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Forums - General Discussion - What Do You Like Most About Global Warming?

I love how the theory and computer models surrounding Global Warming predict warming in the troposphere, we don't see any warming in the troposphere, and yet people are completely unwilling to question the validity of the theory and computer models.


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It will be warmer here !

@konnichiwa. One hypothesis (albeit with little evidence to prove it) is that global warming will cause the Gulf Stream to slow down severely or even stop. Since this is what stops the Northern half of Western Europe from being like Siberia it may not be warmer in Belgium =P

Rath said:


"Adjusting" the data to get the trend you want to show up in a data-set is called "Scientific-Dishonesty" in most areas of science.

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HappySqurriel said:
Rath said:


"Adjusting" the data to get the trend you want to show up in a data-set is called "Scientific-Dishonesty" in most areas of science.

Adjusting the data due to a known variable is perfectly normal. I assume you are talking about the diurnal drift when you say that?

In any case the 0.12 degrees per decade which is shown without the adjustment, while not near the 0.17 degrees expected, is still warming in the troposphere which you previously denied existed at all.


@Rath: I don't know much about this subject and especially these models used for predictions, but 70% accuracy doesn't seem bad for something as complex as long-term predictions relating to the global atmosphere.

I read the page you linked to and I don't see anything violating scientific principles there. They found a mistake in calculations and corrected for it, seems perfectly fine to me.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

The Day after Tomorrow.

Al Gore

PSN ID: clemens-nl                                                                                                                

That it shows how self involved people are thinking they're the cause of everything when the largest manmade cause of CO2 is infact...

Cows farting.

Do cows really fart that much more then every other wild animal on the planet?

Really now?

Even if they did... fart more then the millions of animals all over the place... that would mean the most effective way to combat global warming would be to cut down on meat.  Not all this other stuff we're trying to do.