... with that line up it just look like they want to make a point that the PS3 is more powerfull and can put out better graphics than the other and that's it... their games lack totally of subtence... IMO

that's why i'm saying it's not sexy.... if the PS3 is that much more powerful than the other... I expect way more than what they offer so far..... especially at the price most people bought their PS for most of them....

about lips.... keep in mind the MP3 MUST BE DRM FREE.... (finally got rid of that scam.... DRMs should be illegal at least in the current form... i don't support piracy... but i don't see why if i'm an honest customer that buys legally my music i should have the limitation the DRMs force on me.... I'm being punished for being honest and paying ???? what a hell???)
and last time i checked any storage device that can be hooked up by USB port on XB can be read... and you can have your music on the XB... i don't see why it wouldn't be the same for the game..... I haven't seen any info news saying the opposite... hell you can even plug your PSP on an xbox....

ok now show me the light... what is so amazing about LBP ????? tell me ????

same with motorstorm 2... i mean we are talking about a dirt race game.... don't see it being big for long... beside the US market maybe...

to me those game will sell more because people don't really have better to buy than because they are amazing.... put the exclu XB and PS3 have multiplat.... my organs for sale that the current XB exclu would sell better than the PS ones