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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PSM says Fallout 3 better on PC/360 than PS#...ouch!

ZenfoldorVGI said:
leo-j said:

WHy would it be expected? Oblivion when released on the PS3 was superior on the PS3 than on the 360?

Why would fallout be worst?


I think they had extra development time for the PS3, like a year extra, and it barely looked better. :P

360 version now has exclusive DLC and undeniably looks better.

Everytime a 360 game looks worse, you blame it on 360 hardware reaching its limit. Everytime the PS3 version looks worse you blame the developers. Isn't that correct?

Either way, the 360 version is clearly the version to purchase here:

A. Custom Soundtracks

B. Achievements(trophies aren't an equal replacement until they become requesite)

C. Exclusive DLC

D. Better graphics

E. Less pop-ins and glitches

No wonder PSM gave it a 9/10 and OXM gave it a 10/10. Sounds like they both got it right.

Not a deal breaker for the PS3 version, but mutliplatform owners might wanna choose the 360 version.

Note: I realize this post has certain flaws in logic, and I've be very willing to discuss them, if you would like to bring them up. Namely the disadvantages of the PS3 version being worth a whole point, but I was just pointing out the difference in the scores and their possible cause.

For the same reason that most people buy Wii editions of multi-plat games: it's their only console.

If you don't have a 360 and you're interested in Fallout 3, the choice is pretty obvious.

Of course if you have both, odds are you also have a decent gaming PC, in which case... skip the 360 version as well unless you really, really, REALLY like achievement points.


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Ahh this must be part of Sony's evil plot to force gamers to buy LBP, first they move it a week back so as not to be crushed by Fable 2 then they ensure the PS3 version of Fallout 3 is horrid, ingenious!!!

I'm sure it looks good enough, it's amazing how easily bad graphical glitches can be ignored in FPS, so long as the blood splatters look good of course.

WAIT…I just had a really DEVIOUS and NEFARIOUS thought…this news is just hitting today, and so maybe this has something to do with a certainly like rag boy game coming out head-to-head against Fallout 3. This is NOT to say it isn’t the truth, since I’ve yet to see a running 360/PS3 comparison that displayed the superiority of the PS3…heck, I’ve yet to see a native PS3 game superior to top line 360 games, but the fact is that it’s going to look REALLY bad if Fable 2 totally blows out sales figures this week for an RPG, then Fallout 3 blows out the competition next week as well. So, in order to avoid that, PSM sways it’s undying fans to skip Fallout 3, and get the other game…aaaahh…influence buyers, like the comments from Soulja Boy about how the PS3 sucks. Nefarious and Devious, but if LBP fails to break the bank next week…YIKES!

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

The PS3 is DOOMED! Not really, people should stop the stupid discussion of "X game looks better on X360" and "Y game looks better on PS3"

||Tag courtesy of fkusumot - "Heaven is like a Nintendo theme park!"||Join the Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 American League HERE!||

Amazing that the Playstation 3 is 2 years old, and graphically still losing out to a system that's half the price.

...........How is that Blu-Ray and Cell helping out again? It's not like Bethsada is a chump company that can't develop games.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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Multiplatform games on PS3... heh


You're all forgetting that the PC version of everything is the best.  Stop lumping us in with 360, we're better than that.

PC + Wii owners unite.  Our last-gen dying platforms have access to nearly every 90+ rated game this gen.  Building a PC that visually outperforms PS360 is cheap and easy.    Oct 7th 2010 predictions (made Dec 17th '08)
PC: 10^9
Wii: 10^8

mrstickball said:
Amazing that the Playstation 3 is 2 years old, and graphically still losing out to a system that's half the price.

...........How is that Blu-Ray and Cell helping out again? It's not like Bethsada is a chump company that can't develop games.


Hmm...can you mention an Elder Scrolls game that wasn't full of bugs at release?

Because I can't.

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

Spankey said:
mrstickball said:
Amazing that the Playstation 3 is 2 years old, and graphically still losing out to a system that's half the price.

...........How is that Blu-Ray and Cell helping out again? It's not like Bethsada is a chump company that can't develop games.

Hmm...can you mention an Elder Scrolls game that wasn't full of bugs at release?

Because I can't.

I never encountered any major issues with Oblivion on X360 when it shipped. In fact, I think Oblivion only got 2 patches since it debuted.


Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

mrstickball said:
Spankey said:
mrstickball said:
Amazing that the Playstation 3 is 2 years old, and graphically still losing out to a system that's half the price.

...........How is that Blu-Ray and Cell helping out again? It's not like Bethsada is a chump company that can't develop games.

Hmm...can you mention an Elder Scrolls game that wasn't full of bugs at release?

Because I can't.

I never encountered any major issues with Oblivion on X360 when it shipped. In fact, I think Oblivion only got 2 patches since it debuted.


Yeah, all of Oblivions problems were as designed, not bugs.

The reasons the PC version is best because you can actually download user created content to fix all those things.


twesterm said:
mrstickball said:
Spankey said:
mrstickball said:
Amazing that the Playstation 3 is 2 years old, and graphically still losing out to a system that's half the price.

...........How is that Blu-Ray and Cell helping out again? It's not like Bethsada is a chump company that can't develop games.

Hmm...can you mention an Elder Scrolls game that wasn't full of bugs at release?

Because I can't.

I never encountered any major issues with Oblivion on X360 when it shipped. In fact, I think Oblivion only got 2 patches since it debuted.


Yeah, all of Oblivions problems were as designed, not bugs.

The reasons the PC version is best because you can actually download user created content to fix all those things.



Lol the PC version of Oblivion is so full of "design" issues that i still have problems playing it.

The same thing happened with Morrowind, Daggerfall and Arena.

Bethesda has quite a reputation for this on PC.

Luckily the 360 and PS3 versions of Oblivion don't suffer as badly but my whole point is that Bethesda is not a company known for immaculate releases.

Proud Sony Rear Admiral