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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Fallout 3 for the PS3 looks slightly worse than 360 version

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But it probably plays the same, so whateva.

I hope theres no other issues.


Nice way to cherrypick, when this is the essential part:

So, really, the difference between the Xbox and PS3 versions won't hamper your enjoyment of the game in ANY WAY. High-res textures or not, it's still the same huge, epic, absorbing, brilliant adventure.


(not by the TS, but by everyone pulling the article out of context)

I was wondering which sys I should get it for. Guess the 360 version

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And again we see the amazing powah of THE CELL...

All the smart people will buy it on the PC anyway so it doesn't matter.

It plays the same so thats what i wanted to hear

also Fallout 3 a port of the x360 version

in anycase i will get the game

Words Of Wisdom said:
All the smart people will buy it on the PC anyway so it doesn't matter.


 What are the Specs required?

I would buy it on PC, but I dont think my comp can handle it.

Hmm ok....