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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Gears of War 2 ending leaked (Spoilers!!!!!!!!)

DTG said:
DMeisterJ said:
Reasonable said:
It may be better in context, but it looks like good game / weak story / cliche writing and 'muscle men' emoting all over again... but then that's why it has a 2 at the end of the title after all? Did folks really expect it to be that different from the first one?

Also if you plan to buy game then try not to look of course... I'm not so I figured what the hell. Oh, and it's not that bad so have fun with it.

I expected it to be bigger, better, and more badass. That's what the creator of the game said.

He didn't say horribly crappy storyline. lolxD


Exactly, I'm almost definitely not buying this game after seeing the laughable ending.

The problem is the characters. They are way too stereotypical. It is kind of hard to care about stereotypical characters unless they actually break out of their stereotypes. Video game endings should be longer than 4 measly minutes for a story driven game.


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DMeisterJ said:
Reasonable said:
It may be better in context, but it looks like good game / weak story / cliche writing and 'muscle men' emoting all over again... but then that's why it has a 2 at the end of the title after all? Did folks really expect it to be that different from the first one?

Also if you plan to buy game then try not to look of course... I'm not so I figured what the hell. Oh, and it's not that bad so have fun with it.

I expected it to be bigger, better, and more badass.  That's what the creator of the game said.

He didn't say horribly crappy storyline.  lolxD

This is coming from a guy that never beat Gears of War :)    Why malign the story when you never beat the game on your 360?


Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

mrstickball said:
DMeisterJ said:
Reasonable said:
It may be better in context, but it looks like good game / weak story / cliche writing and 'muscle men' emoting all over again... but then that's why it has a 2 at the end of the title after all? Did folks really expect it to be that different from the first one?

Also if you plan to buy game then try not to look of course... I'm not so I figured what the hell. Oh, and it's not that bad so have fun with it.

I expected it to be bigger, better, and more badass.  That's what the creator of the game said.

He didn't say horribly crappy storyline.  lolxD

This is coming from a guy that never beat Gears of War :)    Why malign the story when you never beat the game on your 360?


I did beat the game, but I changed Gamertags. 

Back in 2006, I didn't have online, so I only had a Profile.  I recently began playing it again for the backwards achievements for Gears 2.

Your turn.  ^_^

swyggi said:
The narrator sounds like the one for the LOTR trilogy.


 noticed that as well, i am pretty sure its the same person.


Other than that water was not to good. I cant say anything on the story ect.

masterb8tr said:
swyggi said:
The narrator sounds like the one for the LOTR trilogy.


noticed that as well, i am pretty sure its the same person.


Other than that water was not to good. I cant say anything on the story ect.

The water looked fine to me.  No one should base the quality of the story on the ending.  For all we know, Gears of War 2's story could be among the best in the genre.


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Riachu said:
masterb8tr said:
swyggi said:
The narrator sounds like the one for the LOTR trilogy.


noticed that as well, i am pretty sure its the same person.


Other than that water was not to good. I cant say anything on the story ect.

The water looked fine to me. No one should base the quality of the story on the ending. For all we know, Gears of War 2's story could be among the best in the genre.



really? i thought it look very weird almost like a flat snake moving around. Although the water itself looked good, it moved weird and wasnt acting like any liquid i have ever seen.


And i agree people shouldnt judge the story based on this.

Whatever the rest of the game is like a 4 minute ending cutscene is inexcusable. The game will probably have less than half hour of cinematics going by this lousy ending.

DTG said:
Whatever the rest of the game is like a 4 minute ending cutscene is inexcusable. The game will probably have less than half hour of cinematics going by this lousy ending.

I think they will have a little more than that but what did you expect?  Did you expect the cutscenes to be as lenghty as MGS4's?  FYI, CliffyB said that he would never put lengthy(in other words, 45 minute) cutscenes in his games.  I don't think the quality of the story should be based on the amount of cimematics the game has.  Look at Half Life 2 and Bioshock as both games have little to no cinematics yet their stories get a lot of praise.


mrstickball said:
Kind of hard to make a judgment on a games' ending without knowing the 500 things that happen in between.

True.  But, the Ending is supposed to be amazing and good (despite all the bad endings in gaming history), supposed to be something that we look forward too.


  • 2010 MUST Haves: WKC, Heavy Rain, GoWIII, Fable III, Mass Effect 2, Bayonetta, Darksiders, FFXIII, Alan Wake, No More Heroes 2, Fragile Dreams: FRotM, Trinity: SoZ, BFBC2.
  • Older Need To Buys: Super Mario Bros. Wii, Mario Kart Wii, Deadspace, Demon's Souls, Uncharted 2.

There is definitely more to list that I want, but that's my main focus there.

mrstickball said:
DMeisterJ said:
Reasonable said:
It may be better in context, but it looks like good game / weak story / cliche writing and 'muscle men' emoting all over again... but then that's why it has a 2 at the end of the title after all? Did folks really expect it to be that different from the first one?

Also if you plan to buy game then try not to look of course... I'm not so I figured what the hell. Oh, and it's not that bad so have fun with it.

I expected it to be bigger, better, and more badass.  That's what the creator of the game said.

He didn't say horribly crappy storyline.  lolxD

This is coming from a guy that never beat Gears of War :)    Why malign the story when you never beat the game on your 360?


Because I've played the game right through on a friends 360 (see PS3 owners and 360 owners can be friends if they're mature enough!).  And he's played through MGS4 on my PS3, but that's OT.


So I'm maligning it because I've played it and its weak, derrivative, is written poorly and has a bunch of characters who lean towards the 'non belivable' side.  I also borrowed it on PC to see if the new chapters added much but they actually seemed to make the story worse as they interrupted what little flow there was.


Gameplay wise I found GeOW superb, which is no doubt why it scored so well.  But the SP campaign is pretty poor when compared to fare such as Half Life, etc. which have excellent SP campaigns.  Heck, Portal is only 3 hours long and is around 100 times better as an SP experience from a narrative perspective (better writting too).


I doubt I'll bother playing GeOW2 right through as it looks too similar and from the clip it looks like its going to be great gameplay weak story all over again.





Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...