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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - NEW Alan Wake PICS!!

enviroments are like wow

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makingmusic476 said:
Nice coat...

I think I said the same thing 20 days ago, haha..



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Well, if the 360 version can look like that, then the PS3's got nothing on it. Your statement would be accurate.

However, it's unlikely that the 360 version will be this good. Sadly. :/

The BuShA owns all!

Thats the PC version

It runs at 1080p

Plus those are also CUTSCENES

The x360 version will run at 720p and ofcourse will look much worse

PLUS it is not actual GAME PLAY but cutscenes

The gameplay images wont look that good even on PC

heavy Rain still looks better

CGI-Quality said:
My second most anticipated game this gen. However, first of all @ Roma: you are NOT funny. Second even though this looks good it's the PC Version so best looking CONSOLE game = no. Third, Heavy Rain is ALL IN-GAME ALL ON PS3 HARDWARE so best not to compare the two because it will only get ugly. Anyway, I'm EXTREMELY excited for this as I may now get it on PC instead of 360. However, knowing me, I might just get both versions and Heavy Rain to have my most anticpated games this gen in ALL their forms. I don't think this is the 360's answer to Heavy Rain as they are COMPLETELY different. But for me it's 1. Heavy Rain, 2. Alan Wake, 3. Killzone 2, 4. Final Fantasy Versus XIII, 5. Uncharted 2 - whenever it's OFFICIALLY announced. Yes that makes my top 5 most anticipated games - srry a bit off topic.

Yup...we will have to wait and see how the 360 version looks, since this is the PC screenshots, but I don't think the 2 versions will be be that different...I doubt Remedy is designing Alan Wake to be playable only on top end machines, like it was for Crysis.


"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

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That pics looks awsome!

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is it me or is it looking more and more like alone in the dark?(art direction wise)

anyways this game is one of the games that I love to see in 09,,I ll probably get it on the PC




This game looks sweet.

If its as awesome as it sounds and looks it will be the best true horror game of the generation.

Of course, I'm still hoping RE5 will switch back to being an actual horror game instead of a shooter in the next 6 months.

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I didn't realise Alan Wake was coming to the PC. Great news for me since I will now be able to play it. Looks like an awesome game!