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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Gears of War 2 ending leaked (Spoilers!!!!!!!!)

wow when i say weak ass you say bitch....weak ass....

seriously...thats the ending?? i am seriously dissappointed by that and im just gonna play my friends copy, not even gonna bother purchasing it. i thought they would expand more on the narrative this time around but alas proved wrong.

and wtf were those water effects? looked liked some top notch N64 graphics....and thats being nice

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How come no one has complained about the seemingly linear easy end boss fight?

The water did suck.

And GeoW doesn't have 500 story arch's. This one shouldn't be different.

@ Darth - I remember the locked threads about MGS4 was from non-labled spoilers. This one is labled and you have to be an idiot to watch the movie if you dont want to know the end

How come no one has complained about the seemingly linear easy end boss fight?


 1. Because he was huge and looked bloody amazing.

2. because there was probably alot more to the fight before that.

3. It just looked to damn good.

selnor said:
How come no one has complained about the seemingly linear easy end boss fight?


 1. Because he was huge and looked bloody amazing.

2. because there was probably alot more to the fight before that.

3. It just looked to damn good.


1. So...

2. Shouldn't a boss fight get harder and the linear part of it be the begining leading up to the bad ass part of the fight leaving on a good note?

3. Your opinion.

selnor said:
How come no one has complained about the seemingly linear easy end boss fight?


 1. Because he was huge and looked bloody amazing.

2. because there was probably alot more to the fight before that.

3. It just looked to damn good.


1. So...

2. Shouldn't a boss fight get harder and the linear part of it be the begining leading up to the bad ass part of the fight leaving on a good note?

3. Your opinion.

1. So.... whatever you want to make of it.

2. I didnt know there was rules the dev has to follow? News to me

3. I know, and many others to.


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wow your not serious thats it thats the whole ending.

*Al Bundy's My Hero*


*Al Bundy For President*

Waiting On GT7!!!

 PSN ID: Acidfacekiller

so sitting in a heli not getting hurt just pointing a laser at a dude for the very last fight is "to damn good" thats news to me

so sitting in a heli not getting hurt just pointing a laser at a dude for the very last fight is "to damn good" thats news to me

Like I said, the 20 mins before that we didnt see. And if Gears 1 boss is anything to go by, people will be pulling their hair out with the difficulty.


is the ending really 4 minutes? is that a joke?(I m not gonna watch it though as I don't want to ruin the game for my self)




Hard to judge if the effects are bad or not based off a youtube video thats pretty poor quality to begin with...I thought the whole thing looked pretty good considering that.

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