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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Do you expect the next Wii to get the 'main, big' 3rd party titles en masse?

Soriku said:
Legend11 said:

From my perspective it's only the smaller Japanese companies that are really lining up behind the Wii in Japan. It's pretty obvious why they're doing it since they rely so heavily on Japan for sales of their games. A large majority of those games will either never come to the West or if they do they will have little impact.

The bigger developers on the other hand realize that the Wii isn't the PS2 (for third parties) and are looking to build their presence outside of Japan in order to make up for the Wii's domination of Japan. It's pretty obvious what is happening when you listen to someone from Square Enix, Konami, etc, talk about focusing their games on the West.

What some people here seem to be hoping for (that the Wii will become for third party major exclusives what the PS2 was), I just don't see happening and I think those that do think it's going to happen are only fooling themselves.


Well your perspective is wrong. Namco has a new Wii Tales in the works, and of course Fragile is in the works. Capcom has MH3 (HUGE), Spyborgs, and Tatsunoko vs. Capcom in the works for the Wii. SE can't do anything because all their teams are (literally) busy (good thing most of their titles come out in 2009 though. ABOUT TIME.) For the smaller devs...a large majority won't come to the West? lol? All Marvelous's games are coming to the West. Suda's games come to the West. Kizuna will be brought over by XSEED to the West. So...what is this large majority? Who cares if they don't have a whoel lot of impact? We're mostly talking about JRPGs here, and most JRPGs don't anyway unless they're called FF or Tales of Symphonia so what's your point?

This makes no sense. All the Japanese comapnies criticized Japan for it's poor sales which mostly comes from the HD consoles when it comes to most games unless it's like MGS4 or something. The fact that Japanese-y games don't really sell in Japan on the HD consoles are the problem. As a result, most Japanese devs have to Westernize their games jsut so they can actually find a market. What does the Wii have to do with this? They haven't even mentioned the Wii. I mean just look at Kojima - his statment obviously didn't have the Wii in mind. The Wii isn't the PS2 for third parties, yes...but neither are the HD consoles. So once again...what's your point?

The Wii won't have the success of the PS2 when it comes to third parties, that I will agree with, but saying third parties (Japanese mostly I'm talking about...I'm lost as to what the Western devs are thinking. I think the Western devs can stick with the HD consoles no problem really but they'll still make some more good Wii games. As much as the HD consoles? Eh...not so sure I'd take that as a yes unless they get some weird realization...but you get the point. They seem to prefer the HD consoles.) won't put more games on the Wii is complete bull. If you kept up with the Wii's games (which I'm sure you haven't) you'd see there's been less Japanese announcements for the HD consoles comapred to the Wii. The big Japanese HD games you see like FF, RE, whatever? They started a long time ago. When was the most recent big Japanese third party game announced for the HD consoles that didn't start a long time ago? I'm sure you can't think of any. On the other hand, the Wii is the most viable console right now in Japan (especially for RPGs. Best selling current gen RPGs in Japan now are DQS and ToS: DotNW. Both spin-offs and on the Wii.) and there's nowhere to go for the Wii's sales but up in Japan. The PS3 and 360 sales in Japan compared to the Wii is...not so great.

I'm not sure I understand the comment I highlited.

After starting a lot stronger than the PS2 in Japan, the Wii has seen it's early lead compared to the PS2 erroded and is now selling a lot less than the PS2 was at the same time in its lifecycle.


PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

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sethnintendo said:
Fact is that Nintendo will release a new console system with a little better graphics than ps3/360 have right now. The technology will be so cheap they will be able to make money off the system from day one. They are gaining 3rd party support back lately and will hopefully continue to improve their relationship with them. I hope to see better quality 3rd party games on current Wii and next system. There are a few excellent 3rd party games but Nintendo games still dominate the sales on their systems. I am just waiting for the next F-Zero mainly......

I think your prediction really depends on the definition of "a little better graphics than the ps3/360" ...

Today, the Ati Radeon HD4870 is the top of the line graphics card but the die-size and energy consumption of the GPU are much more in-line with previous mid-line GPUs, and it is manufactured using a 55nm process. There should be a fairly major improvement on graphics over the PS3 and XBox 360 produce if you use a similar resolution and frame rate while rendering with this GPU.

Looking forward to 2011/2012 the Ati Radeon HD4870 will have similar performance to top of the line GPUs as the Hollywood processor from the Wii had to top of the line GPUs when it was released; and the Radeon HD4870's GPU would probably have a similar manufacturing cost to what the Hollywood processor had at the launch of the Wii.


Now, in no way am I claiming that Nintendo will use a GPU like the Radeon HD4870's GPU for their next system but people need to consider that surpassing that card's performance at an affordable price in the next generation will be a (fairly) trivial task.

Ail said:

I'm not sure I understand the comment I highlited.

After starting a lot stronger than the PS2 in Japan, the Wii has seen it's early lead compared to the PS2 erroded and is now selling a lot less than the PS2 was at the same time in its lifecycle.



It looks like the PS2 actualy started stronger and the wii will get the next big boost from holidays which could push it back up above the PS2

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Soriku said:

Not by a whole lot. There's been a severe lack of games on the Wii that would help raise Japan sales while the PS2 had games like FF.

But I wasn't even comparing it to the PS2.

The HD consoles are pathetic in comparison to the Wii in Japan which is what my point was...


Ok you just used a poor choice of words then :)

Typically when one says ' the sales can only go but up' it means the sales are really really poor and can not dip any worse but can only increase :P

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Yes, though I doubt it will be named Wii. Nintendo wants to keep things to 3 letters.

PC + Wii owners unite.  Our last-gen dying platforms have access to nearly every 90+ rated game this gen.  Building a PC that visually outperforms PS360 is cheap and easy.    Oct 7th 2010 predictions (made Dec 17th '08)
PC: 10^9
Wii: 10^8

Around the Network
Ail said:

I'm not sure I understand the comment I highlited.

After starting a lot stronger than the PS2 in Japan, the Wii has seen it's early lead compared to the PS2 erroded and is now selling a lot less than the PS2 was at the same time in its lifecycle.


Things to note:

  • The PS2 launched in march in Japan, Wii launched in december
  • The graph shows aligned launches
  • Those jumps in each line show the festive sales boosts



Gnac said:
Ail said:

I'm not sure I understand the comment I highlited.

After starting a lot stronger than the PS2 in Japan, the Wii has seen it's early lead compared to the PS2 erroded and is now selling a lot less than the PS2 was at the same time in its lifecycle.


Things to note:

  • The PS2 launched in march in Japan, Wii launched in december
  • The graph shows aligned launches
  • Those jumps in each line show the festive sales boosts



True :)

but if you look you see the PS2 has no jump at all for its first holydays period, which is why the Wii passed it by such a huge margin ( my guess is that it was even more supply constrained than the Wii was), following that however the PS2 slowly is catching up...

The big factor I think is the slope of the curves outside of holydays period.

The PS2 seem to follow the trend :

Year 3 > Year 2 > Year 1.

The Wii so far is doing Year 1 > Year 2 ( and year 1 was supply constrained, year 2 wasn't ).

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !